Entries by Ann Corcoran

Muslim migrants buying fake Syrian passports to get to Germany

There is so much ‘Invasion of Europe’ news now that I’ll post just those stories that strike my fancy. First, I would be remiss in not telling you that German Chancellor Angela Merkel is being called “Mama Merkel” by migrants anxious to get to the good life in Germany, see here.  (Psst! Don’t tell Obama, he […]

Why should U.S./Europe take Syrian Muslim refugees while Gulf Arab states take ZERO?

And, why is the UN High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) completely silent on this glaring hypocrisy?  Muslim countries who brag about their Islamic compassion (see this post from 2009 where the UNHCR had the nerve to suggest that it is Islam—Shariah law!—that first welcomed the stranger and not Christian or Jewish charity) do not allow […]

President to decide on Muslim refugee quota for FY2016 NOW! Will Congress lift a finger to protect America?

It is September and as we speak, the Obama Administration (US State Department) is putting its final touches on their annual Determination Letter and accompanying report to Congress. The new fiscal year begins on October 1 and by the 30th of this month Obama will send to Congress for “consultation” a document which states how […]

Federal refugee contractors: Houston is the perfect destination for Muslim refugees!

This is your typical warm and fuzzy story about refugees ‘melting’ into America. In fact it is one of those stories that drives me to tell you about the welfare moochers, murderers, rapists and terrorists in the refugee stream—you know to give balance to the news! I’m skipping all the heartwarming information about one refugee’s successful […]

Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society action alert to thwart “fear and hate campaign”

The Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS) has put out an alert to its followers to tell Congress to ignore the ‘haters’ and do not suspend the refugee resettlement program (presumably a reference to the Babin bill although they never mention his name). It is no surprise that HIAS is apparently out in front (ahead of […]

Merkel has gone mad!

Invasion of Europe news… German Chancellor Angela Merkel has announced that any Syrian who gets to Germany can apply for asylum there.  Of course this is going to be great news for Italy and Greece in particular which are now bearing the greatest burden in the invasion by mostly Middle Easterners and Africans. Gee, Germany […]

Online Petition Demands Local Approval for Mulsim Refugee Resettlement

A petition is circulating at GoPetition that asks you to tell elected officials at all levels of government that decisions, to “plant” third worlders in your towns and cities, rest with the local citizens and the local elected government and not with edicts from Washington. The petition is here.  And, if you would like to join the national grassroots […]

Germany: Violent Protests Erupt over Muslim Refugees

More ‘Invasion of Europe’ news….. From the UK Independent: Up to 1,000 protesters have clashed with police in eastern Germany in riots reportedly sparked by the arrival of 250 migrants. Police said protesters shouting “foreigners out” and carrying banners against the “asylum flood” threw bottles and stones at busloads of asylum seekers arriving in Heidenau, […]

Obama Administration won’t say what the Invasion by Unaccompanied Alien Children Cost the U.S.

Julia Hahn at Breitbart has another excellent story with details about the impact on America of refugees, asylees, and this time those Unaccompanied Alien Children who are given over to the care of the Office of Refugee Resettlement. Here is her story from this week (trying to post a few things from afar when I […]

Is FBI report attempting to chill free speech? Reads like it was authored by the Southern Poverty Law Center!

World Net Daily writer Leo Hohmann (who has written extensively on the Refugee Program) reports on a document that the FBI will not deny is theirs. The gist of it is that the FBI is watching militia groups they claim are anti-Islam and asserts that the groups are getting their inspiration from World Net Daily, […]

Trump jumps to A- grade on NumbersUSA Presidential candidate score card

Puts a discussion of LEGAL immigration on the table with his Immigration white paper. Here is Roy Beck writing at NumbersUSA earlier this week: The weight of Donald Trump’s front-runner status and his detailed plan released over the weekend tipped the balance among the Republicans’ 2016 Presidential field so that the dominant position now is […]