Has President Donald J. Trump ‘fundamentally transformed’ the GOP? Here’s the Answer!

“The supreme trick of mass insanity is that it persuades you that the only abnormal person is the one who refuses to join in the madness of others, the one who tries vainly to resist. We will never understand totalitarianism if we do not understand that people rarely have the strength to be uncommon” — Eugene Ionesco,  Romanian-French playwright and dramatist.

According the the Federal Elections Commission website as we write this column there are 794 candidates from 20 political parties running for president in 2024.

We now know that Joseph Robinett Biden, Jr. has made good on Barack Hussein Obama’s pledge to “fundamentally transform” America. Biden and his administration since January 20th, 2021 have dismantled everything President Donald J. Trump did to make America great, again.

In order for Biden to Build Back Better his cabinet, the federal government and the Democrat Party had to first destroy the very foundations of our Constitutional Republican form of government and replace it with a form of American Central Committee. A central  committee dedicated to taking and retaining power at the expense of we the people

In this Joseph Robinett Biden, Jr. has fundamentally succeeded.

Many who understand what is happening today remember the prophetic words of then newly elected California Governor Ronald Reagan who on  January 5th, 1967 during his inaugural address said,

“Freedom is a fragile thing and it’s never more than one generation away from extinction. It is not ours by way of inheritance; it must be fought for and defended constantly by each generation, for it comes only once to a people.  And those in world history who have known freedom and then lost it have never known it again.”

Today, 56 years later, we are facing a dire situation and the real and present danger that individual freedom is truly becoming extinct.

President Donald J. Trump and the GOP

The American Enterprise Institute’s Danielle Pletka wrote a April 26, 2023 article titled An Unhappy Marriage with No Hope of Divorce. Danielle asked,

If Donald Trump is the titular leader of the Republican Party, does it follow ipso facto that his positions on foreign and domestic policy issues are the policies of the Republican Party? And if that is so, where does Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) fit in? How about former UN Ambassador and South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley, now one of Trump’s few declared 2024 opponents?

To put it another way, does Trumpism, with all the stop-the-steal-January-6 baggage, now equal Republicanism? Has it redefined conservatism? Or are there two GOPs living in one body—Dr. Reagan and Mr. Trump—each struggling for primacy, each with its own views, constituencies, and Fox News hosts?

Danielle wrote about the Republican identity crisis. She writes about the age of William F. Buckley, Barry Goldwater, and Ronald Reagan. Today we have the age of Thomas Sowell, Tucker Carlson and President Donald J. Trump.

Like Reagan, Trump loves America and what it truly stands for. Interestingly both Reagan and Trump were actors and successful businessmen who then entered politics.

The fundamental problem is that the Republican Party can’t seem to stick together like the Democrat Party does on all the issues.

Why? Because the Republican Party is the party of the American big tent, which includes Romney, McConnell, Haley, Christie and many other anti-Trumpers.

On the other hand the Democrat Party is the party of the big American gulag. Political prisoners in a gulag build by and for themselves. They are abnormal persons who join in the madness with other party members and their guards. Guards under the Soviet’s system played an integral role in the Gulag. Today these guards are members of the administration, media outlets, corporations, public school teachers, college professors and non-profits who keep telling and then enforcing their political myths.

No matter how outrageous the social, cultural, economic and national security policies pushed by the Democrat guards the more they demand that no member stray from the path. Those who do are pilloried, ostracized and even assassinated.

Some would say that the Democrats suffer from Ionesco’s “mass insanity.” They are inmates in an insane asylum built by and run by their funders and supporters.

On the other hand the GOP has Donald J. Trump. A man who is leading a movement to “drain the swamp” or perhaps more appropriately “drain the insane asylum.”

The Drain the Swamp Party

In a letter to his father during the Civil War Ulysses S. Grant wrote, “There are but two parties now: traitors and patriots. And I want hereafter to be ranked with the latter and, I trust, the stronger party.”

QUESTION: Is the GOP the stronger party?


There are traitors in the Republican Party who can and have undermined the what the GOP of Reagan, and now Trump, stand for. It was best said by President Donald J. Trump on January 20th, 2017 during his inaugural address,

Today’s ceremony, however, has very special meaning, because today we are not merely transferring power from one administration to another, or from one party to another, but we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.

Traitors, from the school house to the White House do not want their power transferred back to we the people. This is the fundamental reason that these traitors hate President Donald J. Trump because he has made it his mission when re-elected to “drain the swamp.”

This is why for the first time in U.S. history the swamp raided Mar-a-Lago the home of President Donald J. Trump. This is why for the first time in U.S. history a Manhattan DA indicted a former president of the United States, Donald J. Trump.

This is why President Donald J. Trump has become the traitors most feared man.

Interestingly, in their zeal the traitors failed to understand that those who are “uncommon”, those who love America and all that it stands for, have had enough.

During his April 27th, 2023 speech to the New Hampshire GOP President Donald J. Trump said,

It’s sort of strange, but I think of the United States, every day as April Fools’ Day, and they [his friends] said, “Sir, what do you mean by that? I don’t like the sound of that.” I said, “Well, listen to this,” and I just gave a couple of ideas. We have open borders when they should be closed. It’s April Fools’ Day. We have prisoners, people from, as we just said, mental institutions and terrorists being dumped into our country when they should not be accepted. April Fools’ Day, right? Who would do that? Who would do this? Who would allow prisoners in?

[ … ]

We have people in the midst of the greatest crime wave in history that want to defund our police. That’s April Fools’, isn’t it? Right, let’s defund the police. You can’t even get in your car. You go to New York, nobody ever gets prosecuted. I’m the only one they go after. No, it’s true. Nobody gets prosecuted. They go after me.

[ … ]

We’re begging foreign nations for oil when we have far more oil than they have. I call it liquid gold that’s under our feet. We decided to stop drilling oil as it hits an all-time high. It hits the all-time high, highest ever, we’re going to stop drilling. Think of it. It’s supposed to be the opposite. See, this is again, it’s April Fools’ Day.

Author Stephen King wrote, “Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me three times, shame on both of us.”

The uncommon men and women of America are now rallying behind this one man who believes in faith, family and freedom. These uncommon people won’t be fooled again.

President Trump put it well in New Hampshire saying, “When they say conservative, or liberal, or Democrat, or Republican, or independent, it’s really with people of common sense. It’s not even conservative. It’s people. It’s just common sense.

President Trump is a man with common sense.

The 2024 presidential election cycle isn’t about party affiliation it is about people with common sense voting to save our fragile freedoms of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.

It’s time to stop the ongoing and never ending April Fools’ Day in America.

©2023 Dr. Rich Swier, Ed.D. All rights reserved.


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3 replies
  1. Royal Brown
    Royal Brown says:

    The reason the establishment, RINO, elitist, ruling class Republicans don’t like POTUS Trump or the people who support him is obvious: Trump stated “we are transferring power from Washington, D.C., and giving it back to you, the people.:

    This is the antithesis of what these neverTrump Republican politicians want which is to maintain their power base and personal wealth and get re-elected not based on their performance for the people but on their lies; bling and shiny objects used to fool the people into voting them back in.

    • Lamarre Notargiacomo
      Lamarre Notargiacomo says:

      Thank you Dr. Swier for your astute observations. The short answer is NO, Trump did not fundamentally transform the party, but he did indeed save the party – and tried to save America. However, until we acknowledge that the GOPe is as dangerous or more dangerous than the democrats, we are spinning our wheels. We are now reversing all of the good progress Trump made.

      Of all the candidates running for president in 2016, Trump was the only one who had the right motives. He refused to be controlled and tried desperately to stay focused on fulfilling his decades long fight to restore America’s competitiveness and respect on the world stage, because no one else was “looking out for America.” See this 1980 interview between Trump the businessman and media correspondent, Rona Barrett:

      Trump had to break the media stranglehold on politics – which no one else could have done – and the party apparatus (which was going the way of the Whigs for those willing to admit so) in order to save the party – and the country. I am not a statistician – I don’t know the number of defectors from the party before Trump came on the scene, but I contend that he single-handedly saved the party from extinction. Although Reagan did some bold things, he cannot be compared to President Trump – the self-funded billionaire/businessman, who chose to forego his presidential salary to truly serve the people.

      Some of Trump’s greatest accomplishments were deregulation and energy independence – just as he promised. But let’s not forget the spontaneous worldwide freedom rallies that erupted as a result of President Trump’s bold statements about tyranny and his leadership on the world stage. How can we quantify that?

      Then the cursed “plandemic” led to the global tyranny that stopped Trump’s “freedom” tsunami, giving his enemies WITHIN the party and OUTSIDE the party, the global lockdowns – and a foothold to reinvigorate the establishment globalist elites in both parties.

      Consider this excerpt from Kelleigh Nelson’s “News with Views” article – Martial Law: The Trial Balloon, Abolishing Civil Liberties: “President Trump initially wanted to replace Dr. Birx, but asked her to remain until a replacement was found. Bono’s organization, ONE, which was started by Bill Gates and Bono, applauded this decision…Pence and Ivanka Trump lobbied for her to stay. Trump also wanted to cut a billion from the $4.5 billion funding of PEPFAR in an effort to streamline the program.

      The article continues: Former Secretary of State Rex Tillerson worked with Deborah Birx, and along with Congress, Pence and Ivanka, they pressured the president to keep her and not cut the PEPFAR budget.

      Perhaps the president wasn’t knowledgeable of the $300 million sent to Ukrainian Ambassador Yovanovitch by Dr. Deborah Birx regarding the PEPFAR program. Here is the letter written to Yovanovitch by Dr. Birx.”

      To read the entire article, here is the link: https://newswithviews.com/martial-law-the-trial-balloon-abolishing-civil-liberties/.

      Trump asked repeatedly during his 2015/16 campaign, “who wants Jeb (“Common Core” promoter, apologist, benefactor and beneficiary) or the Bush family back?” at his rallies, which was of course met with a chorus of “boos.” It appears that DeSantis is aligning with the Bush wing of the party.

      The Bush wing of the party are globalists. Remember when George W. Bush stated publicly, “… what is at stake is more than one small country. It is a big idea – a New World Order, where diverse nations are drawn together in common cause, to achieve the universal aspirations of mankind….” https://youtu.be/nNYiBzXFfe8. In another speech on Jan. 16th, 1991, “We have the opportunity before us to forge for ourselves and for future generations, a New World Order – a world where the rule of law, not the law of the jungle, governs the conduct of nations. When we are successful – and we will be – we will have a real chance at this New World Order – an order in which a credible United Nations can use its peacekeeping role to fulfill the vision of the UN’s founders. https://youtu.be/H9fkdG2qhuE.

      Perhaps it is contradictory to state the following: “The Fundamental problem is that the Republican Party can’t seem to stick together like the democrat party does on all the issues” while later acknowledging, the democrats DON’T stick together. They “eat their own” – those who dare to challenge the official narrative. Remember Seth Rich!

      Is the GOP the “big tent” party? “Republicans” like the ones mentioned in the article (can we add Karl Rove to the infamous list of “never Trumpers?”) also “eat their own,” who dare to challenge the official narrative created by the warmongering, globalist, bloodsucking, king-making, establishment elites. In fact, Betsy DeVos and many other GOPe’s continue to blame the Trump wing of the party for the violence that occurred on Jan. 6th, even after evidence continues to surface that the FBI and antifa heavily infiltrated the event (it was a set-up), sealing the fate of those political prisoners currently in the DC gulag.

      Which members of the party are speaking for the J 6 prisoners besides MTG, Jim Jordan, Andy Biggs and Matt Gaetz?

      My point is that until we the people of the GOP who donate thousands of dollars – and hours, canvassing, calling, attending events, registering voters, etc., demand transparency and accountability from our leaders, we are wasting our resources.

      We must be willing to violate Reagan’s Eleventh Commandment – “Never speak evil of a fellow Republican” if we are ever to regain control “of, by and for we the people.” The GOPe frequently repeats that mantra to protect themselves from legitimate criticism.

      Until the GOP includes us in their “big tent,” and invites us back to the table, we should all STOP donating money to the GOP machine.

      I rest my case. #DefundGOP

      For God and Country,
      Lamarre Notargiacomo

  2. Glynnda White
    Glynnda White says:

    He has indeed transformed the Republican party….RINOS from the uniparty continue the effort to squash patriot/America First …..they have been trying since B.O became president and Nancy the drunk pushed through forced health care….and the patriot movement rose up….we are not going to be silenced we are moving ahead with a president who actually LIKES America….


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