The Troubling Ramifications of the Aborted Baby Parts Scandal.

Today I am publishing a post on a matter close to my heart. The evil of the multi billion dollar abortion industry and their sale of aborted baby parts. You need to all become very aware of this filthy satanic industry and understand their statement – my body, my choice – is about as stupid and hypocritical as they are evil. As you know that saying doesn’t apply to the vaccine mandate!! Just to the wholesale slaughter and genocide of millions. Pictures I have posted in this blog appear below and are graphic. They show you exactly what is acceptable to the evil left in this country. It surely separates them from us.

Political leaders, Media, Educators and the General public need to wake up to the shocking reality of the abortion issue. The heroine of the left and their friends, Mary Sanger, a true evil Nazi, created Planned Parenthood to remove the scourge of black peoples from the face of America and the world. She was a racist in the uttermost extreme way. Yet the Dems love her, black women who flock to their clinics using abortion as birth control, love her. Ignorance is bliss. Selfishness rules. Uneducated people who are destroying morals, ethics and sensibilities and destroying life as if these aborted, murdered innocents, are trash like wrappers on a chocolate bar. Sad.

The Democrats: Killing the American Family, One Baby at a Time : By ERIC MARTIN.

Margaret Sanger, who founded the Birth Control League, opened the first abortion clinic in America in 1916. She was a disciple of Eugenics, which advocated the racial superiority of the white European peoples over all others, especially over the Blacks, Orientals, and of course, the Jews. Hitler’s racial policies were rooted in the Eugenics Movement, and he was a great admirer of Margaret Sanger.

He came to power in 1933 and fulfilled many of her diabolical aspirations—he exterminated six-million Jews, millions of Gypsies, the physically handicapped, and “mental degenerates.” He also hated Africans, whom he often referred to as mere animals. Margaret Sanger referred to Afro-Americans as “…human weeds, reckless breeders, spawning human beings who should never have been born.”

Margaret Sanger’s Birth Control League became Planned Parenthood in 1942. Since then, the Democratic Party has been the main force behind the killing of over 61,628,584 unborn babies in America. The toll of Black babies has been a holocaust—over 20 million. That was the number of the entire Black population of America in 1960! The Black pastor, Reverend Johnny Hunter, stated on June 20, 2020,

The weapon of mass destruction is the suction machine in Planned Parenthood.”

He went on to raise the alarm amongst the Afro-American community:

If we look the other way while our smallest brothers and sisters are being lynched in the womb, we lose the right to be outraged that we were once lynched by the Klan.”

Hilary Clinton was given the Margaret Sanger Award by Planned Parenthood in 2008. In her speech to thousands of pro-abortion supporters, she said of Margaret Sanger, “I am really in awe of her.”

The Democratic Party is the party of infanticide. They have extended the tongs, the forceps, and the suction machines to babies who are about to be born, babies who are born alive, only to be exterminated by having their heads bashed in and their brains sucked out. Their murderers are now protected by laws enacted by Democratic law makers in Congress. The right to life of the innocent, to the full protection of the Constitution and laws of the United States, has been callously trampled by the Party of Death.

Planned Parenthood is the creation of a twisted Nazi—a depraved racist who hated Judeo-Christian civilization and who worked all her sordid life to destroy respect for human life. She was the enemy of the weak and the infirm, of the poor and deprived.

And yet, Margaret Sanger is the undisputed Queen of the panoply of satanic gods who are worshipped by the Democratic Party and its leaders. These moral perverts claim to be champions of the middle class and of the American family. But as Jesus Christ said, “By their deeds you shall know them.”

They are killing the American family, one baby at a time.

About this author:

Eric Martin

Contributor at America’s Civil War Rising. Eric Martin is a British-born American patriot, who at 75 years of age continues his fight against the enemies of democracy and Judeo-Christian civilization. He was an officer in the Biafran diplomatic corps during the Biafra War of 1967 to 1970 and had close escapes from the Islamic regime of Nigeria and their allies, the KGB. He is a friend of Israel, having volunteered in the Six-Day War, and has also worked with The Friends of Israel for her security. His first allegiance is to the God of Israel and His People, both Jewish and Christian. In 2007, he was chosen by Israel National Radio to announce the station to the world. He believes that it is the duty of all freedom-loving Americans to fight the Marxist barbarians who are now trying to destroy America—with all means possible.

©Fred Brownbill. All rights reserved.


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