Tuesday, November 8, 2022: A Day of Reckoning for Democrats?

We found the below tweet and wanted to share it with our readers. It gives a snapshot of what might happen on Tuesday, November 8th, 2022.

What will happen on November 8th will not be truly known until all ballots are counted and the results published on November 9th. That is unless someone once again stops the counting of ballots and suddenly the tide shifts as it did in the 2020 election.

More and more states are taking action to insure election integrity. Florida just passed Senate Bill 524, “[Requiring] voter rolls to be annually reviewed and updated to remove ineligible voters, tightens voter ID requirements, and increases penalties for some election-related crimes.”

Election integrity is key and Democrats are against any and all forms of having free and fair elections. From ballot harvesting, to using mules to deliver mail in ballots to refusing to allow voter IDs to allowing illegal aliens to vote in elections.

The writing is on the wall, Democrats want to win and will do anything to make that happen.

For Democrats losing is not an option.

Election Integrity or Election Theft

On November 11th, 2020 in an article titled “Election Integrity vs Election Theft wrote:

There’s always cheating in elections, I suppose. It seems that conservatives always have to get a percentage or more of extra votes to counteract the cheating. Hmmmmm. If the left is so great, why do they so often have to cheat to win?

[ … ]

As trustees, it is up to us to make sure that we preserve our national heritage and genuine trust at the polls.

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The day could come when we lose that freedom because of a monopoly of power by the Ruling Class, by big tech (which has systematically censored conservative and Christian content), and by big media.

The Bottom Line

On April 23, 2021   wrote:

Today we are proud to announce the official public release of our Election Integrity: Recommendations Report.

Although our team of independent experts has written eight other major reports pertaining to US elections, this is the most important one, by far. (Please pass on the link to this one-page document to anyone interested in the election integrity issue.)

Regarding collaborative, there is no shortage of partisan ideas regarding the US election process (e.g. HR.1/S.1). We are attempting to reasonably bridge the currently cavernous divide. To say the least, that is a Herculean challenge!

For those who favor brevity, we have also posted a one-page document listing our thirty recommendations.

Here are the 30 State Election Integrity Recommendations:

We the people must insure that our state and local election officials commit themselves to free and fair elections.

The integrity of our elections is the bedrock upon which our Constitutional Republic rests.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED ARTICLE: GET THE ZUCK OUT OF FLORIDA: DeSantis Bans ‘Zuckerbucks’ – Creates Election Integrity Unit

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