Biden Flees Sudan, Leaves Americans Behind Again
“What do you think, we’re a great power or something?”
In Afghanistan, the British and French took the lead in getting their people out while Biden’s generals yelled at them to stop rescuing their people because it made them look bad.
An American convoy came under fire in Sudan.
France and Italy are evacuating their citizens. The Democrat surrender monkeys in D.C. have a familiar message. “Sorry you guys, you’re on your own. What do you think we’re a great power or something?”
As the violent struggle for power over Sudan reaches the one-week mark, the Biden administration is sticking firmly to its warning for private citizens: don’t expect to be rescued.
While the administration says it is working towards evacuating American embassy staff still stranded in the country, it makes no promises about other Americans who could get let behind.
“It is not our standard procedure to evacuate American citizens living abroad,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Friday.
Unless they’re woke lesbian basketball players who hate America. In that case no expenses will be spared and no compromises of national security will be too great.
Everyone else can go to hell or Sudan which is much the same thing.
Principal Deputy State Department spokesperson Vedant Patel said that officials had been in touch with several hundred of the estimated 16,000 U.S. citizens in Sudan concerning “security measures and other precautions they can take on their own.”
Several hundred.
Meanwhile, Italy is evacuating not only its own people, but Swiss nationals.
The Swiss foreign ministry said seven staff and five companions had been evacuated for security reasons “thanks to a collaboration with our partners”.
The foreign ministry tweet thanked France for its assistance, but it emerged early that Italy had also provided support.
On Sunday, Italy said it had helped evacuate its own nationals, but also Swiss citizens and members of the embassy of the Holy See in Sudan.
Not to mention other Europeans.
Late Sunday evening the foreign affairs ministry said in a statement the “first phase” of the evacuation from Sudan had been carried out with the transfer of 105 Italians and 31 foreigners, including Portuguese, Australian, Greek, British, and Swedish nationals, on board an Italian Air Force C130 and a Spanish Air Force AM400 to Djibouti.
Relatively weak European countries are not only getting their people out, but also foreigners. Biden won’t even evacuate Americans.
On Friday, National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby discussed the challenges of evacuating the embassy, saying it’s “not as simple as jumping in a taxicab” and that all U.S. government personnel had not yet been consolidated in a single location.
If only we had some sort of globe-spanning military that we spend hundreds of billions of dollars on that could undertake such a process and then perhaps secure our borders against 2 million illegal invaders.
Oh well. If Americans left behind in Sudan want to get out, they need to learn to play basketball, go lesbian and burn the American flag.
Then Biden might do something.
EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.