Entries by Alan Caruba

It’s a Very Complex World

In the 1980s I devoted a lot of effort to debunking a torrent of Green lies about pesticides and herbicides. This was before the Greens latched onto “global warming” which has since become “climate change” and the subject of a recent White House report filled with dire predictions of planetary doom and disaster. Nobody died […]

Is oil a renewable resource?

I suspect that most people think the Earth is running out of oil or that the U.S. and the rest of the world are “addicted” to its use. Both beliefs are wrong, but in different ways. First because the Earth produces oil in abundance deep within its mantel in ways that have nothing to do […]

Surviving Obama

In many ways, the November midterm elections are about surviving Barack Hussein Obama, the worst President this nation has ever had the misfortune to electing to that high office. His approval rating hovers around 47% and that means that nearly half of the likely voters still think he’s doing a great job. If history is […]

The Middle East Cannot Be Ignored

Have you noticed that you’re not reading or hearing much about the Middle East these days? That’s because, if there isn’t a war or revolution going on there, we tend not to take much notice. Our attention span for the civil war in Syria disappeared months ago despite the horrendous slaughter there. It is likely […]

Downsizing Australia’s Government and Repealing Green Laws

Try to imagine a commission of the U.S. government recommending that it get rid of the Department of Education, the Department of Health and Human Services, countless agencies, and, for good measure, restructure Medicare so it doesn’t go broke. There are few Americans who will argue that our federal government isn’t big enough and many […]

The View from the Bottom

It tells you everything you need to know about the utter contempt those in the White House and the circles of power that the announcement of 0.01% economic growth thus far this year was blamed on—wait for it—the weather! Specifically, a cold winter. If you have been paying any attention of late, the weather and […]

Holocaust Memorial Day and the Pathetic Palestinians

“The demands, conditions, stipulations, and decisions pouring out of Mahmoud Abbas’s office in the last month or so have persuaded everyone concerned that the Palestinian’s mind is in a total muddle,” opined an April 24 Israeli-based news-wire Debka File. It reported that Israel’s Prime Minister, Binjamin Netanyahu, had broken off peace talks with the Palestinian Authority (PA), […]

Voter’s Remorse Over Obama

I don’t recall when I first wrote about Obama telling lies, but it surely must have been early in his first term, if not even earlier in the 2008 campaign. So much of the information about his life was subject to question that it raised my concern. The way Obamacare was reamed through a Congress […]