OBAMA: Je ne suis pas Charlie!

dnOBAMA: Je ne suis pas Charlie…means, OBAMA: I am NOT Charlie!

Though he claims to be a “Christian” is President Obama really a Muslim? This question has been asked a zillion times and still people are confused about his true beliefs. On today’s show we raise the question once again this time in light of the President’s very bizarre behavior related to the Muslim attacks in France.

Whereas the whole world, including many Muslim leaders are calling these Muslim attacks, President Obama still refuses to attribute any Islamic behavior to the jihadi’s who gave allegiance to Al Qaeda and the Islamic State and claimed to kill in the name of Islam! Moreover, on Sunday, during a historic rally in Paris of world solidarity against Muslim jihad attacks, with over 40 world leaders arm-in-arm, President Obama did not send a representative and did not himself attend.

The logical conclusion to this avoidance of participation against Islamic jihad speaks volumes…as you will see in this episode of Enemies of the State.

Year of The Black Tea Party

Black Americans with strong values are no longer welcome in the Democratic Party of BHO … time for them to come on over to the TEA Party where faith in God is welcome!

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of Maggie’s Notebook.

black tea party

Exclusive: Criticize Islam You Die – Anjem Choudary

I did  an exclusive interview with Anjem Choudary who states that anyone who “insults Islam or Mohammad deserves capitol punishment” including the Pope.

Watch Islam in all of its darkness.


UK: Muslim cleric praises Charlie Hebdo jihad, says UK “enemy of Islam”

Psychiatrist: Paris jihadis aren’t psychopaths, they’re Islamic fundamentalists

“If someone offends the prophet then there is no problem, we can kill him”

Like Pigs to the Slaughter

Jihad is killing people and governments are ignoring the problem.


Video: INCREDIBLE footage of French police storming in market to kill madman, save hostages

Congress’ First Navy Seal: Obama’s Foreign Policy Supports Terrorism

Double-Agent: Numerous Jihadist Sleeper Cells Prepared to Repeat Paris Attacks Worldwide

FRANCE: Jihad Wins – French Lose

Our attention is turned to the developing attacks in Paris, France. As various terrorist cells go operationally jihad, we center in on the systemic failures of elected officials, both in France and America, to properly and professionally make the obvious connection between the doctrine of Islam, the behavior of the jihadi and the consequent death of innocent Westerners.

The question is raised: Will France learn a lesson about confronting the take over of its country by Islamic supremacy?

Or will the bad guys have another tactical success in their march to building a world Caliphate?

HINT: French President François Hollande went out of his way to state that the attacks from Islamic terrorists had NOTHING to do with..Islam!

Watch and find out!


Charlie Hebdo jihad mentor’s wife lives on welfare in UK

Video: INCREDIBLE footage of French police storming in market to kill madman, save hostages

Congress’ First Navy Seal: Obama’s Foreign Policy Supports Terrorism

Double-Agent: Numerous Jihadist Sleeper Cells Prepared to Repeat Paris Attacks Worldwide

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of RubenL.nl.

Charlie Hebdo is Dead – Mohammed is Avenged [+ Video]

As the Muslim jihadis were slaughtering the employees of Charlie Hebdo in their editorial conference room, the savage Muslims yelled out, “Mohammed is avenged,” as Charlie Hebdo died.

Please tell me what kind of religion pleases their god by executing people who make cartoons spoofing all religions and political parties? Please tell me what kind of religion finds their pleasure in watching the flesh, bones and blood of other humans cut to pieces by the automatic fire of AK machine guns? For the answers to these and other critically important questions watch our special show which features two experts, former FBI agent, John Guandolo and filmmaker, Chris Burgard.

This is a very sad day for the West and could get worse, if the predictible capitulation to Islamic supremacy wins the day.

To learn more visit www.theunitedwest.org.


Islamic Genocide: Boko Haram Slaughters 2000 in One Day

Paris Suspect in Massacre May Have Been Trained by Guantanamo Prisoner Released by Obama Admin.

Jihadi to woman in Charlie Hebdo offices: “You have to convert to Islam, read the Koran and wear a veil”

Canada’s Harper: “The international jihadist movement has declared war….we are going to have to confront it.”

Charlie Hebdo jihad attack: Free speech is a microcosm of a much larger issue

Muslim Pelosi staffer, Salon writer on French jihad: ‘Muslim terrorists get the job done’


VIDEO: Unblurred Execution of Paris Police Officer – Original Footage Raw

We were in pre-production for today’s show (Jan 7, 2015) when we noticed that the news agencies were avoiding or blurring the actual moment of execution by the Muslim shooters in Paris. We felt it necessary for the world to see the brutality of those whom we believe are Islamic State fighters.

Learn more in our Special Report: Charlie Hebdo is dead – Mohammad is Avenged.


Islamic Genocide: Boko Haram Slaughters 2000 in One Day

Paris Suspect in Massacre May Have Been Trained by Guantanamo Prisoner Released by Obama Admin.

Jihadi to woman in Charlie Hebdo offices: “You have to convert to Islam, read the Koran and wear a veil”

Canada’s Harper: “The international jihadist movement has declared war….we are going to have to confront it.”

Charlie Hebdo jihad attack: Free speech is a microcosm of a much larger issue

Muslim Pelosi staffer, Salon writer on French jihad: ‘Muslim terrorists get the job done’

Terrorists in Paris were Asking for Specific People during the Shooting

EDITORS NOTE: U.S. Senator Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued the following statement regarding the deadly terrorist attack in Paris earlier today:

“I was saddened to learn of the terrorist attack that claimed 12 lives at the offices of Charlie Hebdo magazine in Paris earlier today. These journalists and satirists were apparently killed by Islamic extremists for exercising the fundamental human right of free speech and expression. These terrorists don’t hate cartoons, they hate freedom. They’re willing to target anyone and destroy anything in the name of intimidating free people and spreading their cruel and hateful dogmas. It is important for the United States – and free nations everywhere – to oppose these forces with strength and vigilance. Today, the United States must stand unequivocally with the people of France in their time of need and mourning. We must assist them to bring the perpetrators and sponsors of this act to justice.”

The Presidential Horse Pucky Dance

The election of a new President is coming up in 2016. I think America is ready for a different kind of candidate.

A Dark Day for America

Today we analyze the details that made this a very dark day for America.

Up first is the absurd re-election of John Boehner as Speaker of the House of Representatives. Instead of a conservative juggernaut to stop and defeat the neo-Marxist and culturally destructive policies of President Obama the 114th Congress chose the failed and pseudo-conservative John Boehner, Congressman from Ohio to his third term as Speaker. This sets a terrible precedent as we race into the Presidential election of 2016, 671 days from today. Not only will the Constitutional Conservative viewpoint be suppressed but Boehner will continue with his “K” Street tactics and cut deals with Obama that increase the size of our national debt, allow illegal aliens to walk through our borders and enable the Muslim Brotherhood to have more detrimental impact to our national security.

This is not good.

Neither is it good that today, the Judges of Florida legalized gay marriage in spite of a constitutional amendment that has been in place since 2008. This is wrong on two levels both legally and culturally. Notwithstanding all the politically-correct emotion connected to “same-sex” marriage the data and common sense affirm the Judeo-Christian understanding of marriage, a union between a man and a woman is essential to a morally sound civilization.

Check out the show and see why we say, this is a “Dark Day For America.”

RUN LOUIE WIN! – Congressman Gohmert for Speaker

On Sunday morning January 4, Congressman Louis Gohmert announced on Fox News that he is running against John Boehner for Speaker of the House of Representatives. THIS IS GREAT NEWS FOR ALL REAL CONSERVATIVES!

Through the years, Judge Gohmert has proven himself as a Constitutional Conservative from issues of taxes, culture and national security. In fact Congressman Gohmert is one of the few elected officials to deeply research and fight the Obama Administration on the still unresolved tragedy of SEAL Team SIX shoot down of their helicopter, call sign: EXTORTION 17.

This video was taped off a TV as the network footage has not yet been released. Join, Tom Trento and The United West team for our Monday Jan 5, show (4pm eastern) entitled: “Who is Louie Gohmert and Why He Should be Speaker!”

Our special guests are Billy and Karen Vaughn who have worked very closely with Congressman Gohmert for several years on national security issues.

To learn more go to www.TheUnitedWest.org.

Tom Trento and Friends Predictions and Resolutions 2015 (Part 2)

PREDICTIONS & RESOLUTIONS from friends of The United West.

WOW, what a great two-part show we have for our listeners and viewers scheduled for Jan 1 & 2! We reached out to newsmakers, activists, patriots, Zionists and warriors for the Judeo-Christian worldview and asked them two questions: What RESOLUTIONS do you have for 2015 and what geopolitical PREDICTIONS do you have for 2015?

You will be amazed at the responses we got from our distinguished guests who range from military Generals to homemakers who are hard-core Tea Party activists!

Tune in, sit back, enjoy and oh, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

To watch Part I click here.

Is Legalizing Marijuana a Solution to Unfair Drug Arrests?

Kelsey Harkness, news producer at The Daily Signal reports and asks:

One reason advocates argue for the legalization of marijuana is that arrests for possession of the drug fall disproportionately on young black men, which has the potential of ruining their lives and creating new generations of criminals.

Are they right?

Kevin A. Sabet, a leading voice against legalizing pot, recently spoke with The Daily Signal to share his take.

“I don’t think young black men or anybody should get a criminal record for low-level use,” Sabet said, adding:

I don’t think we should use our law enforcement time jailing or imprisoning marijuana users. But to solve that problem, you don’t need to go to the other extreme of creating big tobacco 2.0.


Kevin A. Sabet served in the Obama administration as senior adviser at the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy and also worked in the Clinton (2000) and Bush (2002-2003) administrations. He is co-founder of SAM (Smart Approaches to Marijuana) and director of the Drug Policy Institute at the University of Florida.

Alex Anderson co-produced this video. 

Portrait of Kelsey Harkness


Kelsey Harkness

Kelsey Harkness is a news producer at The Daily Signal. Send an email to Kelsey.

RELATED ARTICLE: Busting the Myth That Marijuana Doesn’t Kill, in 1 Minute

Tom Trento and Friends Predictions and Resolutions for 2015 (Part 1)

PREDICTIONS & RESOLUTIONS from friends of The United West.

WOW, what a great two-part show we have for our listeners and viewers scheduled for Jan 1 & 2! We reached out to newsmakers, activists, patriots, Zionists and warriors for the Judeo-Christian worldview and asked them two questions: What RESOLUTIONS do you have for 2015 and what geopolitical PREDICTIONS do you have for 2015?

You will be amazed at the responses we got from our distinguished guests who range from military Generals to homemakers who are hard-core Tea Party activists! Tune in, sit back, enjoy and oh, HAPPY NEW YEAR!

To watch Part 2 click here.

Dump NYC Mayor de Blasio Now!

At what point should Bill de Blasio, the neo-communist Mayor of New York City realize he is done as the leader of anyone in that city…except for the members of the local, “Sandinista’s Forever Club?”

Hey, Red Bill, when you have EVERY cop hating your guts, that could be a clue for you to take your buyout money, your pension, and all other “bennies” you’ve accumulated and hit the road for Nicaragua. Actually, your buddy, Mr. Obama may be able to work out a deal with Fidel and get you a “public advocate” gig in the socialist wonderland of Cuba…Viva La Revolution!

Tune in as we make the case for the firing of Mayor de Blasio. DO NOT miss the sharp, witty and insightful commentary of long-time New Yorker, Daniel Greenfield, Shillman Journalism Fellow with the Horowitz Freedom Center. Adios, Bill!

RELATED ARTICLE: Bill de Blasio’s Pick for NYPD Oversight Board Linked to Group in Cop-Killer Video

2014 Project Veritas Action Year in Review

In October 2014 James O’Keefe started Project Veritas Action (PVA), a new group that allows his team to dig deeper into elections, campaigns and the legislation that impacts all Americans.

O’Keefe in an email notes, “As you can imagine, it’s tough getting a new organization off of the ground. It’s really no different from starting a small business. But only days after forming Project Veritas Action, we were generating real results.”

Here’s a six-minute video that recaps Project Veritas Action’s work for 2014:

The following are Project Veritas Action’s achievements:

  • In Texas, PVA uncovered violations of election laws by the group, Battleground Texas, which was founded by an Obama campaign operative.
  • Moving on to Kentucky, PVA exposed the hypocrisy of Senate Candidate Alison Grimes who appeared to cater to the coal industry but behind the scenes, left her top supporters with the clear impression that as soon as she was elected, she would be the working hard to shutdown the lifeblood of the state.
  • Next, PVA focused on the campaign of Mark Pryor who was running for Senate in Arkansas. One important issue to Arkansas votes was gay marriage, which we found Pryor, much like Grimes, presented multiple faces dependent upon the audience. Pryor’s hypocrisy was on display when the chairwoman of the state’s gay caucus disclosed his personal support for gay marriage with no ambiguity.
  • In Colorado, PVA found campaign operatives who enthusiastically pointed us in the right direction in committing massive vote fraud.
  • Heading down South, PVA focused heavily on North Carolina where multiple campaign workers were all too willing to help illegal immigrants cast a ballot in the election.
  • PVA’s final stop was Louisiana, a state whose government needs constant sunlight. There PVA uncovered the ties between corrupt government attorneys and the work they now do for Holder’s Justice Department. Bar complaints were filed and shocked a local democratic official who literally ran for cover.

O’Keefe states, “Conducting our investigations and delivering the results to the public is primarily what we do. It’s up to the media and governments to follow through on what we disclose. That’s the true impact of our work. We could conduct a thousand investigations a year, but if our work does not result in action, I would argue our work is in vain. Thankfully, that’s not the case.”

Here’s a short list of what happened after PVA’s investigations were released:

  • The Democratic Senate Campaign Committee, pulled television spending for Senate Candidate Alison Grimes days after our report in Kentucky.
  • A Greenpeace official was terminated after she was caught on camera advising our undercover reporter on how to commit voter fraud.
  • Pryor polled behind by seven points. After PVA’s investigation in Arkansas, the candidate lost by 17 points.
  • Grimes went from a four-point lead to a 16-point loss!
  • After PVA’s report in Colorado, Udall polled behind before PVA’s investigation by two points but lost by four points.
  • And in North Carolina, Hagan went from a 2 point lead to a 2 point loss.

“I’ve done my best to launch Project Veritas Action as strongly as possible, and I hope you are impressed by the accomplishments of the last few months. But make no mistake, our brand new group will continue operations into 2015 . . . and our plans are big,” writes O’Keefe.