PODCAST: Iran’s Attack on Israel and the Failures of Bidenomics



Retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel Robert L. Maginnis is a graduate from the U.S. Military Academy. He was an Airborne-Ranger infantry officer who served in four infantry
divisions on three continents. As an internationally known security and foreign affairs expert, Colonel Maginnis has decades of media experience as a columnist, a Fox News
military analyst, and as an on-air commentator for multiple radio programs and networks. Colonel Maginnis is the author of nearly a thousand articles and nine published books,
the latest book is “Divided We Stand: The Globalist Scheme for One-World Government“. Lt. Colonel Maginnis will discuss what’s going on with Iran and its attack on Israel with more than 300 missiles and drones.


Akash Chougule is Vice President of Americans for Prosperity (AFP). Prior to working for AFP, Akash was a policy staffer on the House Education and Labor Committee. He’s also
been Director of Policy at AFP. Akash received his Bachelor’s degree from Boston College, and his Master’s from George Washington University. Akash will discuss the significance of tax day and how our tax policy and spending policy impacts the economy and the economic opportunity available to the average American. Akash will also discuss how Biden has almost doubled corporate welfare and is fueling inflation with runaway government deficit spending — 1 Trillion dollars being added o the national debt every 100 days. The bottom line is that Bidenomics is not working.

RELATED ARTICLE: Whistleblower Reveals How Far John Kerry Was Willing to Go to Protect the Iran Deal

RELATED VIDEO: Geert Wilders on Israel. A new speech in the Dutch Legislature in defence of Israel

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