Entries by Ann Corcoran

Jewish resettlement contractor in court to try to stop Trump’s latest refugee restrictions

That would be the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society one of the nine federal contractors*** that monopolize all refugee resettlement in America. They have been the most litigious of the nine while they receive more than $20 million a year directly from the US Treasury to place refugees in US cities. HIAS has also been the leader of […]

Jewish Agency to Begin Closing Refugee Resettlement Sites

As I mentioned yesterday, when I reported that true-believer, Lawrence Bartlett, Director of Refugee Admissions at the U.S. State Department, had been reassigned to Puerto Rico (voluntarily we assume), resettlement contractors are in a panic. At Jewish Telegraphic Agency (hat tip: ‘badboylookout’) we learn that the State Department is in talks with its contractors about which sites to […]

Wow! Trump withdraws U.S. from UN Compact on migration/refugees

“We will decide how best to control our borders and who will be allowed to enter our country.” – U.S. Ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley The Human Rights Industrial Complex (HRIC) must be going nuts! Thanks for the tip from reader ‘heymister24’ who sent this overnight. Here is Deutsch Welle‘s version of the news (reported in […]

Dramatic drop in number of refugees entering the U.S. in first 2 months of fiscal year

The President now has completed the first two months of what will be his first full year in admitting refugees to the US and we see numbers are dramatically lower.  In fact they are so low that if the present pace continues until the end of the fiscal year, September 30th, less than 20,000 could […]

UN 2030 Agenda driving international labor migration

Thanks to reader Ron for sending this recent (September 2017) Briefing paper for the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The focus of the report is to promote the idea that moving migrant labor freely around the world and encouraging remittances to be sent back to the home country will alleviate world poverty.  Basically it […]

No U.S. data on financial/social impact of refugee resettlement on communities

And, I think the refugee industry wants to keep it that way! (Think about the enormous stonewalling going on in St. Cloud for instance!). How many times over the years have I struggled to try to answer your questions about how much all of this is costing state and federal taxpayers? Now, I have a better understanding […]

Muslim convicted of $1 million in food stamp fraud — Will he be deported?

Longtime readers know that I’ve had a side interest in food stamp fraud, specifically trafficking in food stamps.  This kind of fraud doesn’t involve purchasing unapproved items with food stamps as you might think, but it’s about selling ones benefits for 50 cents on the dollar. It works like this: customer comes in with benefits, […]

Refugee Resettlement Agency comes Out-of-the-Closet as a Political Agitation Group

Thanks to several readers who sent it, here is yet another reason for the U.S. government to cut off funding for refugee resettlement groups who have become out-of-the-closet political agitation groups.  Mark Hetfield Longtime readers know that HIAS receives millions of taxpayer dollars to place refugees in unsuspecting towns and cities and they have led the […]

China, India, U.S., Nigeria, Haiti, Pakistan, Mexico, Somalia, Cuba, Jamaica refuse to take Canada’s illegal migrants

Although the story is headlined…. Canada Attempts To Deport Illegal Somali Immigrants ….the article makes the case that the Canadian government is not naming those countries, but obviously someone is naming the countries as we see in the headline and the last paragraph! The United States is listed as one country not willing to take […]

Catholic Charities employee arrested for allegedly producing child pornography

The story is here at KOIN.com: (Hat tip: Michael) PORTLAND, Ore. (KOIN) — FBI agents arrested a Portland man Thursday for reportedly producing child pornography after a criminal complaint filed against him alleged that he approached 2 young girls via an app. According to the criminal complaint, Juan “Carlos” Ramon is accused of contacting 2 Louisiana girls, ages […]