Entries by Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

How Affirmative Action Backfires by Richard Sander

Affirmative action is before the Supreme Court again this week, as it rehears arguments in Fisher v. University of Texas. (I’ve discussed the legal issues in Fisher here.) But perhaps the most important question about racial preferences is one that’s not directly raised by the case: do they even work? Do they help underrepresented minorities to […]

Where Is Speech Most Restricted in America? by George C. Leef

A good argument can be made that free speech is least safe on private college campuses. At public universities, the First Amendment applies, thus giving students, faculty members, and everyone else protection against official censorship or punishment for saying things that some people don’t want said. A splendid example of that was brought to a conclusion […]

Gun Violence Is a Serious Problem — Gun Confiscation Isn’t a Serious Solution by Trevor Burrus

On Saturday, for the first time in 95 years, the New York Times published an op-ed on the front page, position A1, above the fold. The subject of that op-ed: “End the Gun Epidemic in America.” The piece is filled with tired arguments and moralistic fervor, and it even includes the most vacuous of all […]

Student Demands: Conformity, Thought Police, Show Trials by Walter Olson

Of the demands being made by protesters in the current wave of unrest on American campuses, some no doubt are well grounded and worth considering. Some of them, on the other hand, challenge academic freedom head on. Some would take control of curriculum and hiring out of the hands of faculty. Some would enforce conformity […]

3 Mistakes Free Marketers Often Make by Sandy Ikeda

Libertarians like to think of themselves as economically literate, at least when compared to other political groups, and for the most part, I believe that’s true. But there are at least three mistakes that I keep hearing even libertarians make when talking about the free market. Mistake #1: “The free market doesn’t need regulation.” One […]

3 Essential Hans Rosling Videos for Thanksgiving by Daniel Bier

Hans Rosling is a Swedish doctor and statistician, and in his many talks and videos, he clearly and eloquently presents big-picture data about the world, human progress, and economic development. Here are three essential Hans Rosling videos that make me grateful and excited to be alive today. 1) The Magic Washing Machine 2) 200 Countries, 200 Years, 4 […]

Thank Capitalism for an Affordable Thanksgiving Feast by Marian L. Tupy

Thanksgiving is almost upon us and the time has come for that most sacred of American traditions: bemoaning the rising cost of living. Per this Bloombergheadline on Thursday, “Thanksgiving Meal Costs Most Ever as Bird Flu Hits Turkeys.” Well, that’s complete and utter nonsense. The headline grabbing data comes from the American Farm Bureau Federation, which […]

From Bitcoin Skeptic to Evangelist by Amanda B. Johnson

Bitcoin evangelist, FEE’s director of digital development, and Liberty.me founder Jeffrey Tucker was not always a Bitcoin believer. He initially struggled with how a non-tangible item could possibly qualify as money, much less “sound money.” But Bitcoin’s persistence as a medium of exchange kept Tucker on a fiery path of research which eventually lead to a […]