Tag Archive for: claiming victim status

PHOENIX: Hijab-wearing transsexual Antifa rioter decries ‘Islamophobic’ jail conditions, tweets ‘AbolishAmerikkka’

The Leftist/jihadist alliance in action and a vivid, if somewhat revolting, illustration of the hatred for America that both of these allies share.


France: Muslim students cheer burning of French flags in response to Muhammad cartoons

Trotskyites: French ‘ruling elite’ is ‘whipping up an atmosphere of anti-Muslim hysteria’ in wake of jihad beheading

Tunisia: MP glorifies the beheading of a French teacher for showing a Muhammad cartoon

France: Interior Minister wants to dissolve ‘anti-Islamophobia’ organization, calls it ‘enemy of the Republic’

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Minnesota: Hamas-linked CAIR enraged, demands firing of barista who wrote “ISIS” on Muslima’s coffee cup

The involvement of Hamas-linked CAIR makes this suspicious on its face, as that unsavory organization has trumpeted many hate crimes that turned out to have been faked. But there are two other striking aspects to this story. One is that Hamas-linked CAIR “has yet to identify” the woman to whom this supposedly happened. Why not? Could it be that her name sounds something like “ISIS,” and would thus reveal this to have been an honest mistake on the part of the barista? Anyone who has ever been in a Starbucks knows that many baristas are not exactly intellectual giants, and for many, English is not their first language. Mistakes on names abound at Starbucks outlets all over the country, and most people shrug or laugh them off. Hamas-linked CAIR says: “A supervisor told the Muslim customer that ‘mistakes’ sometimes happen with customers’ names, suggesting that this is not the first incident in which a customer felt targeted or harassed by a Target employee’s conduct when receiving their coffee order.” Or maybe the customer was just noting that his or her name was wrong; not everyone assumes that a mistake means one is being targeted or harassed.

Hamas-linked CAIR has shaken huge sums of money out of corporations with intimidation tactics, claiming “Islamophobia” over honest mistakes. Could that be what is happening here?

“A Muslim woman ordered a frozen drink at Starbucks. The barista wrote ‘ISIS’ on her cup.” Sahan Journal, July 5, 2020 (thanks to The Religion of Peace):

A Muslim woman said that on July 1 she ordered a drink at Starbucks within the Midway Target in St. Paul.

As soon as she started telling the Target Starbucks employee her first name, she said, the barista wrote something on a clear plastic drinking cup.

When the Muslim woman received her drink, she found “ISIS” written on the cup, according to the Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations.

The Muslim civil liberties and advocacy organization said in a press release that the woman confronted the employee, asking why “ISIS” was written on the cup. ISIS, an acronym for the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, is a terrorist group that is active in Iraq and Syria.

“The employee claimed that she had not heard her name correctly,” CAIR-MN stated in the press release. “Later, a supervisor told the Muslim customer that ‘mistakes’ sometimes happen with customers’ names, suggesting that this is not the first incident in which a customer felt targeted or harassed by a Target employee’s conduct when receiving their coffee order.”

CAIR-MN is calling for the firing of the Target Starbucks employee who wrote “ISIS” on the cup….

The woman, whom CAIR-MN has yet to identify, will appear at a press conference with the organization on Monday.


America Magazine discovers Muslim genocide of Christians in Nigeria, wishes US and European bishops would speak out

Italy: Police seize 30,000 pounds of amphetamines, “the drug of the jihad,” produced by the Islamic State

Georgia: Members of heavily armed black militia shout “Alhamdulillah”

Black Lives Matter founder: “Plz Allah give me strength to not cuss/kill these men and white folks out here”

NYC: North Korean and “Palestinian” protestors scream “Death to America” and “Death to Israel”

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

FBI Data: Anti-Muslim hate crimes under Trump are below Obama levels in 2014

The media has put out numerous pieces based on bad data and hate crime hoaxes claiming that President Trump was responsible for a rise in anti-Muslim hate crimes. Now the FBI data is out and it actually shows that anti-Muslim hate crimes under Trump are below Obama levels in 2014.

Does that mean that Obama was actually responsible for anti-Muslim hate crimes while Trump is a beacon of tolerance? If the media were logically consistent, instead of narratively consistent, then sure. But since the media is narratively consistent, that’s not the conclusion it will draw.

 By the numbers: Of 4,571 reported attacks the bureau tracked, aggravated assaults were up 4%, simple assaults up 15% and intimidation up 13%. The report also shows that assaults targeting Muslims, Arab Americans and African Americans have gone down, while violence against Latinos has risen.

The report says 485 hate crimes were reported against Latinos in 2018, compared to 43 in 2017.

270 hate crimes were reported against Muslims and Arab Americans — the lowest since 2014.

1,943 hate crimes were reported against African Americans — the lowest since 1992.

Guess which one of those numbers the media will play up and blame on President Trump?

Hint: It’s the negative one of the three.


Inside Mosques: Savannah and Statesboro, Georgia

New York Times called Baghdadi a “terrorist,” but scrubs “terror” from article about killing of “Palestinian” jihadi

RELATED VIDEO: Subtitled video of the Koran burn in Norway.

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. © All rights reserved.

Florida Muslim gets 100 years for murder: Defense attorney vows to appeal, says killer is victim of strict Muslim upbringing

“Defense attorney Valerie Masters, who vowed to appeal the conviction, said [Fares] Mustafa was also a victim of violence. Growing up in a strict Muslim community in New York City, Mustafa was beaten daily by his father, she wrote in court papers. His mother was powerless to intervene because she, too, was the victim of horrific abuse by the man, who became her husband in an arranged marriage typical of their Palestinian homeland.” This presentation makes Masters sound positively “Islamophobic”: a “strict Muslim community” in which Mustafa “was beaten daily by his father”? An “arranged marriage typical of their Palestinian homeland”? In any other context Masters would be denounced as a racist, bigoted hatemonger.

But she is actually playing a canny game: she could have said that Mustafa grew up in a “strict community” in which he was beaten daily, and that his parents had an arranged marriage as was “typical in their homeland,” without drawing attention to Mustafa’s Muslim background. By making a point of doing so, she is signaling that to give this poor victim Fares Mustafa a 100-year sentence is another manifestation of “Islamophobia,” and if Florida officials want to avoid these charges of “Islamophobia,” they should reduce his sentence.

“Wellington man sentenced to 100 years for murder,” by Jane Musgrave, Palm Beach Post, July 21, 2014 (thanks to Creeping Sharia):

WEST PALM BEACH — A 33-year-old Wellington man on Monday was sentenced to 100 years in prison for fatally shooting a Jupiter man and critically wounding the man’s girlfriend during a 2010 break-in at the duplex they shared.

Looking at Fares Mustafa, who was wearing a blue jail jumpsuit with his arms and legs shackled, Palm Beach County Court Judge Barry Cohen called Mustafa’s decision to shoot Katie Coonrod as she cowered in a closet reprehensible.

“For what?” Cohen asked. “To steal money? Drugs?”

However, he rejected pleas from prosecutors and victims to hand Mustafa two consecutive life terms.

Mindful that a jury in June convicted Mustafa of second-degree murder, not first-degree, pre-meditated murder, for killing 31-year-old John Anderson, Cohen said life sentences weren’t appropriate. Mustafa also was convicted of attempted first-degree murder for shooting Coonrod.

Kenneth Anderson insisted that two life sentences weren’t sufficient punishment for the man who killed his brother, the father of a young girl. “I would prefer death,” he said, adding that he recognized that wasn’t possible.

Too traumatized to talk, Coonrod wrote Cohen a letter, explaining how her life has been unalterably changed since Mustafa broke into the apartment, killed her fiance and shot her three times after she fled into a walk-in closet.

“There’s not a day that goes by that I don’t replay that night over and over again,” she wrote. “When you killed John, you killed a huge part of me. I live the life of a person I don’t even recognize anymore.”

Marcia Scheppler, who lived next door to Coonrod and Anderson, called Mustafa “soul-less.” She and her then-12-year-old daughter, Melanie, were sleeping when a stray bullet crashed through the wall and came to rest in their mattress.

Even though they immediately moved out of the duplex on Allen Street in the Heights of Jupiter, Mustafa robbed them of their ability to feel safe in their own home, both said.

Defense attorney Valerie Masters, who vowed to appeal the conviction, said Mustafa was also a victim of violence. Growing up in a strict Muslim community in New York City, Mustafa was beaten daily by his father, she wrote in court papers. His mother was powerless to intervene because she, too, was the victim of horrific abuse by the man, who became her husband in an arranged marriage typical of their Palestinian homeland.

When Mustafa’s mother finally escaped by moving Mustafa and some of his four sisters here, he rebelled from his strict upbringing by embracing drugs and alcohol. His three children were taken away from him after one of his children fell off a second-floor balcony when Mustafa’s wife was in a drunken stupor, Masters wrote.

Mustafa told police he broke into Anderson’s apartment after a friend told him he could find oxycodone and Ecstasy pills and at least $100,000 inside. During the trial, Masters argued that another man staying at the duplex, Andrew Thomas, was the triggerman. She pointed out that when nurses at the hospital asked Coonrod who shot her, she wrote, “Drew.”

However, Coonrod testified she was sure Thomas hadn’t shot her. Further, she said, while she knew Anderson sold prescription drugs she was never involved in the illicit operation.


UK: Ex-Gitmo detainee and Leftist media darling Moazzam Begg charged with terrorism, attending Islamic State training camp
Colorado convert to Islam charged with conspiracy to aid Islamic State
Jihad group releases video of jihad-martyrdom suicide bomber from U.S.
Turkey to send another jihad flotilla to Gaza, this time with troops