Why Only Modest GOP Midterm 2022 Victories? Here Are 8 Reasons…

PALM BEACH, Fla./PRNewswire/ — Despite the Biden Administration’s many failures, the Republican “tsunami” did not happen. Two years into the Biden administration, inflation has accelerated from 2% to more than 8% annually, and short-term interest rates have risen from 1% to over 4%. Biden’s open-border policy facilitated the country’s invasion by more than five million illegal migrants.

The administration is ignoring the Constitution. American citizens no longer have “equal protection under the law”, no longer have freedom of speech, are no longer safe, as crime sweeps large cities.

Republican candidates received 53 million of the popular vote for the 435 House seats. Democrats received only 48 million votes.

We at Save The West identified eight reasons why the Republicans failed to gain more seats:

  1. The American population is full of good people who do not fully understand evil.
  2. The Republican message was not clear or unified, because of the infighting between supporters and detractors of President Trump, Senator McConnell, and Congressman McCarthy.
  3. There were numerous voting irregularities in the big swing states.
  4. Numerous Democrats avoided debating their Republican opponents.
  5. Unlike Republicans, who vote on election day as the Constitution requires, the Democrats convinced their voters to vote early
  6. The Republicans had to defend 22 seats in the Senate, but the Democrats only had to defend 11 seats.
  7. The vast majority of the mass media and social media companies continue to suppress the Republican Conservative message.
  8. Democrat-issued attacks were incendiary. They claimed Republicans oppose election integrity, want to destroy Medicare/Social Security, have no respect for democracy, and will outlaw abortion. Democrats have top-down, unified messaging, while Republicans have non-unified bottom-up messaging.

The Republican party must upgrade the quality of its messaging and the clarity of its messaging.


Ken Abramowitz

Ken Abramowitz, founder of SaveTheWest.com, graduated from Harvard Business School (76) and is a business threat analyst in healthcare and national security. He gives 100 national security speeches annually.


3 replies
  1. Deacon
    Deacon says:


    Ken Abramowitz, misses it entirely.

    Should he & Pundits like him continue to toss sand from one side of the sandbox to the other, he will preside over the deconstruction of the Republic.

    The Anglo-Bankers & their Crown Chartered Minions are the enemy, having set loose their continuing attack on our Fore Fathers Republic under Christ, including with their bought & paid for Banker-Kommunist Critical Theory.

    Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Cornell, Berkeley & especially Columbia need to be bulldozed into productive fields once more.

    They places boxes into the minds of the brightest bulbs, including it appears, the present commentator.

    At some point The American People will rightly discern that such persons themselves are culpable in the ruse of Parties.

    Repent Sir & shame on you.


  2. Royal Brown III
    Royal Brown III says:

    McConnel must go and McCarthy put in his place by new rules to restore normal order in the House. The 20 House members who resisted McCarthy and foreced changes are to be congratulated especially Matt Gaetz of FL.

    The GOP/RNC must be reformed starting with new America First leadership and a party platform and narrative that motivates lazy registered Republican who did not vote to vote in 2024.


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