Entries by Cherie Zaslawsky

Trump, the reluctant war president

While the hawkish NeverTrump NeoCons bemoan the fact that President Trump has not only refused to start any new wars, he’s also been steadily bringing our overseas troops home, most Americans likely view this as a positive accomplishment, whether they admit it publicly or not. But POTUS has perhaps been a trifle remiss regarding the […]

America’s Color Revolution, Part 2: Seven Days in December?

While there’s proof aplenty that this election was stolen from President Trump through rampant, egregious fraud, plain common sense might lead us to the same conclusion. For instance, which do you think most people would vote for: Opening our country back up for business, work, school, entertainment, sports, community, celebrations and gatherings of all kinds, […]

A November surprise?

Many Americans believe that what we’re witnessing today is simply a more intense form of politics as usual: Democrats vs. Republicans. If only that were so. Before we go down the rabbit hole—and be forewarned that’s where we’re going—let’s recall that history is riddled with conspiracies, and it’s only been since the aftermath of President […]

The Dems’ October Surprise — The Plandemic

Curiouser and curiouser. Out of the blue, just weeks before the most consequential election in American history, our indefatigable President gets sick, and a growing contingent of key Republicans are consigned to their basements to supposedly recover from a virus they almost certainly don’t have. Remember Arthur Miller’s play The Crucible, wherein people’s reputations could […]