VIDEO: A Courageous Marine asks Mandate Questions of the Commandant

This courageous Marine Lieutenant Colonel Wade Brown puts his career on the line to ask the Commandant of the USMC “a few relevant questions” about the mandatory COVID 19 Jab which go unanswered.

He acknowledges his Oath of Office to support and defend the Constitution and not some administrative government sycophants.

So what will happen to him now?  Probably confinement to quarters and a Court Martial.  This is totally wrong.


Commandant: Many Unvaccinated Marines Swayed by Disinformation

Thousands of Sailors, Marines Remain Unvaccinated After Deadline

Army Commanders Relieved Over Vaccine Refusal

RELATED VIDEO: COVID-19 vaccine mandate: On its legitimacy, on being exempt and on informed consent.

©Royal A. Brown, III. All rights reserved.

18 replies
  1. Lawrence Little
    Lawrence Little says:

    There is no legal or medical basis for the vaccine mandate. Biden is a usurper and a tyrant. Thank you for your courage. Thank you for fulfilling your oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States of America.

  2. Macgyver
    Macgyver says:

    We were always taught to care of our Marines. This Marine was doing that. Now it’s time for the Commandant to take care of his!
    Semper Fi

    • Royal A Brown III
      Royal A Brown III says:

      This Commandant is WOKE and has failed to carry out his Oath of Office just as have all the Joint Cheifs of Staff !


    To Marine Lieutenant Colonel Wade Brown; You are indeed a commander sir! Taking a stand for your troops and taking on the immense fight against treason within the ranks of senior military. You should be promoted immediately to a higher position that affords you the opportunity to stand toe to toe with those senior leaders demanding the genocide jabs!

  4. William
    William says:

    As a Canadian soldier being forced into the same situation I understand all to well the words of this fine officer.
    A man I would follow onto the battlefield, it is obvious he cares deeply about his men and his country and sees clearly that something evil is amiss.
    Alot of us are fighting very similar mandates in the Canadian Armed Forces and as we were trained we will fight to defend the freedoms we swore to protect.
    Globalist powers have infiltrated and usurped power in many places, a silent war begun a long time ago is being fought.
    May God keep our lands glorious and free.

    • Royal A Brown III
      Royal A Brown III says:

      Globalism is the opponent of Liberty – each county should retain its absolute soverienty – this is Medical TYRANNY on a global scale and falls right in with Marxist principles.

  5. Christopher Earl Strunk
    Christopher Earl Strunk says:

    KLAUS SCHWAB, THE WORLD ECONOMIC FORUM ITS PARTNERS INCLUDING CCP PRC MILITARY member / partners and the traitor Donald John Trump demand the USA military must die in service of the RESET depopulation unjust enrichment TO WIT BIDEN HIS JOINT CHIEFS OF STAFF MUST BE ARRESTED AND EXECUTED FOR TREASON WITHOUT EXCEPTION!!
    GOD BLESS AMERICA and its righteous citizens of this Republic!!

  6. Guylaine Jutras
    Guylaine Jutras says:

    I’m from Quebec CANADA 🍁
    You are a very courageous man. Thank you 🙏 so much you inspired many person. I will pray God for protection you. 🤍🤍🤍

  7. Michelle Leathers
    Michelle Leathers says:

    Thank you Sir for your bravery in the face of tyranny. As a proud MoM, I have to say I am glad he no longer serves. I no longer trust the Corp to protect their own. Sad times for a proud nation.
    Semper fi

    • Royal A Brown III
      Royal A Brown III says:

      Because of the TYRANNY of the Obama 3 Administratin and their puppet Beijing Joe Biden, I wouldn’t recommend any young man or women serve in today’s overly WOKE military.

      I served 25 years in the Infantry so I feel confident in my words here.

  8. Patti L Mason
    Patti L Mason says:

    Sir: Your information is good. Your argument is well reasoned. Would love a copy of this statement because I would like to use the information you have compiled. Well done. Pray that God blesses you and lifts you up – pray that God shows He is indeed omnipotent and uses you to show His glory. In Jesus’s name we ask this.

  9. Eric Gault
    Eric Gault says:

    It would not be a surprise if the marine commandant and many military leaders are simply being paid by the WEF to serve as lackeys for globalist criminals. Does anyone really believe that Milley and Austin are honest brokers? The CCP doesn’t have to invade the US. They have conspirators everywhere. Unfortunately for them we have people like Colonel Wade Brown. Can you imagine a Chinese officer doing the same? They’ll never understand the United States.


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