Biden’s Deadly National Security Policies are and will cause World Wars III (now happening), IV and V coming soon!

Biden and his administration’s policies has and are leading to World Wars 3, 4 and 5.

World War 3 has already begun in the Ukraine. This war has multiple characters in it: Russia, Syria, China and Chechnya.

World War 4 will be in the Middle East between Iran and Arab nations in partnership with Israel. Arab nations, and Israel, cannot allow Iran to become nuclear capable.

World War 5 will take place in the Eastern Pacific. It will begin with China becoming more aggressive against Taiwan and other nations in the region including South Korea, Japan and Vietnam.

Biden’s national security policy is appeasement.

Biden is Appeaser-In-Chief

Biden and his administration have neutered U.S. foreign policy. Biden and his administration have dissed our allies while going out of the collectivist way to appeasing our enemies.

Biden’s appeasement of Radical Islamists.

Biden appeased the Muslim members of his party by taking a harsh stand against Israel and the Jewish people. On February 16, 2022, Biden killed the Israeli Pipeline Project thus empowering Russia’s energy dominance in Europe. According to The Hill, “The proposed pipeline would have given Europe an alternative to its heavy dependence on Russian gas. It would have conveyed about 10 billion cubic yards of Israeli and Cypriot natural gas to Europe via Greece and Italy each year.”

Biden has appeased Iran.

It was announced by the Russians that the U.S. and Iran have reached a nuclear deal. National Review on March 4, 2022 reported, “President Joe Biden vowed this week to isolate Russia, yet his negotiators stayed at the table with their Russian counterparts in Vienna, putting the finishing touches on an Iran nuclear deal 2.0 that will benefit Russia and Iran and endanger the U.S. and its allies. The new agreement is even worse than the 2015 deal made by the Obama administration. Biden’s version would lift U.S. terrorism sanctions on Iran, the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, and leave Tehran’s illicit nuclear infrastructure intact without first demanding a full accounting of Iran’s secret nuclear work.” Death may finally be coming to America solely because of Biden’s appeasement of the mullahs.

Biden’s appeased Russia and Putin.

Biden by cutting our domestic oil and natural gas production, see items 1 and 4 above, has turned the energy keys to Europe over to Putin and this has directly lead to the invasion of the Ukraine. Craig Rucker during a talk in Virginia said, “Efforts to go net zero have diminished the ability of nations to provide sufficient energy to meet demand, and this gives tyrants like Vladimir Putin an opportunity to provide that energy in the form of natural gas and rake in millions to fund his war machine.” Marc Morano took Biden to task on Fox and Friends explaining,  “Russian oil imports are at an 11 year high. We’re importing 600,000 barrels a day from Russia. And Russia’s federal budget is 40% based upon oil and gas revenue.” Finally we have seen Russia produces 3 times more gas than Europe produces.  Why?  Because climate activists, partly funded by Russia, blocked fracking.

Biden’s appeasing of Communist China.

Finally, we are looking at Communist China, not because of what Hunter Biden did there, but because his father is in full blown appeasement mode to kowtow to the Chinese when it comes to Taiwan and the South China Sea. Since the end of the Olympics China has ramped up its pressure on Taiwan. The  in an April 16th 2020 article warned, “Amid coronavirus upheaval, the Chinese government’s evasion and deception has remained constant. The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) alone is responsible for the global pandemic and resulting consequential economic devastation. However, if the medical community had been skeptical of the totalitarian regime –and the World Health Organization (WHO) had not aggressively defended it –the outbreak may not have spread. Taiwan, kicked out of the WHO in 2017 at Beijing’s behest, was denied access to WHO data. Taiwan’s successful containment of coronavirus was an alternative possibility for the rest of the world; had Beijing’s reports been challenged instead of accepted…The most important CCP objective is to maintain control. Ultimately the party does not care about human rights, or even human lives. To protect itself, the Chinese regime suppressed life-saving information at the cost of 22,071 American lives, a number projected only to grow.”

The Bottom Line

Biden is Appeaser-In-Chief. He appeases our sworn enemies while attacking our long time allies, like Israel. Biden and his cabinet are bent on making America worse for its citizens.

Biden appeasement has lead to:

  • Higher energy prices.
  • Higher food and consumer goods prices.
  • A national supply chain crisis.
  • A war in Europe, and potentially in the Middle East and Western Pacific.
  • Arming Iran with nuclear weapons.
  • Turning America from energy independent to energy dependent from our enemies, e.g. Russia and Iran.
  • Caused inflation.
  • Raised taxes.
  • Increased spending and gifting those who hate America.

Each of the above policies have weakened America, not only domestically, and are directly a threat to our national security.

Americans are now pushing back against Biden and his policies.

We stand here firm in our belief that Biden is Appeaser-In-Chief.

Prove us wrong.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.



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