Yes, the Russian Military & Cocaine at the White House

Those two are inextricably connected, but you wouldn’t know why, because you haven’t read my columns and books. The FBI has prevented you from reading them by submitting my name to the FISA Court and making me a Foreign Agent in 2002 with the consequent ban of them. That crime made you miss the Russian history of WWIII against Western civilization during the last 7-8 decades. That Global war overturned to socialism two thirds of the world and finally came to America.

Today, the White House shuts down any questions surrounding drugs found on the West Wing premises. The girl with the pink eyes explained that the Secret Service needs “space” to be able to conduct its investigation into how the illicit drug made its way into the White House. I don’t know who brought Cocaine to the White House, it doesn’t matter, there is only one man responsible for the White House and America—the current President Biden. He miserably failed us. I insist on my previous   statement—the KGB’s Mafia/Army runs the White House! Biden’s actions are more cognitive than he is. Just analyze his actions and you will see, they lack common sense and always directed against American interest, like surrender in Afghanistan.

It will be hard for the Republicans to win in 2024, because they are lost in the vicious circle of Russian disinformation. The main question of the time is following—who does run the White House? I continue to insist on the importance of national security issue, like the Russian border invasion and chaos in America, not Biden’s age. It is Biden’s cognitive inability forcing me to address a subject of treason. There are no Mexican Cartels—those are Russian Cartels of gangs using Biden’s open borders policy. During two and a half years, Biden’s White House produced over seventy Executive Orders, all directed to weaken American capitalism, to implement Soviet Socialism, which I called Soviet Fascism. The behaviors of the White House team, their Character assassinations of the whistleblowers, speaking the truth, nonstop copying Stalin’s policy to destruct you from Biden’s Soviet Socialism. Cocaine is the last drop.

I know Soviet Socialism and recognize it instantly, when I see it and I see Socialism exercised by Biden’s administration—they are weaponizing everything to protect themselves. When the FBI intimidated and threatened the parents calling them “domestic terrorists,” I recognized Putin’s handwriting to build the American KGB’s Mafia/Army, a-la Stalin’s political agenda in 1937, when my mother was imprisoned… Baltic Winds Testimony of a Soviet Attorney, Xlibris, 2002. A criminal circle of Stalinism is destroying America hundred years later. I am devastated by the speed of Putin’s success in our country.

There are some ideas worth to know, written by me in 2016 to prove that Putin’s success connected to Cocaine.

 The Axis of Evil and Failed Western Intelligence

Let me start with the story from my youth: While studying in the law school, I used to sing the Russian classic romances at the student’s parties. One day I was introduced to a young man who wanted to sing some patriotic songs with me. The young man told me that he was a child-orphan of the Spanish civil war 1936-1939. He and thousands other children had been brought to Russia. Only a few were adopted by Russian families, all the rest lived in the Internat, (where school and dormitory are on the same dwelling under the supervision of the KGB). He was very grateful to Comrade Stalin for saving his life and he successfully graduated from the Leningrad Engineering Institute.

I liked the Spanish man and wanted to sing with him. We arranged the rehearsal for the next week. When I told the story to my fiancé, there wasn’t enthusiasm in his voice, but I wanted to sing with the Spanish man and couldn’t wait for our meeting.  When we met for the rehearsal, he was very nervous and excited telling me that he couldn’t sing with me as he is leaving for the Central or South America to teach engineering. I was disappointed, but happy for his career and the opportunity to see the world. I never saw the Spanish singer again.

This story came back to my mind many years later in America. When researching Soviet Socialism, I read a book Drugging of America, by Joseph Douglas. It was an incredibly interesting and unique book, giving me indispensable information on the sinister history of the Soviet’s attempt to drug the world. The information in the book opened me to the real fascist’s intention to conquer the world by the criminal activities, such as the spreading of fentanyl. It is not a coincidence that all my writing during forty years have been titled Good vs. Evil or Coup D’état’s. Mark Levin is right: “Biden’s DOJ is destroying the U.S.A.” Unfortunately, like many other Republicans, he doesn’t know Stalinism. (Fox News Life, Liberty, & Levin) 7/9/2023.

Reading the above Soviet document of 1955, you will agree with me. It was a document by the Soviet Defense Council and the KGB, the first formal Soviet decision to launch narcotics trafficking against the Bourgeoisie and especially against American capitalism:

“Soviet strategy for revolutionary war is a global strategy… narcotics strategy is a sub-component of this global strategy. …First was the increased training of leaders for the revolutionary movements—the civilian, military, and intelligence cadres.”   When I read those words, being in America, my Spanish singer came to my mind.

​-​In 1950, he would be about 24-26 years old, and that was the time when the Soviets expanded their criminal drugging enterprise to South and Central America. There were hundreds of children, speaking Spanish inculcated and trained by the KGB, on the Internat. They all had been taken to Russia by Stalin after the communist forces lost the Spanish civil war in 1939. The Soviet Socialist idea to use them in the Spanish speaking world is understandable for those who know Evil.

The analogy came to my mind in the 21st century America, because an incredible number of children speaking Spanish from the Central and South America had been taken by Obama. Knowing his socialist intention for America and a lot of illegal Spanish population within America, I am thinking about his plan and purpose to use the Spanish-speaking boys and girls, the way Soviet fascism had used the orphans in the 20th century. As a matter of fact, Socialists do not like children, they are inculcated and using them as a radical, violent force to conquer the world and build Socialism. Just read these:

According to Judicial Watch, then-President Barack Obama oversaw a “humanitarian and public safety nightmare” in 2014, when thousands of immigrant children were abused, threatened, and even raped while in the custody and care of government officials. Report: Immigrant children detained under Obama were raped, abused, Patriot News AlertsJuly 19, 2018 by Ben Baird. I have no doubts that Obama-the-Socialist had in mind to use those children against the American interests and I know how he planned doing that. POLITICS

The Political Mafia and Soviet Fascism in America

October 27, 2016/in CommentaryElectionsPolicyPolitics/by Simona Pipko

Reading this column, it addressed another two important issues unknown to the Republicans: The Political Mafia and several Soviet terms to recognize Soviet Socialism in America. Besides the Soviet Mafia, Socialist modus operandi, and White Supremacy, there is another appropriate term that should be applied to Putin’s government—Socialist Junta. Knowledge of Russia and its Intelligence is imperative to save the U.S.A. in 2023

Vladimir Putin started his war against Western civilization and American capitalism as a KGB counterintelligence officer in Germany. He has a 25 years term as a counterintelligence officer in a foreign country. That means, the minute he came back into Moscow’s government in the 1990s, Russian Counterintelligence operations against America resumed.

​ Socialist Junta

To conceive the concept of Socialist Junta you have to be well versed in history of politics and its leaders. Though the term was established decades ago, you could’ve heard lately about Libya’s Counterintelligence operation by the Putin/Obama conspiracy. The development of a Socialist Junta in America has never stopped. If Russia has initiated it, today we have a tandem of leaders–Russian/Chinese Counterintelligence forces. When you hear the endless lies, deceit, and fakery accompanied with intimidation and threat from your government—you are governed by Socialist Junta.

I gave you an old meaning of Junta. The 21st century has changed the role of the woman, allowing and promoting their leadership. Nancy Pelosi is an example of that. I called her “a Queen of Lies.” Presenting herself as a devoted Catholic, she has stolen our beloved Christmas Season in 2019 by hurrying to impeach Trump in the heart of Christmas, December 2019. Then, I didn’t know why she was in a hurry. It became clear to me in January 2020 when the Pandemic started… She had known it in December 2019. She was the leader of a Democrat Party that has become a Socialist Junta and is now fighting against the American Constitutional republic in concert with Putin’s KGB Mafia/Army from the Biden’s White House…

That is why I suspected the Democrat’s treason against the American Constitutional Republic in America. There is another argument to the same direction against Nancy Pelosi. As the House Speaker, she has seen Biden the way we all seen and heard him. It was clear time to apply the 25th amendment against him. But Socialist Junta works like the Soviet Mafia, you are witnessing it for the last two and a half years of Biden’s administration. Kiron Skinner is right:” The Biden foreign policy should be put on test.” But to do so you have to know Russia and its Intel—Erdogan’s Turkey is a Russian satellite. I suspect the same in Biden’s America as well…

China is our major military threat, China is talking and showing it. Russia is doing everything covertly, and destroys us from within by her cadres of Putin’s KGB. The Global Spy Ring of Socialism/Communism has never slept. I have been writing a lot about Russia’s invasion and infiltration into the tribes of Africa, implementing Socialism there in the 20th century. I got now the information that Putin uses Biden’s CIA to help China to do the same in the South America of our hemisphere. My thoughts and ideas drove me to use the term of treason. “America will never be destroyed from the outside. If we lose our freedoms it will be because we have destroyed ourselves from within.” — Abraham Lincoln

Yes, treason is a serious term. ​But look at Biden’s America and you wouldn’t recognize the country. Treason is a serious issue, mentioning it, you must prove the accusation. I have been trying to do that by writing the truth to prevent treason for forty years. ​When the FBI confronts you, your success is very questionable, but I still hope…

Read my latest book: What is Happening to America? The Hidden Truth of Global Destruction Part III  2022.

To learn more about Marxism, Stalinism and Slavery, please read my column: Slavery has no Color: Karl Marx, Slavery and Stalinist/Socialist Charlatans June 23, 2020

To be continued and at

©2023. Simona Pipko. All rights reserved.

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