Entries by Jerry Newcombe, D. Min.

How Can We Have Two Systems of Justice in This Country?

There should not be two standards of justice in this nation—a slap on the wrist for the politically correct who do wrong, while Gen. Michael Flynn’s whole life has been upended for allegedly lying to the FBI. Flynn has lost his house, livelihood, and reputation. Meanwhile, in contrast, there is a high ranking FBI attorney […]

The New York Times Blames Christians for Poor Coronavirus Response

The religious right is anti-science. The religious right supports Donald Trump, and he welcomes their support. Therefore, America is doing much worse in our fight with the coronavirus than we could be. If Trump had not chosen to ally himself with those anti-science Bible-thumpers, the whole world would be better off. So posits an op-ed […]

A Socialist for President?

How is it that a communist, for all practical purposes, is winning in the Iowa caucuses at present? If there is anything that history shows repeatedly, it is that socialism, including its more violent form, communism, is an utter failure by every criterion imaginable. And yet, as of this writing, Bernie Sanders, Democrat presidential candidate […]

A Christmas Meditation on Christ as “The Prophet”

When it comes to prophesies and predictions, have you ever noticed how often the “experts” get it wrong? Winston Churchill quipped, “I always avoid prophesying beforehand, because it is much better policy to prophesy after the event has already taken place.” Predictions are dangerous. Consider these “prophecies” made by various people: “There is not the […]

The Salvation Army a “Hate” Group? Preposterous!

I feel like I lost a friend when Chick-fil-A apparently decided to throw Christians under the bus to curry favor with the LBGTQ crowd. Not that they could ever be “good” enough to please the radical gays because the goal is not really tolerance….it is forced acceptance and celebration. But one thing that truly galled […]

Thanksgiving—to be Practiced Year Round

There are valuable lessons to be learned from the first Thanksgiving but the first grade class of Stone Bank Elementary School in Oconomowoc, Wisconsin won’t be learning them. Even though no one had complained, school administrators sent the following message to disappointed parents, “Out of respect for Native Americans, and the sensitivity of this time […]

Journalism Is Not a Crime

The First Amendment took a major beating in a California courtroom last week. On Friday, 11/15/19, a jury in San Francisco’s U.S. District Court found David Daleiden and his team guilty of trespassing, fraud, and other infractions. Daleiden and his group produced the 2015 undercover videos (still available at www.cmp.org) that expose the trafficking of […]