Entries by Dr. Rich Swier

Scott Walker Recall Victory sends ripples across Florida

Florida is a key swing state in November. President Obama in 2008 carried Florida by just over 200,000 votes out of 10 million votes cast, a margin of .02%. The line in the sand is clear. Bigger government, more national debt and union control or small government, a balanced budget, debt elimination and free markets. It appears the voters in Wisconsin picked the latter.

How Voter Fraud went from a Cottage Industry to a Big Business

Many of my fellow journalists are focused on Governor Rick Scott and his efforts to insure Florida’s voter rolls do not have ineligible voters on them.  The question is how did we get to this point where we have dead people, felons and illegal aliens on the rolls in the first place? Why this did happen and […]

Florida’s 2012 Wedge Issues

As November 6, 2012 approaches and both political parties posture their messages are becoming clearer. Every election has wedge issues. Issues will appear that drive voters to pick one candidate over another. Florida is a microcosm of America. Florida is a critical state to carry and I believe will determine the outcome of the Presidential election and which party controls the U.S. Senate.

City of Sarasota accused of violating Florida anti-trust law

Government contracting has become a major sticking point in Sarasota County, Florida and now at the City of Sarasota Commission level. Sarasota County government has had problems within its contracting process. Staff was allowed to operate in a manner that brought discredit upon the County Commissioners. The County has lost not only their administrator but the confidence of the people.

What the “peace symbol” really means

When you walk through the local mall you may see clothing, jewelry and patches featuring the “peace symbol’. When driving down the road you will see cars with a peace symbol proudly displayed on a bumper or rear windshield. Have you even seen this symbol on t-shirts issued to your public school student? Do you ever […]

Sarasota Textbook Challenge Moves to the Florida Commissioner of Education

Just when you thought the challenges to the textbook World History: Patterns of Interaction had gone away, it rises again like a phoenix. Aya Sewell, a local parent, and the Florida Security Council have both submitted requests to Dr. Eric J. Smith, Florida Commissioner of Education to conduct an investigation into the accuracy of World History. Florida Statute 1006.35 […]