Tag Archive for: Trevor Loudon

Film ‘The Enemies Within’ comes to Florida [+Videos]

Trevor Loudon the noted author and speaker has produced a film titled “The Enemies Within.” Floridians are hosting showings of his documentary across the Sunshine State.

CLICK HERE for “The Enemies Within” schedule of showings in Florida.

Loudon exposes how the Marxists and Islamists have taken control of the political apparatus in our nation to the highest levels and how over 60 legislators and others within our administrative government could not pass a background check due to these ties. Sharia Law is the goal.  This documentary names the names, gives the history and current events.

Islamic saying “First Comes Saturday; then Comes Sunday!” meaning:

“First we kill the Jews; then we kill the Christians”

To learn more visit EnemiesWithinMovie.com

First official trailer:

Second official trailer:

the_enemies_within_communists_socialists_and_progressives_in_the_u-s-_congressABOUT THE DOCUMENTARY FILM ENEMIES WITHIN

 The Enemies Within maps the socialist takeover and subsequent Marxist/Islamist Alliance within our nation and how these forces are working to subvert America from within.  Goal is Sharia Law and takeover of USA from within.

“The Enemies Within” zooms in on the best-kept secret of modern politics. Almost no one is aware of the fact that fewer than 20,000 U.S. communists, socialists and extreme “progressives” are able to influence the politicians and even write the laws that control the lives of over 300 million Americans.

At least 100 current members of the House of Representatives and 20 members of the U.S. Senate and others within our government could not qualify to obtain a basic security clearance. This documentary names the names. It is shocking to know that many U.S. Congressmen are sympathetically and politically aligned with groups who owe their allegiance to the non-liberty loving countries of Russia, China, Cuba and Venezuela and even Iran and North Korea. See the interviews.

RELATED VIDEO: IPT’s Pete Hoekstra Testimony, “Defining the Enemy: Radical Islamist Terror”

Communism in America: The first Marxist President and hidden Muslims the Nation’s 230 Year History

At the 2014 South Carolina TEA Party, listen to two presentations about the first Marxist President and hidden Muslims. New Zealander Trevor Loudon warning of the ‘Enemies Within’.

Ben Smith former Navy SEAL is followed by a panel composed of those who all enlisted in the Cold Civil War that is going on in our homeland today. The assault By Communism, the assault by Socialism, the assault by Islam’s Muslim Brotherhood who are here and in the White House.

Frank de Varona, Director, Bear Witness Central, speaks in South Carolina about the first Marxist President and hidden Muslims:

Trevor Loudon at speaks at the 2014 South Carolina TEA Party, Warning of the ‘Enemies Within’:


Frank de Varona is an educator, historian, journalist, and internationally known expert on politics,  economics, foreign affairs, and national security issues. He has written 20 books, including three on President Barack Obama. At the age of 17, he participated in the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba. After the defeat, he was sentenced to 30 years in prison and served two years. After his liberation, he came to the United States and received three college degrees.

america in decline book coverDe Varona is the author of “America in Decline”. The book discusses the reasons for the decline of America under Obama. The author presents the real Obama, who has been associated his entire life with Marxists, socialists, and radicals. The author provides an account of Obama’s connections with his racist and unpatriotic pastor, Jeremiah Wright, his friendship with the unrepentant terrorist Bill Ayers and with criminals such as Tony Rezco.

The author reveals the multitude of scandals that have marked Obama’s life before and after his election as president. The scandals of the purchasing of his house in Chicago, the Saudi Arabia’s financing his Harvard education, the IRS persecution of political opponents, the NSA spying on Americans, the Benghazi affair, and many others. He points out that any of these recent scandals could result in impeachment charges on the president.

The author explains that Obama is the first Marxist and hidden Muslim elected to the White House in the nation’s history. The author tells about Obama’s road towards a totalitarian socialist society and his disdain for the Judeo Christian values that made our nation great and his war against religion and Christianity. The book tells about Obama’s desire to take away the sovereignty and the wealth of the nation through U.N. laws and treaties and the eventual establishment of a one world government.

The author covers the misguided economic and foreign policies of the president who has placed our nation at risk of bankruptcy and seriously endangered our national security. The book covers the disastrous beginning of the first year of Obama´s second term. It includes chapters on the unlawful Common Core, the infiltration of the Muslim Brotherhood and communists in the Obama administration, the history of the Muslim Brotherhood and its goal to destroy our nation and the West, Obama’s multiple violations of the Constitution and electoral fraud in the two presidential elections.

The author discusses the volatile situation in Egypt and Syria as well as the increasing threat of al-Qaeda, China, and Russia. The book covers the government shutdown and the disastrous implementation of ObamaCare.

The author gives an account of the unlawful creation of the Federal Reserve Bank by a banking cartel and of the Bank for International Settlements, the central bank of all the private central banks which runs the world. He describes the New World Order and the powerful elite of the Bilderberg Group, Trilateral Commission, and Council of Foreign Relations which runs the United States and the world.

Lastly, the author offers specific recommendations to rescue the nation from tyranny and the road ahead for winning the Senate in 2014 and the White House in 2016.

Buy the paperback at Amazon.com
Buy the Kindle edition