Entries by Jihad Watch

U.S. drops to 46th in Press Freedom

It’s worse than that, too. Reporters Without Borders didn’t take into account the mainstream media’s voluntary self-censorship and refusal to report on the truth about Islam and jihad, its demonization and smearing of foes of jihad terror, and its cowardly capitulation to Islamic supremacist intimidation and thuggery, adopting what are essentially Sharia blasphemy laws for […]

“Islamophobia” in Academia

The aptly-named Hatem “Hate ‘em” Bazian’s manipulative propaganda course at UC Berkeley in “Islamophobia,” in which he forces his students to adopt his agenda of demonizing opponents of jihad terror instead of allowing them to evaluate the value of his targets’ work for themselves, recalls a similar course taught a few years back at Colgate […]

Study: Christians are world’s most oppressed religious group

“Islamophobia”-mongers such as the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, Reza Aslan’s Aslan Media, the Alwaleed bin Talal Center for Muslim-Christian Understanding, and the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) hardest hit. If the mainstream media were not as thoroughly corrupt and compromised as it is, it would pick up on this and stop furthering the Islamic […]

New book coming April 14 — Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In

My thirteenth book, Arab Winter Comes to America: The Truth About the War We’re In, will be published on April 14 by Regnery Publishing. You can pre-order it at Amazon now. I’ll be giving more details about the book in the coming weeks, including some enthusiastic pre-publication reviews. But I like the jacket so much that I wanted to share […]

Iranian General: We have “identified centers in America” for attack, U.S. “will be destroyed from within”

Targets? Within America? But I thought the Iranians were all moderates now, and loved us. In any case, the “destroyed from within” part looks as if it is proceeding apace. “Iranian commander: We have targets within America,” by Reza Kahlili for the Daily Caller, February 1: A top commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards boasted Saturday that […]

Hamas-linked North American Islamic Trust received thousands in farm subsidies, never produced any crops

“NAIT’s farm subsidies stopped in 2008 during the trial and were first received again in 2011.” That was right around the time that the Obama Administration scrubbed all mention of Islam and jihad from counterterror training materials, while collaboration with groups linked to Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood was in full swing in numerous government […]

Feds to seek death penalty for Boston Marathon jihad mass murderer Dzhokhar Tsarnaev

This is a face-saving gesture. The clueless, politically correct, willfully ignorant Feds discounted intel they received from Russia about Tamerlan Tsarnaev, and failed to investigate the mosque the Tsarnaev brothers attended in Boston, despite the fact that it has numerous ties to jihad terrorists. Now, when it is far too late, they’re trying to look […]

Texas: Conviction upheld of Muslim who plotted jihad bombing of Bush’s home, Hoover Dam, “people of New York”

At least Aldawsari has the satisfaction of knowing that he tied up the Infidel’s resources and made him spend a good deal of money on this frivolous appeal, and that in itself is a kind of jihad. “Conviction upheld in Saudi student Texas bomb plot,” by Michael Graczyk for the Associated Press, January 24 (thanks to […]

Huffington Post: “Muhammad’s beliefs on how to treat religious minorities make him a universal champion of human rights”

This article is as risible as Karen Armstrong’s likening Muhammad to Gandhi, and is as gracefully written as a seventh grader’s book report. But for the Huffington Post, accuracy and quality are of no import: if it downplays the grim reality of Islamic jihad terror, then it’s good enough for them. The author of this […]

Islam goes Hollywood

On this edition of my ABN Jihad Watch show, I interview Mark Tapson, a Hollywood-based writer and screenwriter and a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the David Horowitz Freedom Center, on the depiction of Islam and Muslims in Hollywood feature films, and how it has been affected by 9/11 and the trumped-up hysteria over “Islamophobia.” [youtube]http://youtu.be/aJlWGUssGl8[/youtube]

President Obama: Muslim anti-Semitism is only decades old

He was only about 1,400 years off. “Muslim anti-Semitism is only decades old, Obama claims,” by Neil Munro in the Daily Caller, January 21: Experts are scoffing at President Barack Obama’s apparent belief that widespread Muslim hatred of Jews is only decades old. “Obama reveals that he has no idea, or doesn’t want to give the […]

Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Muslim Brotherhood) likens jihad terror to struggle in U.S. against “income inequality”

He says the jihadis are struggling for “democracy” because they won an election in Egypt (that was almost certainly rigged) and would probably win one in Syria. He doesn’t care, of course, about the fact that if his stout Jeffersonians prevailed, women and non-Muslims would be denied basic rights in the ensuing “democracy.” And as […]

Al Qaeda behind 95% of world’s suicide bombings

Hardest hit: Robert Pape, who several years ago published with great fanfare a study that purported to show that most suicide terror is committed by non-Muslims. Not only was Pape wrong; he was on the dole of Hamas-linked CAIR. “Study warns of growing threat to Israel from Al-Qaeda,” by Avi Issacharoff for the Times of Israel, January 14: […]