WATCH: Airline passenger ejected from plane for wearing ‘Black Voices for Trump’ hat

Nuts. What happened on the aircraft should terrify every rational American. It’s an example (along with oversampling of Democrats) for the inaccuracies in the polls that have Biden way ahead. How many people are afraid to admit that they support President Trump in a poll? You can bet that the number is significant. Since Trump supporters are being publicly humiliated, ostracized, assaulted, and killed, who can blame anyone for refusing to disclose their support for Trump. Freedom loving Americans better come out for President Trump and the Republicans on November 3rd in a huge way.

Trump Jr.: ‘WTF’ Southwest Airlines passenger removed for pulling mask down to eat peanuts. Oh, he was also wearing ‘Black Voices For Trump’ hat

By Sara Carter, October 14, 2020

Flying has become absolutely insane. All you need to do is watch this video posted to Twitter and filmed by a passenger on a recent Southwest Airlines flight to understand what I’m saying. It appears to show another passenger with a ‘Black Voices For Trump cap being asked to get off the aircraft for allegedly having his required COVID-19 face mask temporarily down.

Never mind that the man in the video was eating peanuts at the time his mask was down, or the fact that he was wearing a ‘Black Voices for Trump’ cap and a Trump face mask. The latter half of the information above appears to be the suspected reason for asking the man to leave the flight.

It’s like extortion on a flight. I actually hate flying now because anything you do or say can get you kicked off a flight. No one complains anymore because of that very reason. Apparently, we don’t even need to speak to get kicked off – just eat some peanuts and wear a Trump hat.

The person filming the incident before the flight had taken off asked the flight attendant repeatedly what the airline regulations were for eating on a flight. She specifically asked if there was a rule against pulling the mask down to eat. The flight attendant didn’t appear to want to answer the passengers questions in the video.

Southwest Airlines could not be immediately reached for comment. This story will be updated when and if an official from the airline responds.

I remember the days when Southwest was fun.

Some people in the video speculated it wasn’t about the food but about the passengers open support for President Trump that led to the incident.

Donald Trump Jr. responded with disgust, as did I after seeing the viral video on Twitter.

“WTF??? This is disgusting,” said Donald Trump Jr. on Twitter. “I’ve been on a thousand flights in the last few months and everyone lowers their masks to eat and drink. I did it on a southwest flight earlier this week.”

Still, it’s hard to believe in America that something like this could happen but when you watch it on video it’s daunting.

In fact, many people responded to the post on Twitter, questioning why the gentleman was forced off the flight when almost everyone flying during these COVID-19 restrictions can lower their masks to eat.


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EDITORS NOTE: This Geller Report column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

2 replies
  1. Bob
    Bob says:

    The mask preventing the spread of the virus is a lie. The virus cell is smaller than the cloth fibers of every typical mask, it is like a mosquito flying through a metal fence. The virus is fear mongering to test population control.


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