Entries by The Daily Skirmish - Liberato.US

Would You Like Transgender Surgery with That?

Castration: Castration is any action, surgical, chemical, or otherwise, by which an individual loses use of the testicles: the male gonad. Surgical castration is bilateral orchiectomy, while chemical castration uses pharmaceutical drugs to deactivate the testes. The crass commercialism of the transgender lobby is on full display this week with revelations three medical trade associations, […]

The Democrat Fascination with Violence

Somebody recently put together a montage of prominent Democrats accusing 80 million Trump supporters of being violent and going on to justify violence against them.  Republicans want to “overthrow the U.S. government,” “enact their political will through violence,” and ‘turn violent when they don’t get their way.’  These “Nazis” and “fascists” – or is it “semi-fascists”? – […]

The Democrats Have Lost Their Minds on Criminal Justice Reform

The Sunday talk shows say crime is becoming a campaign issue in the upcoming elections.  It’s easy to see why.  People don’t feel safe wherever Democrats are in control.  If crime isn’t an issue for you yet, let me ask you some questions: Why would anyone visit New York City?  A tourist from Maryland was slashed […]

The High Cost of Getting High

A new poll shows many in the U.S. are now smoking more marijuana than cigarettes, so it’s a good time to look at what increased marijuana use means for our future. New research further documents the adverse effects of marijuana use on the young, even in the womb.  Prenatal cannabis exposure is associated with psychopathology in childhood and adolescence.  […]

The FBI: MI-5’s Twisted Sister

Controversy continues to swirl around the FBI with a whistleblower accusing the Bureau of violating citizens’ constitutional rights, accusations the FBI lied to a judge to get a warrant to search 1,400 safety deposit boxes in California, and revelations the FBI is suspending employee security clearances to silence internal critics. That’s just today’s news.  Yesterday, an FBI whistleblower said the agency’s […]

Pro-Abortion Case Just Got Weaker

The case for abortion just got weaker.  How do I know?  Because leading abortion advocates are out there saying the most ridiculous things.  Take Stacey Abrams, for example, the woman who thinks she’s Governor of Georgia.  She claimed in a video that surfaced last week that, “There is no such thing as a heartbeat at six weeks.”  […]

Election Fraud: The Jig Is Up

UPDATE: Texas Democrats Paid Homeless Man to Falsify Ballots | Police Body Camera Footage Charles Jackson  There’s so much Democrats believe about elections that just ain’t so.  They yap all the time about election deniers, but never seem to worry about the election deniers in their own party.  The list of Democrat election deniers […]

China Swamp: Where Personal Corruption Breeds National Security Threats

The Hunter Biden laptop is the gift that keeps on giving.  Memos on the laptop show the Biden family was involved in 21 deals in 2017 and 2018 to sell U.S. natural gas facilities and other energy assets to communist China.  The ultimate goal was to give China ownership in all different phases of the natural gas […]

DeSantis Airlines Flies Unfriendly Skies

If Florida Governor Ron DeSantis’ flying illegal aliens to Martha’s Vineyard was a political stunt, it sure worked.  Finally, the country is buzzing about illegal immigration, and Joe Biden’s open borders policies are getting the attention they deserve.  But left-wing activists and their willing accomplices in the press hate DeSantis for it, and are launching […]

Mao’s Cultural Revolution Comes to America

The war on parents is escalating.  Here’s what’s happening on the battlefield: A series of undercover videos exposed what school personnel are really up to, in their own words. A private school director in New York City was caught on video admitting she misuses her position to sneak her left-wing political agenda into classrooms.  “I just keep […]

Why Do They Hate Us?

Americans gathered at Ground Zero, the Pentagon, and Shanksville over the weekend to remember the Islamic jihad terrorist attacks on 9/11 21 years ago.  ‘Why do they hate us?,’ George W. Bush wondered shortly after the attacks.  The bad news is they hate us because their religion commands them to hate us. When you start with a holy book, […]

So Many Imperfect Humans, So Little Time

Among the smooth assurances advocates gave us when passing assisted suicide laws was the idea there would be safeguards built into the laws so assisted suicide would only occur when the requirements of law were met.  Hah! What a bunch of bunk, as we now know.  A doctor who advocates euthanasia just admitted in a journal article […]

How Democrats Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Electronic Voting Machines

Strange stories about voting machines continue to surface in the news. Voting machines in Rhode Island displayed the names of 2018 candidates in a 2022 election, and misspelled another candidate’s name.  Voters who used the machines were disenfranchised. In Alabama, voting machines in two counties accepted Xerox copies of ballots while the machines were being tested, and machines in […]

Border News: Building the Case for Impeachment

A new report shows the Biden administration has allowed one million illegal aliens into the country since taking office.  That doesn’t even count another estimated one million who got in without being caught or as unaccompanied minors. But the administration recently told us not to believe our own lyin’ eyes – illegal aliens aren’t just walking across the border, the White […]