…and the KGB in the White House

Those words of the title are not mine, they belong to my friend Vlad, a KGB man, in a warning to me a year before my emigration to the U.S. In America, it was the time of Carter’s administration and my friend Vlad, the KGB man, gave me a menacing picture of America’s future in our conversation, while walking along a Leningrad street in 1979:

“Please remember, America is in turmoil. It’s losing its moral compass. I’ve already told you that it is under the constant assault of Soviet Intelligence, which has infiltrated every facet of American society—the government, the arts, the unions, organized crime even played a role in the demise of the Nixon presidency. If these events progress in the same direction in ten years from now, the American treasury will be empty, like ours, the city streets full of crime, and the KGB in the White House.” He said it in one forceful breath…

At the time, listening to him, I felt threatened and intimidated, but nevertheless, I emigrated a year after that meeting with the man. Because the agenda, the objectives, and motivation of the Soviet Intelligence were clear to me: destruction of America and Western civilization by all means possible. You can read the entire conversation in the Chapter 17: Beyond Three Dimensions: Soviet Fascism, p.286, Baltic Winds: Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002.

It was then in the winter of 1979 when I also heard for the first time these two words put together: Soviet Fascism. Intimidated, tormented and threatened by those two words, I wanted to cast them from my memory forever. Forty years have passed by since then, and I am a different person now, an American citizen who dearly loves my adopted country. Beside my personal experiences, I learned a great deal of information about America and my mission is absolutely clear to me—defend America by writing about Soviet Fascism and identifying the evil ideology to educate all Americans. I have done it in all my books and columns during last decades.

I gave you that conversation with Vlad, the KGB man for a reason, because I see my America again in turmoil and losing its moral compass forty years later. Yet, the objectives, motivation, and agenda of Russian Intelligence remains the same.

Moreover, the predictions of the KGB man are coming true on all accounts as stated forty years ago: our treasury is almost empty, our streets are full of crime and the KGB in the White House. I am referring to Barack Obama’s presidency and drastic changes in the Democrat Party and American culture during the last forty years…

The first two points are obvious, the third one I have been writing about for the last thirty years—Soviet/Russian infiltration into all strata of our society. Just go to my book What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction, Xlibris, 2012. The Chapter 7, WW III: Recruitments and Drugs, Infiltration and Assassinations is directly listing the methods, tools, devises, and tricks used by the Russian Intelligence to destroy America from within. American national security has always been my major concern.

The Deep State of the KGB on American Soil

Today, in June 2017, forty years later, my great concern is still our national security. I’m watching how the Democrats are waging a total war against Trump’s administration and against the President himself. It is a real witch hunt. Yet, I am not surprised; for forty years the Democrats were soft on the Soviets, while our Academia had not educated Americans and the leadership of our Intelligence in the agenda of Socialism/Communism, and the coming danger. Today it is not the poverty that created terrorism, it is a Socialist/Communist ideology that infiltrated and uses Islam to fight Western civilization —the result you are witnessing yourself.

The campaign to orchestrate a Trump/Russia collusion is a carefully crafted fraud to cover up the real collaboration with the enemy by Obama’s clan. I am appalled by the mute, deaf, and toothless Republicans betraying our Republican President. They are ill-informed, incompetent, and missing the golden opportunity to confront the Democrat Party, the enemy within. Fortunately, some decent and knowledgeable Republican leaders are quite vocal, disturbed by this fraud.

Urgent Message from Michael Reagan

Dear Friend:

I am watching the cable news channels and I am just stunned.

This is a brazen attempt to oust Donald Trump as president.

This is nothing short of a coup attempt against the duly elected president.

David Horowitz predicted all of this in his bestseller “Big Agenda: President Trump’s Plan to Save America.”

Rush Limbaugh agrees with author David Horowitz – and says insiders want to stop President Trump and have even launched a “silent coup” against him!

Here is what Rush said: “I think it has a purposeful, studied effort and outcome, which is a coup. We are watching a silent coup here to oust a duly elected president, and this coup is being mounted by career government people who can traffic anonymously and who are protected by people in the media and within the Democrat Party.”

Both Michael Reagan and Rush Limbaugh are right in blaming the Democrats, yet, due to my personal experiences, I can add some other information. For the last eight years I have been writing about the Obama/Putin joint venture, especially highlighting the time of election 2016 described in my latest book Socialist Lies: From Stalin to the Clintons, Obamas, and Sanders, Xlibris, 2016. The book chronicles the KGB modus operandi (the knowledge needed today), when Obama’s shadow government is not alone conducting the war against President Trump. Obama/Putin joint venture has developed a unified enclave of un-American activities by the Democrat leadership, Clinton’s media-mafia and the KGB. The recent example of Soviet fascism on American soil you saw in the hand of comedian Kathy Griffin, it was a bloody head of our Republican President…  This is Radical-Fascist Left in action!

The targets are the Trump administration and its plans and agenda to >Make America Great Again. Some called this enclave The Deep State. Whatever the name of the enclave, it has adhered to the ideology of Soviet fascism and already created a constant stew of suspicions to divert attention from the real crime and real criminals. Obama/Putin joint venture or The Deep State will not tolerate building America Great Again. Hence, we can expect a long continuation of fraudulent activities, provocations, fake news, and disinformation in the best traditions of the Stalinist KGB. The best lawyer in the country Alan Dershowitz is right: “We can’t judge a person without evidence, like Stalin did.” Socialist Maxine Waters doesn’t understand that.

Stay tuned…

You will be surprised by the role Director Comey was playing in the above mentioned enclave. I would recommend you to find and read a most interesting and fairly accurate post about him by Lisa Frank, STATE OF THE NATION, May 18th. She is unwrapping James Comey from the aura of being an honest and highly professional man: “COMEY IS THE CENTRAL FIGURE IN THE SCHEME TO TAKE DOWN TRUMP.” You will also be surprised by the abuses of personal liberty, privacy, and spying on Americans by Obama’s scheme involving people from DOJ in cahoots with some members of the American Intelligence.

Yet, there is nothing wrong with the American system, Mr. Mark Zuckerberg! You should read my books and learn the evil nature of the ideology your Socialist professors didn’t teach you, and you are not the only one inculcated with Socialist propaganda and made up narratives. Unfortunately, two/thirds of Millennials do not know the true Socialism, they are defrauded by Political Correctness and can’t recognize the evil ideology. It is unthinkable in the country of the First Amendment to see how the students are rioting and fighting free speech on campuses and universities. You can see now how our culture transformed enormously for the last forty years. Do you know why? Just recall the agents of influence established by the Soviets in 1955.

House Intelligence Committee Chairman Davin Nunes, to a certain degree, confirms my ideas. He said: “Democrats don’t want an investigation into Russia… Because they want to continue the narrative that Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump are best friends…” The Washington Examiner, May 30, 2017. Davin Nunes is right. We are witnessing a typical KGB policy of Disinformation, executed by the Democrat Party to cover up the crimes committed. It is a fishing expedition by the Democrats to accuse Trump’s team and divert attention from the DNC leadership and the crimes committed by them …

The Betrayal of American Interests

If you haven’t read my books and don’t know historical events that were handed to us by the Democrats, let me give you a few examples for your judgment. Obama wasn’t the first, who collaborated with Soviet/Russian Intelligence, Bill Clinton was the first one.  I didn’t like Bill Clinton since I have seen him among a group of the Russian youngsters, organized by the KGB. Then, I found out that Clinton lived in the family of the KGB’s members in Moscow in 1970s. All of that gave me a real picture of the man. Later it was the election, where a suspicious threat to Ross Perrot made Bill Clinton the U.S. President in 1992. His connection with Russia has always alarmed me. His presidency just doubled my dislike to him, as an enormous harm had been done to America. I have dedicated pages in my books to the activities of the Clinton mafia…

Bill Clinton paved the way for a Nuclear North Korea in 1994. “Democratic president’s 1994 deal making with Pyongyang started a process that led to ICBM capabilities.” Today, in June 2017 we are threatened by that militant regime, created by Stalin in 1948. North Korea has been Russia’s marionette since then. The Trump administration is timely voicing alarm bells as North Korea inches closer to having a nuclear missile capable of reaching Hawaii or the West Coast of the United States.

“The North Korean deal of 1994 is the prototype for why open societies should not negotiate arms control agreements with rogue regimes.” Jim Stinson, updated March 2017. Reading the piece, you will find all the details of Clinton’s deal making with the Stalinist regime. One foreign-policy expert said he traces North Korea’s current saber-rattling to a nuclear deal made two decades ago by President Bill Clinton. And reading my books, we will find me talking about the Russian connection for the last twenty-five years.

There is another event that deserves attention and deep thinking about the Clinton Mafia. Do you remember Monica’s “blue dress?” I have found an interesting chronology connected to the “blue dress” in 1998. The FBI asked for Clinton’s blood sample to compare it with the sperm’s stain on the “blue dress,” three days later the terrorists committed two tragic blasts of American Embassies in Africa. Don’t tell me about the coincidences in life. It was the “work” of the Russian connection to divert attention from Clinton and “the blue dress.”

Pay attention to the Russian behavior in the management of diverting attention from the criminals connected to them. I gave you a lot of similar examples in Socialist Lies. Today we have a witch hunt of President Trump to connect him to Russia and to divert attention from the Obama administration and the Democrat Party… Let me give you another example of betraying the American interests and aiding the enemy. In the above mentioned book, Socialist Lies, I analyzed many events when Obama betrayed American interests to benefit Russia. Here is an interesting knot of events to confirm that.

I believe there was a connection between NATO’s actions in Libya and the presidential election in France in 2012. Do you remember a scandal of Dominique Strauss-Khan in the New York Hotel? It was during the time of a presidential election in France and Dominique Strauss Khan was ahead of President Sarkozy. Reading my books, you know that Russia wanted to monopolize the sources of oil in the world. You also know my opinion that all terrorist groups run by Russia are united by the ideology of Soviet Fascism.

Putin used the situation in Libya to continue destabilization of the region in 2012. To convince Obama was not difficult for Putin. In my interpretation of the events, Putin offered Sarkozy to eliminate Strauss Khan for a certain favors from Sarkozy, the latter agreed and Libya’s fate was decided. NATO got trapped in a middle of civil war in Libya. Putin wanted Libya’s oil and destabilization of North Africa. Organized crime was activated and Dominique Strauss Khan has disappeared from a political arena of France. Do you remember the Soviet document dated 1955? Organized crime was and is an integral part of Soviet Fascism. Today ISIS is running Libya’s oil or destroying the facilities to raise the price of oil on the market. Russia succeeds again and ISIS now infiltrated thirty-two countries… Does anybody in our Intelligence know this story?

I have to remind you another story, a list of military collaborations between the U.S. and Russia executed under the Obama/Putin joint venture:

  1. Killing of bin-Laden
  2. Invasion of Libya, conspiracy of Obama, Putin, and French Pres. Sarkozy.
  3. Benghazi, murder of the U.S. ambassador Stevens.
  4. “On 6 August 2011, a U.S. Boeing CH-47 Chinook military helicopter was shot down while transporting a quick reaction force attempting to reinforce an engaged unit of Army Rangers in Wardak province, west of Kabul, Afghanistan. The resulting crash killed all 38 people on board—25 American specialists … Fifteen of the Navy SEALs that were killed were members of the Naval… “

If thoroughly investigated, the listed events will open up a huge panorama of activities of the DNC leadership directed against the American Republic. Maybe our Intel is blocking information about my books and columns, because I am constantly writing about the Russian Connection? Maybe because it is the leadership of the Democrat Party that has the real treasonous connection with Russia. President Trump has not. There is no Trump’s Russia Tangle. My books and latest columns are analyzing the situation in this respect and will help a new appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to investigate the real Russian connection…

O’Reilly is right: “Allegations are not facts. Nobody’s searching for the truth anymore.”

I would also recommend to read my books to Jared Kushner, if he wants to serve the country. Contemporary Russia is our deadly enemy and a real awareness of it is imperative.

Observing a Memorial Day in the end of May, 2017, we paid respect to the memory of our soldiers, who sacrificed their lives for our freedom—a very touching event for many Americans. Widows and children of the Korean War and Vietnam are alive and were morning their spouses, fathers, brothers and sisters. I’d like to remind you that all recent wars had been instigated by the ideology of Soviet Fascism. Stalin started it in 1950 and all consequent wars, including the Middle East is a continuation of his policy and hostility to Western civilization. Special counsel Robert Mueller, investigating the Russian collusion, should be aware of that.

To be continued at www.simonapipko1.com or visit drrichswier.com/author/spipko/

©2023. Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

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