Do Democrats Have Buyers Remorse?

“Light travels faster than sound. This is why some people appear bright until you hear them speak.” – Alan Dundes

Those of you that know me well realize that generally speaking I am a half full glass kinda guy. An optimist. My love of America and my belief in America has always fueled this euphoric state of mine when it comes to my adopted constitutional republic. My home.

However, approximately 13 years ago, when it appeared that a majority of Americans had lost their mind and voted for who turned out to be a clear and present domestic threat, Hussein Obama, I began to wonder. It appeared nobody had actually listened to this man, understood the threat he was. He did not try to hide anything. He wanted to fundamentally change the United States of America. From a proud, strong country to a weakened third world nation under socialist rule. Socialism always leads to communism.

All his voters appeared to see was a black man who the media manipulated into power. We were told how great an orator he was. How great a family man he was. How it was time for Hope and Change.

Nobody actually had on their listening ears.

He was a terrible speaker, a racist, arrogant, definitely testosterone challenged and a definitive traitor to his Oath and the citizens of America.

Yet he got re-elected. His job was not completed due to the GOP controlling the House. He still had more to do. Hillary Clinton was posed to complete his agenda but a shocking thing happened! It appeared America had woken from their deep slumber and seen the light. A non career, rich and not a member of the swamp, roared into town and all he wanted was to put the country he loved first. Make it great again. His name was Donald Trump and he soundly beat Hillary much to the Democrats chagrin. This upstart began dismantling the swamp. He begun to change America into that shining city on a hill that could be proud of itself again.

He became public enemy number 1 to the left. He must be destroyed. They tried valiantly using lies, treason and every dirty trick in their huge playbook aided and abetted by a compliant MSM. They planned a huge and massive election fraud for 2020 to ensure President Trump was a one term president.

Then along came the Chinese virus. The rest is history.

We all know that 80,000,000+ Americans did not vote for Biden. We knew he was mentally challenged and totally not up to the job. Everyone was doing great under Trump. Regardless of color or religion. America was booming. The list of his triumphs is so long they could fill a book.

Moving on to today enough has been written about the terrible direction that this country has moved in the last six months.

I am feeling optimistic that change is afoot. The average American, who makes up the majority of this country, is not happy. People have lost jobs, businesses, savings, pride and understand that we now are not living in the America of our founders.

I cannot believe for instance, that if you live in a border state you are happy with this administration.

I cannot believe for example that if you live in a hell hole like any major Democrat controlled city you are happy with this Administration.

I cannot believe that if you go shopping today you are happy with this Administration.

I cannot believe for one moment that you are happy with the direction and rapid move to the extreme left we are moving.

If you have kids in school I am sure you are not happy. Critical race Theory teaching aside but added to the total brainwashing about the LGBTQI movement and that whole lifestyle being totally acceptable and normal is not surely making you happy.

If you see what is happening to law and order, to our military and churches you cannot be happy.

If you see the attacks on personal freedoms like speech and opinions you cannot be happy. The loss of things we took for granted like free speech.

I could go on but you get the picture. The Democrats have totally led us down the path of self destruction.

I believe in 2022 there will be a reversal. A move to totally stop these socialists in their footsteps. I feel a massive ground swell of support to do this. To retake the House. To put a stop to the madness we are seeing.

The support for President Trump is huge. People like Florida’s Governor are being noticed. There is huge support for conservatives again. There is an underlying movement underway to put America First. To undo the harm our current lunatic and his administration have done.

Yes America! I am back with my half full glass. That doesn’t mean I will stop writing about Biden and his cohorts but I believe that God has this. We can pull back from the edge of the cliff before that lemming in charge leads us over to our nations certain death. We will not follow that piper as he tries to get us to jump off the cliff.

America is waking up. We will vote. We will watch seriously for electoral fraud and will not stand for any of it. We will regain America and put our great country right where it should be – FIRST!!

We are warriors.

God Bless the United States of America and President Trump for showing us how it could be and how it can be again.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


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