Army Recall ALARCT 2024: Army Looking to Recall Up to Age 68
I’ve heard from friend who has contacts in DOD Personnel that this could involve a “recall” of retirees up to the age of 68. I’m glad I don’t qualify for this potential recall.
Anyone volunteering for this must not have kept up at how totally woke all services have become at the top.
Army Seeks Retirees to Come Back to Work Amid Manpower Crisis
Micaela Burrow / @micaela_burrow /
The Army is seeking to bring back retired soldiers to fill critical manpower shortages, according to a service wide directive published this week.
The All Army Activities document describes how Army retirees can find and apply for open positions and aims to maintain a sufficient number of personnel to fill all of the Army’s authorized positions.
The message comes as the service publicly has acknowledged its struggles to balance a shrinking workforce with the demands of sprawling global mission sets as recruitment woes persist for a third year in a row.
“A review of commands’ requests for [the] fill of authorized personnel vacancies, in conjunction with current Army manning guidance, prompted review of how the Army can fill key and critical position vacancies,” the document states, outlining the situation. “The retiree recall program can be an effective tool to fill personnel shortages of authorized regular Army vacancies that are considered key and essential.”
It was unclear whether the Army already had identified manning shortages to be filled or was issuing the message in anticipation of future need. The Army didn’t respond to the Daily Caller News Foundation’s request for comments by deadline.
©2024. Royal A. Brown III. All rights reserved.
What is Retiree Recall?
A recalled retiree is a retired Soldier who is ordered to active duty from the Retired Reserve or the retired list under 10 USC 688/688a, 12301(a), or 12301(d) and serves in his or her retired status. Retiree Recall is not an extension of your MRD.
Who can approve a Retiree Recall?
The Assistant Secretary of the Army (ASA) of Manpower & Reserve Affairs (M&RA) is the authorized approver to recall retired Soldiers.
Who is eligible for Retiree Recall?
Personnel of all grades are eligible for retiree recall to Active Duty (AD). There is no age limitation, although personnel older than 70 not normally recalled. Recalled retiree Soldiers must be aligned to a valid AC vacancy with an exact grade and skill level match (“one up-two down” does not apply). The retiree population will be utilized as a last resort to fill AC requirements.
I’m currently drawing retirement and disability pay. Can I continue to receive those?
You may only receive one form of compensation while on AD. Usually, that will mean AD Pay and Allowances. Your retirement pay will be suspended. You must notify the Veterans Administration of your active service and make a pay election (i.e., suspend your disability payments). Failure to do so will result in collection actions for overpayment.
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How long is a recall?
Retired Soldiers voluntarily ordered to AD, in support of peacetime operations, will normally remain on AD from 1 to 2 years. Retired aviation officers are generally recalled for a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years.
Can I be promoted?
No. Retirees are not eligible for promotion. (AR 600-10, Chapt 2). Retired Soldiers will be ordered to AD in their current grade on the retired list unless otherwise directed by HQDA. Members of Retired Reserve must be ordered to AD in their reserve grade.
Can I be released early?
Yes. Retirees may be released for poor performance, lack of operational requirements, personal hardship, or other reason deemed appropriate.
Can my security clearance be reinstated?
Everyone is required to pass a National Agency Check with Local Agency Checks (NACLC) and Credit Check (also known as Tier 3) to be able to attain a Secret Clearance. Generally, those with less than two years into retirement are easier to process. You must, of course be eligible to hold the level of clearance that the job requires.
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I am still on Active Duty. What do I need to start?
Soldiers serving on AD who are immediately recalled (day after contractual obligation ends) must go through the actual retirement process and initiate DD2656 (Data for Payment of Retired Personnel) to allow DFAS to build a retired account. HRC will require either your retirement order or your DD214.
How do I find a position eligible for recall?
Currently, the only mechanism is for Commanders, ACOMs, Army Service Component Commands, Direct Reporting Units, and Army component commanders to request retiree support by one of two means: through a requirement-based request or a by-name request. There is no database or system to post and/or search for retiree recall positions.
What are the minimum requirements?
You must meet the medical fitness standards IAW AR 40-501, para. 8-17, which states “A current (within the past 12 months) periodic health assessment, separation health assessment, or retirement medical examination is required.” A civilian medical assessment may be substituted or you may be sent to a Mobilization Force Generation Installation (MFGI) who will validate your medical readiness before assignment. For mobilization, you must also meet standards for deployment to the theater of operations.
You must maintain personal fitness and stay within Army weight/body fat standards during period of active duty.
What do I need to submit?
HRC will provide you with a checklist of required documents. You must complete this checklist to be further considered for recall. Some additional documents and certifications may be required, but generally you will need:
- Command request memorandum • 1825 Rule Waiver request (can be combined with Command request) • Position Validation
- DA Form 160 (request for active duty) • DA5500–5501 (body fat worksheet)
- DA7349(Initial medical review) • Current PHA(consecutive tours)
- Security Clearance level and date • Retirement order or DD214
- Waiver of notice for deployments
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Where do I report?
Your report location for in processing will be located on your orders. Failure to report to the location specified will negatively impact your tour and may result in immediate revocation of the active duty order.
What are my entitlements?
Your pay and entitlements are the same as any other Soldier currently on active duty. CONUS and OCONUS tours follow the rules as outlined in the Joint Travel Regulation.
What else?
- Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Civil Relief Act applies to all retired Soldiers ordered to AD.
- Protection under Uniformed Services Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) applies • Recalled personnel do not receive additional entitlements to educational benefits,
unless specifically provided for by Congressional action.
- Recalled personnel ordered to AD are automatically enrolled in SGLI (unless declined) • Survivor Benefit Plan (SBP) Law stipulates a Soldier typically may not change previous
SBP election, however cost of coverage is suspended until Soldier is released from AD • Once AD period is complete, retired pay will be recalculated based on:
1) higher grade to which [if] appointed while on AD 2) Disability incurred or aggravated
3) Length of service on AD
- You must contact the VA upon completion of AD to reinstate your disability benefits
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120 days*
Force Requestor identifies a critical vacancy and selects a qualified Soldier (must be an exact match of Rank/Grade and MOS/AOC).
Soldier† completes the Retiree Recall
packet and submit directly to Human Resources Command
HRC conducts the initial screening
of the recall request, builds the packet, and forwards it to DMPM
† 90–120 days from start
OTJAG†† DMPM requests a legal
opinion from HQDA-Office of Judge Advocate General (OTJAG)
† † Minimum 30 days
Upon receipt of the legal opinion, the entire packet is routed through the HQDA G-1 DMPM, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, and the ASA (M&RA) for a final decision.
ASA M&RA Packet approved, routed back to HRC for orders production; only HRC may publish, amend, or revoke a recall order.
*for visualization only. Staffing times are approximate(except where noted).Please plan accordingly. DMPM Mobilization Division Team: usarmy.pentagon.hqda–dcs-g–1.mbx.mobilization–
HRC Retiree Recall website:
HRC Retiree Recall Team:
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Please Contact Human Resources Command or visit: or contact The Mobilization Division at the DMPM
- A) 10 USC 688 Retired members: authority to order to active duty; duties
- B) 10 USC 688a Retired members: temporary authority to order to active duty in high-demand, low-density assignments
- C) 10 USC 12301 Reserve Components Generally
- D) SEC ARMY Memorandum pursuant to Executive Order 13814 (2018)
- E) DOD Instruction (DoD I)1352.01 Management Of Regular And Reserve Retired Military Members (December 8, 2016)
- F) Financial Management Regulation (FMR) 7000.14-R – Volume 7B, Chapter 7: Active/Reserve Duty After Retirement (December 2019)
- G) Army Regulation 601-10 Management and Recall to Active Duty of Retired Soldiers of the Army in Support of Mobilization and Peacetime Operations (7 June 2019)
- H) Army Regulation 135-200 Active Duty For Missions, Projects, and Training for Reserve Component Soldiers (20 October 2020)
- I) Army Regulation 40-501 Standards of Medical Fitness (27 June 2019)
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U.S. Army Retiree Recall Process Flow
Force Requestor Identifies a critical vacancy and selects a qualified RR Soldier (must be an exact match of Rank/Grade and MOS/AOC).
≈ 90 total days
Force Requestor Completes the Retiree Recall packet and submits it directly to HRC RPMD
Conducts the initial screening of the recall request, builds the packet in DAMPS and will forward to the DMPM, MOB DIV.
The MOB DIV requests a legal opinion from the HQDA, OTAG. The packet is sent back to the MOB DIV.
The MOB DIV will SLAP the packet in ETMS2 to the HQDA G-1 DMPM and the DCS, G-1 to recommend approval or disapproval.
The MOB DIV will route the RR packet in ETMS2 to the ASA (M&RA) for final determination. The RR packet is routed back to HRC.
HRC will complete the orders production process. ** only HRC may publish, amend, orrevoke a recall order.**
Soldier receives orders and reports to unit of assignment.
≈ 120 total days
≈ 7-14 days ≈ 1-7 days ≈ 30 days ≈ 7-14 days ≈ 7-14 days ≈ 3-5 days
v Days: Business days v ARNG: Army National Guard
v ASA (M&RA): Assistant Secretary of the Army (Manpower & Reserve Affairs)
v COMPO: Army Component
v DAMPS: Department of the Army Mobilization Processing Systems
v DMPM: Directorate of Military Personnel Management v DCS, G-1: Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1
v EO: Executive Order
v ETMS2:Army Task Management System v.2
v FR: The Command Requesting the RR v HRC: Human Resources Command v MOB DIV: Mobilization Division v OTJAG: Office of the Judge Advocate
v RPMD: Reserve Personnel Management Directorate
v RR: Retiree Recall Soldier
v SLAP: Senior Leader Approval Process v USAR: United States Army Reserve
Regular Army (COMPO 1) (RA)
- 10 USC 688 / 688a • EO 13814
- DODI 1352.01 • AR 40-501
- AR 600-9 • AR 601-10
Reserve Components (COMPO 2 (ARNG) & COMPO 3 (USAR)
- 10 USC 12301(a) / 12301(d) • DODI 1352.01
- AR 40-501 • AR 600-9 • AR 601-10
General Officers (COMPO 1, 2, & 3)
- 10 USC 689 / 690 • EO 13814
- DODI 1352.01 • AR 40-501
- AR 600-9 • AR 601-10
vO7/ SES-equivalent command justification memorandum vDAForm160(request for active duty)
vDA5500-5501 (body fat worksheet) vDA7349(Initial medical review) v Current PHA(consecutive tours) v Security Clearance level and date v Retirement order orDD214
v FMS Web printout identifying the vacant AC position
Q1: What is Retiree Recall?
A1: Are called retiree is a retired Soldier who is ordered to active duty(AD) from the RetiredReserveortheretiredlistunder10USC688 / 688a, 12301(a),or12301(d).PerAR601-10,Recalledretiree Soldiers must be aligned to a valid vacant AC requirement that matches the grade and skill of the retiree before he or she may be recalled to AD. The retiree population will be utilized as a last resort to fill Active Component vacant requirements.
Q2: I am still on Active Duty. What do I need to start?
A2: Soldiers serving on AD who are immediately recalled(day after contractual obligation ends)must go through the actual retirement process and initiate DD Form 2656 Data for Payment of Retired Personnel)to allow DFAS to build a retired account. HRC will require either your retirement order or your DD Form 214.
Q3: What are the minimum requirements?
A3: You must meet the medical fitness standards IAW AR 40-501, 3-2. For initial tours you may utilize a DA Form 749 Annual Medical Certificate with page 2 signed by a physician. IAW AR 600-9, retirees must stay within Army body composition standards during period of active duty. Retirees who exceed standard will be placed in Army Weight Control Program.
Q4: How do I find a position eligible for recall?
A4: The only mechanism is for the Command to request retiree support by one of two means: through a requirement-based requestor a by-name request. There is no data base or system to post and/or search for retiree recall positions.
Q5: How long is the period of recall?
A5: RetiredSoldiersvoluntarilyorderedtoAD,insupportofpeacetimeoperations, will normally remain on AD from 1 to 2years. Retired aviation officers are generally recalled for a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years.
Q6: How does the FR request an extension for a Retiree Recall?
A6: Any extension requests requires the FR to generate a new recall packet; the packet will follow the same processing timeline and review/approval requirements.
Q7: Can I be promoted?
A7: No. Retirees are not eligible for promotion. (AR 601-10, Chapter 2-4). Retired Soldiers will be ordered to AD in their current grade on the retired list unless otherwise directed by HQDA. Members of Retired Reserve must be ordered to AD in their reserve grade.
Q8: I’m currently drawing retirement and disability pay. I am still eligible to serve as Retiree Recall and will I continue to receive these payments?
A8: Retire pay will automatically be suspended for retired Soldiers ordered to AD for over 30 days. On release from active duty (REFRAD), other than for training, retired Soldiers are entitled to credit the additional time served on AD for computation of retired pay. Disabled Veterans are still eligible to serve as a Retiree Recall however they must notify the Department of Veterans Affairs and make a pay election (i.e., suspend your disability payments). Failure to do so will result in a collection action for overpayment.
Additional Information and Points of Contact
Timeline: The Force Requestor must contact HRC to initiate the recall process at a minimum of 90 before the requested start date. The process can take 90-120 days from start to finish.
DMPM Mobilization Division Team: usarmy.pentagon.hqda– HRC Retiree Recall website:
HRC Retiree Recall Team:
Retiree Recall Program Overview
What is Retiree Recall?
- Are called retiree is a retired Soldier who is ordered to active duty(AD)from the Retired Reserve or the retired list under 10USC 688/688a,12301(a),or 12301(d). PerAR601-10,Recalled retiree Soldiers must be aligned to a valid vacant AC requirement that matches the grade and skill of the retiree before he or she may be recalled to AD. The retiree population will be utilized as a last resort to fill Active Component vacant requirements.
I am still on Active Duty. What do I need to start?
- Soldiers serving on AD who are immediately recalled (day after contractual obligation ends) must go through the actual retirement process and initiate DD Form 2656 Data for Payment of Retired Personnel) to allow DFAS to build a retired account. HRC will require either your retirement order or your DD Form 214.
What are the minimum requirements?
- You must meet the medical fitness standards IAW AR 40-501, 3-2. For initial tours you may utilize a DA Form 749 Annual Medical Certificate with page 2 signed by a physician. Retirees must stay within Army body composition standards during period of active duty. Retirees who exceed standard will be placed in Army Weight Control Program.
How do I find a position eligible for recall?
- The only mechanism is for the Command to request retiree support by one of two means: through a requirement-based request or a by-name request. There is no database or system to post and/or search for retiree recall positions.
How long is the period of recall?
- Retired Soldiers voluntarily ordered to AD, in support of peacetime operations, will normallyremainonADfrom1 to2years. Retired aviation officers are generally recalled for a minimum of two years and a maximum of three years.
Can I be promoted?
- No. Retirees are not eligible for promotion. (AR 601-10, Chapter 2-4). Retired Soldiers will be ordered to AD in their current grade on the retired list unless otherwise directed by HQDA. Members of Retired Reserve must be ordered to AD in their reserve grade.
I’m currently drawing retirement and disability pay. I am still eligible to serve as Retiree Recall and will I continue to receive these payments?
- Retire pay will automatically be suspended for retired Soldiers ordered to AD for over 30 days. On release from active duty (REFRAD), other than for training, retired Soldiers are entitled to credit the additional time served on AD for computation of retired pay. Disabled Veterans are still eligible to serve as a Retiree Recall however they must notify the Department of Veterans Affairs and make a pay election (i.e., suspend your disability payments). Failure to do so will result in a collection action for overpayment.
Force Requestor
Identifies a critical vacancy and selects a qualified Soldier (must be an exact match of Rank/Grade and MOS/AOC).
Force Requestor†
Completes the Retiree Recall packet and submit directly to Human Resources Command
† 90–120 days from start to finish
Conducts the initial screening of the recall request, builds the packet, and forward sit to DMPM
DMPM requests a legal opinion from HQDA-Office of Judge Advocate General (OTJAG)
† † Minimum 30 days
Upon receipt of the legal opinion, the entire packet is routed through the HQDA G-1 DMPM, Deputy Chief of Staff, G-1, and the ASA (M&RA) fora final decision.
Packet approved, routed back to HRC for orders production; only HRC may publish, amend, or revoke a recall order.
Additional Information and Points of Contact Timeline: The Force Requestor must contact HRC to initiate the recall process which can take 90-120 days fromstart to finish.
Required Documents:
O7/SES-equivalent command justification memorandum DAForm160(request for active duty)
DA5500-5501(body fat worksheet) DA7349(Initial medical review) Current PHA(consecutive tours) Security Clearance level and date RetirementorderorDD214
FMS Web printout identifying the vacant AC position
DMPM Mobilization Division Team: usarmy.pentagon.hqda–dcs-g–1.mbx.mobilization– HRC Retiree Recall website:
HRC Retiree Recall Team: 3
Any retired officer who volunteers to serve in this totally WOKE military is a fool..