Entries by Jihad Watch

The Left’s Embrace of Islamic Rape by Jamie Glazov [+Videos]

As the disturbing reports pour in about the New Year’s Eve Muslim sex assaults in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland and other European countries, it has become clear that the new Utopian Multicultural Europe that the Left has worked so hard to build is now here. Cologne Mayor Henriette Reker’s response to the assaults under her […]

Obama ordered CIA not to support 2009 Green Movement in Iran

As demonstrations and revolts swept the Muslim world during Obama’s first term, he was enthusiastic. He had encouraging words for the “Arab Spring” demonstrators in Egypt and Tunisia, and even gave military assistance to their Libyan counterparts. During the third and last debate of the 2012 presidential campaign, Mitt Romney and Obama sparred over which […]

Cologne Sex Assaults planned: Muslims traveled from France and Belgium to rape women

“Cologne violence was likely planned: German justice minister,” Agence France-Presse, January 10, 2016 (thanks to Bob): BERLIN: Germany’s Justice Minister Heiko Maas said Sunday that the shocking spate of sexual assaults during New Year festivities in Cologne was organised. “For such a horde of people to meet and commit such crimes, it has to have […]

Muslim cop shooter: “I follow Allah. I pledge my allegiance to the Islamic State”

The reaction from authorities is completely according to the same old tired script. One wonders how they can keep a straight face. There needs to be an investigation into how Islamic jihadis are incited to violence by Islamic texts and teachings. These officials are obfuscating the need for such an investigation. “Police: Gunman shot cop […]

Canadian PM Trudeau: We won’t bomb the Islamic State even if attacked

“Canadian PM: We won’t bomb ISIS even if attacked,” by Raphael Poch, Israel National News, January 5, 2016: Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is keeping his post-election promises and planning to put an end to the participation of the Canadian Air Force in the allied bombings of ISIS. Instead, he is moving Canadian efforts towards […]

Rubio campaign advisor a supporter of Hamas-linked Islamic Society of North America

Who better to advise on religious liberty issues than a useful idiot for a Hamas front? In July 2009, Warren addressed the annual convention of the Islamic Society of North America, despite the fact that it has been named an unindicted co-conspirator in a Hamas funding case. Federal prosecutors said that ISNA had an “intimate relationship […]

Trump Keeps On Being Trump In First Campaign Ad — Media Outraged

In FrontPage today, I explain why Trump is so appealing to so many Americans — which is the same reason why the mainstream media hates him so passionately: Donald Trump has just released his first television ad, and the predictable Leftist firestorm has ensued. Instead of being embarrassed by his proposal for a moratorium on […]

Roman Catholic Archdiocese of L.A. Wants ‘Greater Solidarity with Islam’

In PJ Media today I discuss more foolish wrongheadedness and disastrously suicidal naivete from today’s Catholic Church: The contemporary Catholic Church has wholeheartedly endorsed the ideas that Islam is a religion of peace and that Muslims are the first victims of jihad terrorism. This proposition is enforced as an iron dogma, the one non-negotiable point […]

UK Parliament will debate barring Trump from country

Why not ban Trump? After all, I was banned from entering Britain for saying that Islam “is a religion and is a belief system that mandates warfare against unbelievers for the purpose for establishing a societal model that is absolutely incompatible with Western society.” If I can get banned for that manifestly true observation, then […]

Al-Qaeda recruitment video features ‘Minnesota martyrs’

What is being done to prevent more Muslims in Minnesota from joining the jihad? Why, nothing. To take any such action would be “Islamophobic.” “Terror Recruitment Video Highlights ‘Minnesota Martyrs,’” by Nina Moini, WCCO, January 3, 2016: MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) A new video, aimed at recruiting jihad fighters, highlights Minnesotans who have left to fight with […]

New Al-Qaeda recruitment video features Hillary, Black Lives Matter… and BTW Trump

This establishes once again that the jihad is not provoked by what we say and do — because if anyone has indefatigably pursued a course of not saying or doing anything that could possibly anger Islamic jihadis or Muslims in general, it’s Hillary Clinton. “Media gleefully reporting al-Shabab video with Trump, IGNORES Hillary and ‘Black […]

Turkey’s Prime Minister: Hitler’s Germany exemplifies ‘effective presidential system’

It is inconceivable that any Western leader would favorably cite Hitler in any context, but in Turkey, citing Hitler doesn’t bring instant opprobrium. Mein Kampf became a bestseller when it was published there in 2005, and Hitler remains popular. Also, a former classmate says Erdogan used to carry a copy around when he was a […]