The Communist Led War on America’s Police
It is apparent, even to the most naïve or gullible, that there is a war against our police officers. This is nothing new; it’s been going on for many years. However, what we are now witnessing is the Marxist war against American society by first destroying those who protect us. This has been a Communist objective for over a hundred years.
In the Communist Manifesto, Marx and Engels outlined their overall strategy. First of all, they stated that what they wanted was to win the battle for democracy. Second, they wanted a social revolution. But what they don’t tell you is that a democracy is mob rule, a representative republic is based on the “rule of law” the latter of which Marxists want destroyed. Link
Democracy v. Republic
They knew that with a democracy the masses could be manipulated in such a way as to incrementally destroy the republic and thus the law which results in the end of liberty for the individual thereby having a disastrous effect on society as a whole. Also, they wanted a social revolution, since the communist revolution could fail without first destroying the social fabric of the country. We are watching the social fabric being destroyed.
They want to destroy the various aspects of society that hold a civilization together; BLM has openly stated their desire to destroy the nuclear family, church, business, local government. The very history of the community had to be eliminated to make room for the new society, the new reality, run by communists like Black Lives Matter and Antifa. The three lesbian founders of Black Lives Matter have stated they are trained Marxists. And they were trained by Bill Ayers and his Weather Underground. Antifa was founded in 1932 in Nazi Germany, they were against fascism because they loved communism.
Equality for All Americans
Black lives do matter, just as all American lives matter. Total equality for black Americans reached a crescendo in the 1960s by Americans who fought for freedom for all. In the 50s, when Governor Faubus ordered the Arkansas National Guard to surround Central High School to keep the nine black students from entering the school, President Eisenhower ordered the 101st Airborne Division into Little Rock to ensure the safety of the “Little Rock Nine” and that the rulings of the Supreme Court were upheld.
Education was integrated that very day and America stood proud. But behind some of the civil rights movements were those who promoted violence, and it hurt America’s cause of freedom for all.
Civil Rights
The so-called “Civil Rights” struggle which was allegedly spearheaded by Martin Luther King with a program of non-violence. But violence followed the preacher. Chicago’s Mayor John Daley would not allow the violence into his city. He knew that communists followed Dr. King.
According to John McManus, former Public Relations Director and later President, and now President Emeritus of the John Birch Society, stated,
When rioting, burning, looting, and anarchy engulfed numerous American cities, Robert Welch, Founder and President of the Society, began urging that more attention be given to exposing the so-called “civil rights” struggle. He praised the effective educational campaigns that had already been undertaken by member-created Truth About Civil Turmoil (TACT) committees and he urged starting more of them. Those who participated weren’t asked to join the Society; they were enlisted to help spread sound information that dealt with this single problem. TACT committees sprang up in numerous locales and so did TRAIN (To Restore American Independence Now) and (Support Your Local Police) SYLP committees – all using the guidelines supplied by headquarters.
Continuing on from the report of McManus, in the History of the John Birch Society – recounted by someone who was there,
As a part of the campaign to spread truth about civil turmoil, the Society reprinted two small booklets openly published by Communists. These were the 1928 “American Negro Problems” written by Hungarian Communist Joseph Pogany using the alias John Pepper, and the 1935 “Negros in a Soviet America” authored by American Communists James W. Ford and James S. Allen. These small publications called for two revolutions – one aimed at establishing Communist control over the nation’s southeastern states (creating a Soviet Negro Republic) and the other aiming for Communist control of the entire nation (establishing a Soviet United States). The Ford and Allen booklet spelled out the twin goals: “The revolution for land and freedom in the South and the proletarian revolution in the country as a whole will develop hand in hand.”
After Society members distributed these two very revealing publications, Welch produced his own analysis of the Communist designs in a booklet entitled “Two Revolutions at Once.” In it he targeted Martin Luther King as a favorite of the Communists who trained and financed him, and who looked to him to lead the campaign to implement their plans.
Then and now, political leaders and the mass media consistently portrayed King as a champion of non-violence and an apostle of peace. But in a widely distributed article first appearing in the October 1965 issue of American Opinion, JBS writer Alan Stang corrected these and several other notions about King. Regarding the oft-stated claim that King and his cohorts relied on non-violence, Stang presented the King strategy as it had been spelled out by King himself in the April 3, 1965 issue of Saturday Review. The “non-violent” Martin Luther King freely admitted that his strategy relied on creating violence and that it couldn’t succeed unless some was created. As recounted in Saturday Review, the four-step King program called for:
- Nonviolent demonstrators go into the streets to exercise their constitutional rights.
- Racists resist by unleashing violence against them.
- Americans of conscience in the name of decency demand federal intervention and legislation.
- The administration, under mass pressure, initiates immediate measures of intervention and remedial legislation.
By reading Alan Stang’s Uncelebrate King, part one, one can be brought to a complete understanding of how the King strategy played out, as well as the fact that when the non-violent demonstrators violated the law, such as spitting on the police, or throwing bottles or bricks at them, the photographers were inactive but when the police responded, as they should, then the cameras became active to show the racists resisting. (Bold type mine)
These are examples of what would be reported throughout the fake news. Following is an excerpt from Stang’s article, “Uncelebrate King, part one:”
Drue Lackey was Montgomery, Alabama’s Chief of police…he stated that when the Selma march reached Montgomery, that so-called “non-violet demonstrators” tried to provoke his policemen to react by throwing “non-violent bottles and bricks, and bedecking them with gobs of spit, while other “non-violent” demonstrators waited nearby to take pictures.
Here is Chief Lackey’s rendition, in part, of the event: “Those four days on the road had turned into a habitual sex orgy by the time they reached the capitol, King was always seen on TV marching in the front row among clean, well-disciplined performers. It was all a sham. He stayed partying separately most of those days, and would only arrive in a chauffeured limousine for appointed press deadlines, leaving immediately after.
Most of the others put off at least until nightfall, what they had come for, as this mob had been bused in from across the country and around the world. They were unemployed blacks, white students, party activists of both races, all on promises of free food, booze and all the sex they wanted. We witnessed them sleeping on the ground all together, and a lot of sexual activity went on throughout the night, with frequently changed partners. This is what the federal government sponsored; a bunch of Communists and moral degenerates.”
The Communist Conspiracy Exposed
Over and over, Robert Welch repeated the slogan he had created: “Fully expose the civil rights fraud and you will break the back of the Communist’s Conspiracy.”
In response to the revolutionary activity, Welch marshaled his forces made up of the members of the John Birch Society along with many who were not members. Across the nation, members responded with distribution of literature, parade floats, letter writing, speaker events and more. In communities throughout the nation, but especially in Southeastern states, members succeeded in hiring halls, gathering audiences, and hosting such knowledgeable experts as black ex-communists Leonard Patterson and Lola Belle Holmes, former FBI undercover operatives Julia Brown and Gerald Kirk, widely respected journalist George Schuyler, Rev. Freeman Yearling, Charles Smith, and others – all Black Americans who were totally convinced of the need to expose the Communist threat posing as a crusade for “civil rights”.
Early in 1966, the Society released its 75-minute film “Anarchy USA” to aid member efforts in combating civil rights agitation; it was the work of Society official G. Edward Griffin. The film presented the Communist strategy given in film clips featuring their own destructive strategy. It then presented Julia Brown recounting her experiences in the Communist Party and her first-hand testimony about being instructed to follow King and implement his strategy.
Experiences recounted by Leonard Patterson during the film were somewhat different from those of Mrs. Brown, but he concluded as she had about the fundamental goal of the Communists. In part, he stated:
When I was a young man only 23 years old, I joined the Communist Party. I knew (Communist Party Leader) Gus Hall and other top-ranking American Communists very well because I trained with them (during the 1930s) at the Lenin University in Moscow. I broke away from the party when it became clear to me what the Communists were really up to was to use the Negro people in this country as cannon-fodder in a violent and bloody revolution aimed at the establishment of an American Soviet dictatorship….I’m not speaking of things I read about! These are things I personally participated in.
In the late sixties, my wife and I attended an event in Alexandria, Louisiana in which Leonard Patterson, speaking of his involvement in activities in the Communists war against the police, referred to an event in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in which, according to him, they killed one of their own members to make it appear that it was the police who were guilty.
The impact of the film, “Anarchy USA” along with all the “ Support Your Local Police Committees” and with all the concerted action by the many Black Americans as well as that of the John Birch Society in exposing the Communist civil rights agenda for a war on the local police, drove the campaign underground.
But the war on the police was not yet dead; it had only been forced into a smoldering dormancy biding its time to once again renew its attack on our local police. This time it’s not only a war on our police but also a war on American Society and the law. Reportedly, some authorities in control of the law have actually caved to the invaders. In the military that would be called treason and that’s what it is.
Today we can see that very fraud in Black Lives Matter whose three female founders were tutored and indoctrinated by the Weatherman Underground and have professed that they are trained Marxists. We are being invaded and the perpetrators are being protected by the very politicians in charge of the cities. May God reward them according to their service – the only way they will receive justice will be by God.
What we are currently witnessing is not only the acquiescing with the Communist agenda, but the deceit of many of our elected officials. J. Edward Hoover referred to them in “Masters Of Deceit” as Sleepers in the Communist ranks who pose as Conservatives or Anti-Communists, but are actually those who are only waiting for the time or times when they can use their influence to either advance the Communist agenda, or to prevent action that would be detrimental to it. We have many of this kind throughout local, state and federal government, and in the total society.
If we continue to let our officials go along with the dialectical program of the opposition – accepting one compromise after another, we are going to see our local law enforcement taken over by the federal government and consequently very shortly after by the United Nations. This will result in law enforcement that will protect the U.N. from any pro-American action which will develop to restore our independence.
According to what the UN has planned for us we most likely won’t have the liberty of working against it.
So, as a starter, we need to get as many Support Your Local Police Committees set up across the nation as possible and also as quickly as possible. Get a few people together and if you don’t know how to proceed with starting a program for supporting your local police – get in-touch with the John Birch Society or contact the New American Magazine.
These are the first things we need for people to do; then follow up by learning as much about this issue as you can, but above all – get involved.
©J.W. Bryan. All rights reserved.
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— Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) August 30, 2020