It’s not that they have an ‘R’ behind their names it’s how they actually vote that counts!

On June 7th, 2022 published an editorial titled “Are Florida Elected Republicans really Republican?” The editorial begins with these wise words,

It is a rough day when one realizes their political worldview has been based on slick ads, rehearsed GOP talking points and the false belief that ANY politician with an R behind their name is better than any democrat. And we aren’t talking about members of our Party voting for candidates based on name recognition. We are talking about smart, patriotic, motivated Republican voters whose votes are based on the candidate’s policy positions which come directly from the candidate.

We have learned over time that politicians who claim to be a republican once elected don’t vote like a big “R” Republican. The editorial board got this message and showed how little “r’s” say one thing then do the exactly the opposite when introducing or voting on legislation.

Here’s how the editorial board proved this,

Recently, a U.S. Congressman up for re-election, was speaking at a Florida Republican club luncheon. He hit all the talking points much to the delight of the women at the table. At one point, one woman in the group explained that they decided to get informed about who they were voting for after the 2020 Presidential election. They collectively agreed to attend local events to hear candidates speak. They loved what this congressman had to say – it was exactly what they wanted to hear.

Until…..record scratch……they were presented with a flyer exposing the congressman’s actual voting record which was in direct contradiction to what he said. The flyer didn’t just provide the voting record, but a link to each vote so the ladies could verify it for themselves.

Two things immediately happened.

The first was that they were offended…..offended that they had just listened to a liar for an hour who had secured their votes and even their donations only to  discover his voting record showed he didn’t support most of the issues he bragged about.

The second was that they asked how the voting records listed had been obtained. They suddenly were confronted with the fact that politicians lie. And lie well! To our faces! And they wanted the truth. With a few directions and links to reputable sites that post voting records, they now had resources to verify candidates’ real records.

Get it? Got it? Good.

We have seen politicians like Charlie Crist, who was elected governor of the State of Florida as a Republican. Once in office he changed colors from red to deep blue. He went full Democrat and when he was defeated actually joined the Democrat Party. We call these politicians, like the one in the Florida News Report editorial, Charlie Crist republicans!

The Second Amendment and Charlie Crist republicans

editorial board provided the following examples to support their concerns about little “r” republicans,

Republican Senate President Wilton Simpson, accepted $250K From billionaire donor, Mike Fernandez, a registered Republican- who donates to Democrats and Republicans, wanted more gun control laws in Florida. Last October, Robert Rubenstein, Democrat millionaire, contributed $100,000 to Wilton Simpson:


Simpson ditched the Republican Party Platform to defend gun rights of Floridians and instead, WROTE the Red Flag Law which passed in 2018.

Former Republican Senate President Bill Galvano, accepted $500K from Mike Bloomberg, a Democrat billionaire, who wanted gun control and doesn’t even live in Florida. Galvano ditched the Republican Party Platform to defend gun rights of Floridians and got the Red Flag Law passed instead.

Incoming Republican Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, who started off her political career defending the Second Amendment, ditched the Republican Party Platform to defend gun rights of Floridians and instead voted for the Red Flag Law.  She was for it before she was against it. At the same time.


See a pattern here?

See the list of Florida Republicans who voted for gun control here:

The editorial board wrote, “If all it takes is a large donation to change a Republican’s policy position, is he really a Republican?

To reinforce what the editorial board wrote we now know that five republicans voted for the Democrats marquee piece of legislation, which cleared the chamber, titled the Protecting Our Kids Act. The bill tightens gun restrictions. Among the provisions are raising the minimum age to purchase a semi-automatic weapon from 18 to 21 and banning civilians from using high-capacity magazines. These five republicans are: Reps. Adam Kinzinger (Ill.), Anthony Gonzalez (Ohio), Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), Chris Jacobs (N.Y.) and Fred Upton (Mich.).

Not do you see the big picture?

Election Day for Republicans is August 23rd, 2022

editorial board explains that the real election day is the mid-term primaries. The Editorial Board noted,

Republican voters only get one shot at purging the Republican Party of RINOs each election year and that date comes early – the August Primary election.

But most Republican voters don’t participate…. the Republican voter turnout is only around 30%. It is on August 23rd Republican voters decide the direction of the party when they choose between:

  • A RINO Establishment candidate who doesn’t adhere to the Republican Party Platform 


  • A Republican constitutional conservative candidate who embraces the Republican Party Platform

Do you have some Republican friends you can influence to actually go vote on August 23rd?

Do it.

Do it like your life depends on it. Because it does. When elected Republicans pass Democrat policies, your rights are immediately reduced. From gun rights to Covid restrictions, this is no joke.

August 23rd is your Election Day. 

It’s the primaries stupid! Get out and vote for a “BIG R” on August 23rd!

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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