Killing Lee Rigby for Allah
President Obama gave a one hour national security speech yesterday, May 23rd. He addressed the global threat against America. However, the President did not discuss the why of the threat. The President stated, “Now make no mistake: Our nation is still threatened by terrorists. From Benghazi to Boston, we have been tragically reminded of that truth.” The President never mentioned the attack on Lee Rigby.
Here is the full unedited video of the attack on Lee Rigby:
But why are we still under a relentless attack?
Tom Trento, SW Florida radio talk show host on WNN AM 1490 answers the question: Why did Lee Rigby, the young soldier beheaded in London, have to die for Allah?
Trento notes, “Words fail to communicate the abject savagery of the attack by two Muslim jihadis on Lee Rigby, a 25 year old band member in the British Army. In part 1 of a two-part series the TrentoVision team digs deeply into the reason for the attack and why the West, in particular, the United States can and MUST make changes to stop Muslim immigration and seditious activity in Islamic mosques.”
PART I – Why Lee Rigby had to die for Allah:
PART II: Why Lee Rigby had to die for Allah:
Fellow soldiers described Lee Rigby as a larger-than-life personality who was liked and respected across the regiment. “Drummer Rigby, or ‘Riggers’ (he played the drum) as he was known within the platoon, was a cheeky and humorous man, always there with a joke to brighten the mood,” said Capt. Alan Williamson who was his platoon commander from 2010 to 2011.
Rigby’s family issued a brief and poignant tribute: “Lee was lovely,” the family said. “He would do anything for anybody, he always looked after his sisters and always protected them. He took a ‘big brother’ role with everyone.
“All he wanted to do from when he was a little boy, was be in the army,” the statement said. “He wanted to live life and enjoy himself. His family meant everything to him. He was a loving son, husband, father, brother and uncle, and a friend to many. We ask that our privacy be respected at this difficult time.”
Jerry Gordon, a WDW contributor notes, “The grisly Islamic slaughter perpetrated by British Nigerian converts to Islam on the streets of South East London of 26 year old British soldier Lee Rigby, an Afghan war vet who left a two year old child behind, has shocked all who have seen the video and read the news. However, the vapid unctuous comments by UK PM David Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson about this heinous act not representing the real Islam or UK policy represent totally ignorance of the goals and totalitarian imperative of normative Islam. He is not alone among western politicians, save for Dutch MP Geert Wilders and a few others. Certainly, neither current President Obama, who received initial instruction in normative Islam while an impressionable child in Indonesia, and former President George W. Bush demur from this totally ignorant view of fundamentalist Islam. The mentor of the mujahideen murderer Michael Adebolajo, self-styled British Muslim Sheikh, Anjem Choudary, is totally truthful about Islam’s total lack of human rights for any non-Muslims under Sharia and doctrinal rejection of all Western civil and human rights.”
Gordon notes these comments of Choudary from an interview on an April 11, 2013 Press TV interview courtesy of MEMRI TV:
Anjem Choudary: “Let me be absolutely clear: As Muslims, we reject democracy, we reject secularism, and freedom, and human rights. We reject all of the things that you espouse as being ideals.”
Other TV guest: “You reject human rights? I believe you.”
Anjem Choudary: “There is nothing called a republic in Islam. When we talk about the shari’a, we are talking about only the shari’a. We are talking about rejecting the U.N., the IMF, and the World Bank.”
The Council on Foreign Relations reports, “President Barack Obama defended his administration’s efforts to fight terrorists overseas (ABCNews) as ‘proportional’ and ;just,’ but said he would seek to curtail drone use, limit presidential war powers, and work to close the Guantanamo prison as part of a gradual winding down of the fight against terrorism that began in 2001. Obama’s proposals were welcomed in the two countries most affected by drone strikes (AP), Pakistan and Yemen, although Pakistan says the strikes should stop completely.”
Police: French soldier stabbed in neck while on patrol [by a Muslim]
Muslim behead two Coptic Christians in New Jersey
Jihad Butchery in London and the Big Islamic Lie (Blog and Interview)