TAKE ACTION: 16 Age Inappropriate /Obscene/Pornographic Books in Polk County Public Schools Media Centers
Recently there were found 16 books that are clearly age inappropriate, obscene and pornographic in Polk County Public School District (PCSD) Media Centers. Glynnda White recommended the following actions be taken:
I think an excellent strategy for the next 9 days (till next school board meeting) is to contact every school board member by phone and email requesting that they ask for a vote on this matter at the next school board meeting. If they refuse, we know where they stand and can begin advertising as such over the Summer, if they do and vote for keeping these books, we can also advertise that over the Summer. They have painted themselves into a corner over this one and I believe we can win it if we are persistent.I also want to research and find out how to get Heid fired. I also want to research past meetings (Sara Beth’s discussion of rules before public comments section) to find out if she has used (Items to be voted on) in other meetings….I don’t think she has.Should the books be kept the next step is to file formal complaints with the Sheriff, the State Attorney, the FL Education Office and of course the Governor who just may take this up since he is in campaign mode. I am hoping that CCDF will begin legal action. I would certainly support such an action….
Below are the emails and phone numbers of the seven current Polk County School Board Members.
We recommend: sending emails to each school board member individually rather than as a string.
Leave a voice mail message, if it is on and answering machine. Have the courage to leave your name and phone number as well!
William Allen William.allen01@polk-fl.net 863-546-8141
Lori Cunningham lori.cunningham@polk-fl.net 863-534-0529
Sarah Fortney sarah.fortney@polk-fl.net 863-534-0529
Sara Beth Wyatt sarabeth.reynolds@polk-fl.net 863-604-2023
Kay Fields kay.fields@polk-fl.net 863-802-5483
Lynn Wilson lynn.wilson@polk-fl.net 863-397-0066
Lisa Miller lisa.miller@polk-fl.net 863-698-6240
Note: Lori Cunningham and Sarah Fortney have the same phone numbers as shown on the PCPS web site so ask for them individually School Board of Polk County | Polk County Public Schools (polkschoolsfl.com)
We recommend you emphasize in your e-mail to each school board member the verbiage below.
Please take immediate action to remove any and all age inappropriate, obscene and pornographic books found in Polk County Public School Media Centers
Dear Polk County School Board Member,
We the people of Polk County ask that you do not take the easy or coward’s way out by abrogating your individual responsibilities as an elected official to vote on the 16 books that have been found in your Media Centers that contain inappropriate, obscene and pornographic material.
As a school board member it is your duty to deal with this most important issue – what the children of Polk County read and are exposed to.
Delegating this decision to the Superintendent shows a lack of your commitment to putting “Students First” as your motto clearly states.
You individually are accountable for all materials used both in the classroom and in the media center by Polk County Students.
Please show Polk County parents, the district staff, administration and the public where you personally stand on this issue.
We the people of Polk County, Florida will not tolerate the continued indoctrination, sexualization and grooming of the children attending Polk County Public schools.
Thank your for you attention and immediate action on this issue.
Note: We have received information that the Polk County School Board does not plan on voting on this issue but will leave the decision to Superintendent Heid. As we heard at April 26th meeting, it only takes three (3) school board members to vote to vote on this issue.
Are their not even three members of the current school board with the courage to hold the district accountable?
Royall A. Brown. All rights reserved.