The Growing Welfare-Warfare State

“If we are not ashamed to think it, we should not be ashamed to say it.” ― Marcus Tullius Cicero

President Emeritus of the Foundation for Economic Education Lawrence W. Reed in an article titled Why Heroes Matter—And Now More Than Ever wrote,

In the First Century B.C., Cicero defended the old Roman republic as its core values were being undermined by a growing welfare-warfare state. He spurned opportunities for great personal power and denounced the demagogues like Julius Caesar and Mark Antony who sought to snuff out personal liberties and constitutional government. He paid for his principles with his life but bequeathed the world a treasure trove of insightful speeches and letters. Nearly two millennia after Cicero challenged the authoritarians of his day, US President John Adams proclaimed that “All the ages of the world have not produced a greater statesman and philosopher” than him.

As we begin the year 2023 we the people are witnesses to a growing Welfare-Warfare state. This time in history is reminiscent of Nazi Germany.

German Lutheran pastor, theologian and anti-Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer wrote,

“Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.”

We are in a time when we the people are seeing unbelievable things and yet many stay silent because they are afraid.

“Saying It” Has Become A Revolutionary Act

It is time for those who wish to save our republic and our children and grandchildren from those who wish to control them to speak out!

“Say it” when it comes to speaking out against,

  • Those who teach children in school (K-20) to believe that sodomy is normal and not harmful.
  • Those people who counsel children to chemically or physically castrate themselves to become the opposite gender.
  • Those individuals who call themselves something other than he or she.
  • Those women believing that killing their babies is healthcare.
  • Those Christians and Jews believing that Islam is a religion of peace.
  • Those healthy Americans believing that they must get vaccinated.
  • Those individuals, scientists and elected officials who believe that they can control the climate.
  • Those elected officials who seek nothing but power, more power, absolute power.
  • Those who believe that CO2 is a green house gas that is harmful to the planet.
  • Those who believe more and more and more government spending is a good thing.
  • Those who believe welfare is better than working.
  • Those who believe open borders are good for America.
  • Those who believe being at war is better than peace.
  • Those who believe that there is no God or supreme being.

The Welfare-Warfare State

Today we have those who believe in growing the state and those who believe that the state is the enemy of the people.

Today those in power want to kept themselves in power and have and will do anything to do so.

Today America have morphed into a nation with only two parties: traitors and patriots.

The traitors believe in the welfare-warfare state in order to keep the people under their collectivist thumbs. Whether the warfare is against a virus, the climate or in a nation state like Ukraine, it is critical for the traitors to expand their control over the people. It’s all about control. Control of what we the people think, say, eat, drink, drive, buy, sell and how we live our lives. Traitors judge people by the color of their skin, or preferred pronoun, and not by the content of their character.

The patriot is the enemy of the welfare-warfare state. The patriot stands for faith, family and freedom. The patriot believes in limited government control in order to live their lives in freedom, enjoy the liberty of becoming what they want to become and in the pursuit of their own happiness. Patriots judge each man and woman by the content of their character not by the color of their skin.

We are in a war, have not doubts about it.

The future of this nation called America, its families, institutions and fundamental beliefs are under attack by the traitors.

If there ever was a battle royale then it will be determined on November 5th, 2024.

Mark our words. Prepare yourselves. Remember, Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.

But most importantly, Not to vote is to vote.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.


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1 reply
  1. Royal A Brown III
    Royal A Brown III says:

    Yes we are definitely in a war – not a shooting war yet but a spiritual battle of good vs evil which might be summarized by Constitutional Republic vs Socialism; Biblical vaalues vs cancel culture values; nuclear families vs LGBTQMxyz; God loving people vs godless humanists; truth vs climate change; prosperity for middle class vs Great ReSet and ESG prosperity for 1%ers; capitalism & free markets vs “shareholder capitalism & fascism; country made up of mostley middle class vs. country of poor + 1%ers,; America First/MAGA vs NWO/Globalism; Law & Order vs. Mob Rule, etc. etc.


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