Dutch citizens riot! Won’t stand by and watch cultural suicide!
Geert Wilders is right, Europe is being invaded and it looks like the average Dutchman is going to stand and fight. The latest riot is over the Dutch government’s decision to give housing to refugees before Dutch citizens. Here Wilders warns the Dutch Parliament about the Hijra—the Islamic migration to Europe.
Here is news from Michael van der Galien writing at Pajamas Media yesterday (hat tip: Judy):
Hundreds of thousands of self-proclaimed refugees from the Middle East (many of them are actually gold diggers who are coming to Europa in order to live off the government’s dime) have arrived in Europe in recent months. This mass exodus out of especially Syria has been partially fueled by German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s promise that her country would take in all the refugees it had to take in.
The only problem? She got more than she bargained for. Much more. And the same goes for the rest of Europe.
In fact, so many “refugees” have made their way to the Old Continent that West European governments are having a hard time dealing with them. In the Netherlands alone, refugee centers are overwhelmed. As a result, the Dutch government has now announced that many refugees with a residence permit will be moved into normal homes. This means that these newly arrived immigrants will live in houses originally meant for Dutch citizens. The latter may have been waiting on waiting lists for years, but to no avail; refugees are given priority.
Read it all, it is quite extraordinary!
And, btw, refugees in America are gobbling up government subsidized housing at a rapid rate leaving low income Americans and the disabled on long waiting lists for help.
For all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ go here.
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