The Personal Tragedy of Transgenderism

I told you a year ago about personal stories of unhappiness coming from transgenders who end up regretting the choices they made.  [Daily Skirmish – 4//6/21].  Another such story has just been told.  This one is remarkable because it appeared where you would least expect it, in the ultra-liberal Washington Post.

A middle-age transgender who had sex change surgery at 19 wrote,

“I know now that I wasn’t old enough to make that decision.”

This person now regrets not being able to have children and being condemned to a lifetime of powerful drugs:

Surgery unshackled me from my body’s urges, but the destruction of my gonads introduced a different type of bondage. From the day of my surgery, I became a medical patient and will remain one for the rest of my life. I must choose between the risks of taking exogenous estrogen, which include venous thromboembolism and stroke, or the risks of taking nothing, which includes degeneration of bone health. In either case, my risk of dementia is higher, a side effect of eschewing testosterone.

The writer is today,

“alarmed by how readily authority figures facilitate transition. I had to persuade two therapists, an endocrinologist and a surgeon to give me what I wanted. None of them were under crushing professional pressure, as they now would be, to ‘affirm’ my choice.”

The writer advises young people give your body and your sexuality a chance before making irreversible changes:

Most of all, slow down. You may yet decide to make the change. But if you explore the world by inhabiting your body as it is, perhaps you’ll find that you love it more than you thought possible.

Another 19-year-old transgender, this one in California, committed suicide.  She started transitioning to a boy secretly at her school a couple years earlier, but it never made her happy.  Her mother lost custody when the mother wouldn’t get with the program.

A former transgender says kids are often misdiagnosed with ‘gender dysphoria’ and set on a path toward sex change, when what they really need is treatment of their underlying unhappiness.  Trauma from adverse childhood experiences like sexual abuse, or physical or emotional abuse, can manifest as gender dysphoria but, once identified and treated, can dissipate without going down the gender transitioning road.

Draft guidelines from the World Professional Association for Transgender Health recommend mental health screenings for adolescents before transitioning starts.  This is common sense but, unfortunately, too many professionals skip that step and go right to gender transitioning as the first resort.

A year ago, I wrote about the hundreds of transgenders who regret their choices and seek to detransition, about how hormone blockers are linked to over six thousand deaths, and about individual transgenders lamenting their sex change was a bad idea, and it ruined their life.

Reason is what sets us apart from animals.  Humans can think about the consequences before making choices.  People who don’t think about the consequences end up having a bad life, it’s that simple.  Transgenders with regrets later in life are Exhibit A.

There will always be transgender people, and nobody should hate them or wish them harm.  But it’s an adult choice, only to be taken after years of calm reflection, not a choice to be foisted on unsuspecting youth by financially self-interested professionals or ideologically motivated left-wing activists.  Think about the consequences – unhappiness, suicide, a lifetime of powerful drugs, among them – before the current bout of transgendermania ruins your life or the life of someone you love.

So ask the professionals trying to make a buck, the activists pursuing a political agenda, and school officials who want to keep it all secret from parents: where’s the fire?  Have you made full disclosure of all the risks to me, including not being able to have children and dementia in old age?  And are you going to be around to help me if it all goes horribly wrong?  See what kind of answers you get.  “Most of all, slow down.”

The secret is, there is no fire.

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