Voter Survey: Muslims in U.S. Overwhelmingly support Democratic Party
WASHINGTON, D.C. /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) released the results of a six-state survey indicating that 73 percent of registered Muslim voters say they will go to the polls in upcoming primary elections and that 67 percent will vote for Democratic Party candidates.
According to an Investigative Project report, CAIR:
[P]urports to be a “leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding” and claims to speak for the majority of American Muslims. However, after a careful review of the history, activities, statements, and causes of and by CAIR, it seems that its primary goals are to silence and de-legitimize its critics and redefine what it means to be a moderate Muslim. And when it comes to U.S. efforts to crack down on terrorists and their financiers, CAIR takes an almost visceral stand in opposition. This has the effect of undermining the legitimate security-related concerns and campaigns of the United States and its allies. These conclusions and the summary immediately below are based upon the evidence and examples that follow in this report; beginning with CAIR’s very founding.
The full dossier “CAIR Exposed,” can be found here.
CAIR’s Muslim voter survey also indicated that more than half of respondents said they would support Hillary Clinton in the elections (51.62%), followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (22.03%) and Donald Trump (7.47%).
Growing Islamophobia in America was ranked as the most important issue for Muslim voters. Domestic issues like the economy and health care also topped the Muslim voters’ list of priority concerns in this election. (NOTE: Islamophobia was listed as the third-ranked issue in a similar 2014 CAIR survey.)
CAIR’s survey of almost 2000 registered Muslim voters in California, New York, Illinois, Florida, Texas, andVirginia – the states with the highest Muslim populations – was conducted January 26 using an independent automated call survey provider and asked four questions:
1. “Do you plan to vote in your upcoming state primary election?”
2. “Which political party do you plan to support in your upcoming state primary election?”
3. “Based on your party support which candidate do you plan to vote for in the upcoming state primary election?”
4. “What is the most important issue to you in the 2016 presidential election?”
Survey Results: (NOTE: Results indicate number of respondents and corresponding percentages.)
Question One: Do you plan to vote in your upcoming state primary election?
Yes |
1417 |
73.80% |
No |
235 |
12.24% |
Decline to Answer |
268 |
13.96% |
Total Respondents |
1920 |
100.00% |
Question Two: Which political party do you plan to support in your upcoming state primary election?
Democrat |
876 |
67.33% |
Republican |
190 |
14.60% |
Libertarian |
21 |
1.61% |
Green |
11 |
0.85% |
Other |
57 |
4.38% |
Decline to Answer |
146 |
11.22% |
Total Respondents |
1301 |
100.00% |
Question Three: Based on your party support which candidate do you plan to vote for in the upcoming state primary election?
Hillary Clinton |
525 |
51.62% |
Bernie Sanders |
224 |
22.03% |
Donald Trump |
76 |
7.47% |
Sen. Ted Cruz |
21 |
2.06% |
Jeb Bush |
16 |
1.57% |
Sen. Marco Rubio |
15 |
1.47% |
Martin O’Malley |
10 |
0.98% |
Sen. Rand Paul |
6 |
0.59% |
Dr. Ben Carson |
5 |
0.49% |
Gov. Chris Christie |
4 |
0.39% |
Carly Fiorina |
3 |
0.29% |
Decline to Answer |
112 |
11.01% |
Total Respondents |
1017 |
100.00% |
Question Four: What is the most important issue to you in the 2016 presidential election?
Islamophobia |
456 |
29.71% |
Economy |
364 |
23.71% |
Health Care |
221 |
14.40% |
Civil Liberties |
103 |
6.71% |
Foreign Affairs |
95 |
6.19% |
Education |
86 |
5.60% |
Other |
78 |
5.08% |
Decline to Answer |
132 |
8.60% |
Total Respondents |
1535 |
100.00% |
Is CAIR a Terror Group? – National Review Online
FBI Chart and Documents Portray CAIR as Hamas-Related
Council on American-Islamic Relations – Discover the Networks