Blue Bubble Boomerangs

Sarah Palin’s libel trial against the New York Times resumed yesterday after being delayed by her positive COVID test.  A jury was selected and heard opening arguments. It must have come as quite a shock to people who live in a blue bubble that you can’t just dump all over us and expect we won’t fight back.  Sarah Palin is still fighting back ten years after the New York Times, as it later admitted, “incorrectly stated that a link existed between political rhetoric and the 2011 shooting” of Gabby Giffords.

Others on the political Right are fighting back against the Left in court, as well.

A Michigan high school student sued after his school suspended him for privately talking about his Christian beliefs.  A student in Indiana sued her school after teachers called her a “bigot” for starting a pro-life club.  A former prison guard sued the Colorado Department of Corrections for creating a hostile work environment by mandating Woke training that labeled him automatically a racist just because he’s white.  A Louisville police officer sued after he was suspended for praying at an abortion clinic while off duty.  The city just paid him a $75,000 settlement.  A father in Florida sued an elementary school for secretly badgering his daughter into becoming transgender and she attempted suicide.  Seven hundred parents sued 140 schools in Illinois over mask mandates.  California schools gave up those stupid Aztec prayers for human sacrifice to settle a lawsuit.   Women for America First sent a cease and desist letter to Rolling Stone magazine demanding a retraction of the false allegation the organizers of the January 6th rally in Washington used burner phones to communicate with the White House.  The letter warns Rolling Stone to preserve records for litigation.

Others on the political Right are fighting back outside the courtroom.

Tennessee’s Governor successfully pressured the University of Memphis to abandon a program to pay professors $3,000 to insert social justice and Woke ideology into their courses.  Tennessee and North Dakota restricted the power of state medical boards to punish doctors for disseminating supposed ‘misinformation’ about COVID.  Similar restrictions are now pending in 10 other states.  The University of North Carolina med school removed statements supporting a CRT activist and gender fluidity after they were criticized by a physician.  A Republican lawmaker in Virginia blasted Democrat legislators for calling Republicans racist, sexist, bigoted, and worse every time they have a policy disagreement.  The video went viral.

But the prize goes to the Governor of West Virginia who, after Bette Midler called the people of his state “poor, illiterate, and strung out”, took his dog to the floor of the state legislature and told Bette Midler to kiss his dog’s hinny, which he displayed to the audience. A-plus for creativity! Go, Guv!

So, I say to those of you who live in blue bubbles, you can abuse us, but not for free.  There’s a price to pay, and we will make you pay and pay and pay.  You abuse us, and it will come back to bite you.  It will boomerang.  Just ask Nick Sandmann.  You want to live in a blue bubble, fine.  But abuse us and we will come after you, with lawyers.

You’re the ones who took the Left turn.  You’re the ones who hate America and want “fundamental transformation”.  You’re the ones trying to throw out the very best ideas in all of political theory – popular sovereignty and individual rights, classic American values.  You’re the ones trying to destroy the Republic and replace it with mobocracy where political minorities have no rights.

First, we were the Deplorables.  Then we were the smelly Walmart people.  Then we were white supremacists, even the ones of us who are black.  Then we were a threat to democracy.  Now we’re trying to start a civil war.  Sure, and we eat babies, too.  You got nuthin’.  You keep calling us names because you’ve got nothing else.  We’re not going away, because we know we’re right and we know you’re wrong every time you open your mouth.  We’re here to stay, so get over it!

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©Christopher Wright. All rights reserved.


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