Things You Can’t Express Yourself About Because They Don’t Meet Others’ ‘Community Standards’

“If we don’t believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don’t believe in it at all.” ― Noam Chomsky

Have you ever been punished by Facebook for violating its’ community standards? Have you ever been deplatformed, censored, told to shut-up, been banned, been shut out just because you honestly expressed your personal beliefs?

Many of our readers are concerned about freedom of expression or should we say the growing lack thereof.

Many are seeing their ability to express their beliefs hindered by the media, social media, friends, family, their neighbors and even their governments at every level.

Freedom of expression means the ability to communicate, argue, enunciate, declare, vent and speak freely. The opposites of freedom of expression are: suppression, silence, concealment, denial and just plain keeping your mouth shut and biting your tongue.

Today we find that freedom of expression is under attack like never before. Speaking truth to power has become a revolutionary act.

Benjamin Franklin said,

“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

We are now in a world where some are more than willing to give up their liberty to speak freely in order to have temporary safety.

Things That You Cannot Express

We have compiled a list of expressions that will get you banned, demonized and even labeled as a domestic terrorist. It is important to do this because those who truly believe in freedom of expression must stand strong and say what they truly believe.

As they say the truth will set you free!

History tells us that if we don’t express ourselves then we, like others before us, will allow the tyrants take control.

Thing you cannot express:

  1. I believe that a nation without borders is no longer a nation.
  2. I believe there are two and only two genders, male (XX) and female (XY).
  3. I believe that sodomy is a sin.
  4. I believe that government is not God.
  5. I believe that illegal aliens must not be treated better than natural born citizens or those who immigrated and obtained U.S. citizenship legally.
  6. I believe I have the right to make my own healthcare decisions.
  7. I believe in the right to keep and bear arms.
  8. I believe, as a parent, I have dominion over what my child is taught in schools, public, private and parochial.
  9. I believe in God and His Son as my Lord, Redeemer and Savior.
  10. I believe I can make my own decision on what type of car to purchase.
  11. I believe in conservationism and that mankind has been given dominion over the world and all of its resources but we are tasked to use those God given resources wisely.
  12. I believe that the climate (weather) follows natural cycles and that mankind cannot change these natural cycles.
  13. I believe that government is here to protect my God given rights.
  14. I believe if my government fails to protect my God given rights then it is my duty to change that government and replace it with another.
  15. I believe in freedom of religion, speech, the press and my right to petition my government.
  16. I believe that only legal citizens must vote in any and all elections.
  17. I believe that voter IDs are absolutely necessary to insure free and fair elections.
  18. I believe that marriage is between one man and one woman.
  19. I believe in the traditional family of a husband, wife and their biological children.
  20. I believe in equal justice under the law.
  21. I believe that individuals must be judged by the content of their characters not the color of their skins.
  22. I believe I am not entitled to anything, rather that I must work for everything to be successful in life.
  23. I believe all lives matter.
  24. I believe in standing for our flag and kneeling before God.
  25. I believe that my local law enforcement must be fully funded and that our police, sheriffs and federal agents must be the best of the best and enforce the rule of law.
  26. I believe in our veterans, active duty military and Coast Guard.
  27. Finally, I believe I have a right to express myself freely and openly about all of the above, and many more of my beliefs.

Things I Don’t Believe

Thing I don’t believe:

  1. I don’t believe that the U.S. Constitution is a living document open to broad interpretation. Rather it’s language is clear, concise and written in stone.
  2. I don’t believe that mankind can change the climate in any way.
  3. I no long believe in my government at all levels to do what is right and lawful.
  4. I don’t believe what politicians tell me.
  5. I don’t believe what the media is telling me.
  6. I don’t believe everything you read about on the internet, in newspapers, watch on television or see on social media is unbiased.
  7. I don’t believe what scientists say is the absolute truth.
  8. I don’t believe that the world will end if I don’t purchase an all electric car.
  9. I don’t believe that the sea levels are rising.
  10. I don’t believe that Islam is the religion of peace.
  11. I don’t believe that people should lose their jobs because they don’t want to get a Covid vaccine.
  12. I don’t believe in welfare, rather I believe in work.
  13. I don’t believe that our public schools, colleges and universities are teaching our children and grandchildren how to think. Rather they’re all teaching them what to think.
  14. I don’t believe that those who are part of the LGBTQ+ community are mentally and emotionally healthy.
  15. I don’t trust those who stifle my freedom of expression.
  16. I don’t believe in carbon neutrality and net zero emissions.
  17. I don’t believe none of our political parties have our best interests in mind.
  18. I don’t believe in open borders.
  19. I don’t believe that illegals should receive any protections nor should they be allowed to vote.
  20. I don’t believe in those who want to silence me truly believe in freedom of expression.
  21. Finally, I don’t believe that I must follow someone’s or anyone’s community standards that stifle freedom of expression.

The Bottom Line

In a column titled “Freedom Means Crucifying Our Ego” 

There is a war going on inside each one of us daily. We struggle with a deep yearning for power, control, honor, and praise. All of which we falsely believe will bring us comfort, love, and peace. Without consciously knowing it, we constantly seek to satiate these aspects of our egos in large and small ways. This battle leads us to spend our days trapped in cycles of fear.

We all do it. It is a part of our fallen nature. This is precisely why Our Lord did battle against these tendencies in the desert when the devil came to tempt him after 40 days of fasting and prayer. We too are called to battle against these temptations, but often we don’t realize to what extent we must put these tendencies to death within ourselves.

I believe that we must all stop thinking about ourselves and serve a higher calling. We need to dump our egos and move to a higher plain.

We must allow others to express themselves and then have a real discussion on our differences.

You see, we are all different, we are not the same.

Equal people are not free and free people are not equal.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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