On June 25, 2014, I spent an hour on the phone with our client and Medicare to get Medicare to correct its erroneous records about our client.  The client is from Valparaiso, Indiana.  We spoke to three Medicare representatives at three offices.

The client is a victim of the Obamacare law (a.k.a. “Affordable Care Act”).  Her employer cancelled the group health insurance plan for all the employees.  This forced them to obtain insurance through other Obamacare approved insurance plans.  Our client had another option.  The client worked past age 65.  So, she could go on Medicare and obtain a Medicare supplement insurance policy with a rather low monthly premium.

She (and all her co-workers) lost her employer’s group health plan coverage on February 28, 2014.  Her Medicare and Medicare supplement coverage started March 1, 2014.

But, when the client and I phoned Medicare on June 25, it had not yet updated the records.  Medicare records still showed that our client was on an employer provided group health insurance plan.  Medicare had not changed our client’s records for about four months.  During that time, the doctors who gave her service were not being paid anything by Medicare and Medicare was not forwarding claims information to the client’s Medicare supplement insurance company.  This tardiness by Medicare was a problem even before Obamacare.

During the Obamacare law debates, I repeatedly warned in my articles that there are problems with both Medicare and the Veterans Administration (VA) health systems.  I knew that because for years I had helped senior citizens who had problems with both of those federal health care systems.  I warned that if a national health care system was modeled on Medicare or the VA, then ALL AMERICANS WOULD START HAVING THE SAME KINDS OF PROBLEMS THAT SENIOR CITIZENS HAVE BEEN EXPERIENCING FOR YEARS UNDER MEDICARE AND THE VA.

Since then, Obamacare became law.  Now, we have learned that the VA was letting senior veterans DIE rather than give them medical service, that VA officials were keeping “off-record” books about the veterans who were not getting medical attention in order for some high level VA officials to claim and get bonuses that they did not deserve for good management.  Also, Medicare still does not have a system for quick changes to records so that medical claims are processed correctly for senior citizens who just start Medicare.

I told you so!  One of the reasons that the Obamacare law is bad is because it just increases and spreads problems that were already in the Medicare and VA health care systems.

If Obamacare remains the law, I expect that in the future the Obamacare law will be amended to allow the federal government to order seniors to die to save the federal government money rather than just recommend that seniors die as is the current law.

EDITORS NOTE: Note: Woodrow Wilcox is the senior medical bill case worker at a major insurance agency in northwest Indiana.  Wilcox has helped senior clients of that agency save over one million by correcting medical bill errors that were caused by mistakes in the Medicare system.  He wrote the book SOLVING MEDICARE PROBLEM$ ( to teach others how to help senior citizens with Medicare related medical bill problems.  To educate the public, Wilcox recently launched the website

© 2014 Woodrow Wilcox

Government Is Always the Answer, Even if Government Was the Problem by Lawrence W. Reed

When the housing bubble burst in 2008 and brought much of the economy down with it, the more thoughtful analysts explained that government was hardly an innocent bystander. Its housing agencies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, played the roles of Bonnie and Clyde. Congress and the White House drove the getaway car (by endlessly pushing laws and rules to foist bad loans on the country in the name of home ownership) and the Federal Reserve filled the gas tank with cheap money.

Of course, the government learned its lesson and won’t do that sort of thing again, right? Hardly. It’s been doubling down since 2008—bailing out bad guys and pumping out the fuel that’s kept interest rates at rock bottom.

Don’t expect Washington to fix the fundamentals when its time horizon ends with the next election. In the perverse world of politics, problems don’t get solved as much as they get perpetuated. If you play it right, that’s how you keep your job. Look busy, talk tough, demagogue the issue, score rhetorical points, but don’t fix anything.

And remember: Government is always the answer, even if government was the problem in the first place.

What government did for housing pre-2008 is essentially what it’s been doing in the student loan market for years as well. Moreover, it’s about to go from bad to worse because the Obama administration is not exactly in a Mr. Fix-It mode.

Earlier this month, the President signed another imperial decree (excuse me, executive order is the more polite term), this time to extend to about five million student borrowers the ability to cap their loan payments to 10 percent of their incomes above $18,000. For example, if a college graduate makes $48,000 in his first year out of school, he can opt to limit his student loan payments to 10 percent of $30,000 (the difference between $18,000 and $48,000), which is $3,000. That amounts to a maximum loan payment of $250 per month.

In a statement on June 10, the President added, “We then have additional programs so that if you go into one of the helping professions—public service, law enforcement, social work, teaching—then over time that debt could actually be forgiven.”

In Obamaspeak, the “helping professions” are government jobs. They are not to be confused with the “non-helping professions” in the private sector—you know, all those tens of millions of jobs that don’t help people, one of which you probably hold. If you’re in a “helping profession,” any remaining balance on your loan will be forgiven in 10 years; if you’re a non-helper, you have to wait another 10 years for forgiveness. I kid you not.

(This extension of the loan payment cap applies to those who took out loans prior to 2008. It already encompasses those who have secured loans in more recent years.)

The White House observes, “Over the past three decades, the average tuition at a public four-year college has more than tripled, while a typical family’s income has barely budged.” True enough. But federal student loans, at over $100 billion this year alone, are already more than double the amount of a decade ago. The Wall Street Journal reports, “The average Class of 2014 graduate with student-loan debt has to pay back some $33,000…. Even after adjusting for inflation that’s nearly double the amount borrowers had to pay back 20 years ago.”

The evidence is indisputable that college costs even after inflation have soared, as has the debt that students are incurring to pay them. So to deal with this problem, we have to increase subsidies to borrow the money? That sounds a lot like what we heard a while ago about housing: “Everybody should have a house. Let’s drive interest rates down and make it easier to get a mortgage.”

Oops. We know how that worked out, don’t we? When asked how much the recent Obama executive order on student loans could end up costing taxpayers, Secretary of Education Arne Duncan displayed the same callous indifference to long-run consequences that characterized the housing craze. He said with a long, straight face, “We’ll figure that out at the back end.” I think the French put it more elegantly: “Après moi, le deluge.

While politicians throw more and more of other people’s money at colleges and universities, Americans are catching on to the scams in higher education—the excessive bureaucracy, the mushrooming of dubious and politically correct courses, and the like. In The Chronicle of Higher Education last year, Kevin Carey of the New America Foundation noted that there’s been a substantial reduction since 1975 in tenure-track and full-time instructors at the same time as the ranks of college administrators have grown. Furthermore, he wrote, “anecdotes of universities’ building elaborate recreational facilities featuring things like lazy rivers (these having replaced climbing walls as emblems of excess) are commonplace, as are money-losing sports programs, aggressive building programs, and other expenditures that belie any sense of financial restraint.”

In the June 22 Chicago Tribune, editorialist Steve Chapman pointed out that “thinking that more federal aid will make college affordable is like believing that a dog can catch its tail if it goes faster … The more the government does, the less reason students have to demand cost control, and the higher tuition will climb.”

Why be careful with your money if the feds will subsidize your customers so they can pay you?

President Obama says he is “working with college presidents” to better contain costs, but what do you suppose “working with” them really means? Talking? Holding conferences? Issuing press releases? Does Obama know any more about the cost of running a college than he does about costs within his own healthcare program?

Even so, Chapman argues, “Some perspective is in order. Though some students acquire huge debts, two-thirds graduate owing $10,000 or less, and only 2 percent owe more than $50,000. Not all of the latter need to worry. A newly minted doctor, lawyer or MBA from a good school can expect an income more than adequate to meet the need.” The class of 2014 is deeper in debt than any of its predecessors, to be sure, but let’s not forget that the average college graduate still earns considerably more than the average non-graduate.

The real reason behind the Obama initiative is most likely crass vote-buying. It’s the old welfare state trick again—target a constituency, offer them money and make them think they’ve got a right to it, then parade as their savior as you vilify those who oppose your generosity. “If you’re a big oil company, they’ll go to bat for you. If you’re a student, good luck,” Obama said on June 9 while speaking of those who might raise questions about his plan. This stuff works with some people (maybe a lot of them), so the politicians assume they can be bought and paid for with other people’s money. He’s appealing to those who refuse to think beyond themselves, who don’t contemplate things like the long term or the rights and property of other people.

So let’s put all this together. We have here what Oliver Hardy might call “another fine mess” that Washington has gotten us into. Let me count the ways:

  1. The federal government decided it wanted to help college students so it stuck its nose in the student loan business. Its subsidies encourage higher college costs and greater student debt.
  2. Students voluntarily took on debt because, especially at subsidized rates, they thought it was a good deal. Now we have a debt problem and the President wants to ease it by transferring even more student debt onto the shoulders of taxpayers. This is the same President whose policies are preventing the kind of robust economic growth that would make debt easier to repay.
  3. Students who choose not to go to college tend to earn less than those who do, but they are also taxpayers. So the Obama plan essentially means that sooner or later, the taxes of those non-college graduates will help pay the debts of the higher-income earning graduates.
  4. Though student debt is already a mountainous $1.2 trillion, the generous Obama giveaway means that incurring debt will now be even more attractive. So expect that figure to rise much higher.
  5. Nobody in Washington, even the secretary of education, has a clue about what the costs of this latest transfer scheme will be.

What could possibly go wrong?

It didn’t have to be this way. Alternatives to bad government policies do exist, even if Washington isn’t listening. (See herehere, and here). But there’s an aspect of this manufactured “crisis” that needs to be understood right out of the gate, or no genuine solution is likely: There is no right to a college education.

Human rights are not duties imposed on others. (Your right to freedom of speech, for instance, doesn’t impose anything on anyone else). Human rights are not mere “wants” that require other people to give you something. (Your right to speak doesn’t mean you can force anyone to give you a megaphone or a platform). Human rights are universal, meaning that you can exercise them without depriving anyone else of any of their rights.

How does this apply to college? You have every right to seek a college education and to contract with others to provide it to you freely—but you have no right to compel anyone to give you one or to pay for it. You cannot enslave another person because you want a college degree. This is one of the fundamentals that must be acknowledged or just about any counterproductive federal program will only grow, no matter the cost or adverse consequences.

When government is the problem, more of it is not likely to be a helpful solution. That applies to the student loan issue just as much as it does to anything else.

20130918_larryreedauthorABOUT LAWRENCE W. REED

Lawrence W. (“Larry”) Reed became president of FEE in 2008 after serving as chairman of its board of trustees in the 1990s and both writing and speaking for FEE since the late 1970s. Prior to becoming FEE’s president, he served for 20 years as president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland, Michigan. He also taught economics full-time from 1977 to 1984 at Northwood University in Michigan and chaired its department of economics from 1982 to 1984.

EDITORS NOTE: This commentary was published by on June 24, 2014.

Gun Crimes Plummet Even as Gun Sales Rise

A majority of Americans say they think gun crime has increased over the past 20 years, even though it has actually fallen dramatically, a recent Pew Research Center survey shows.

Sources: DOJ, ATF AFMER & USITC, Pew Research Center, National Safety Council, Gallup

For more information visit:


BREAKING: Supreme Court Rules Abortion Buffer Zone Unconstitutional — Thomas More Law Center Welcomes Decision

The U.S. Supreme Court this morning released its unanimous decision in McCullen v Coakley ruling that the Massachusetts law which established 35- foot “buffer zones” around abortion clinics violates First Amendment free speech rights.  Chief Justice John Roberts writing for the court held that, “The buffer zones burden substantially more speech than necessary to achieve the Commonwealth’s asserted interests.” Justice Scalia joined by justices Kennedy and Thomas wrote a concurring opinion.

buffer zone lead attorney

Lead Attorney Mark Rienzi, who successfully argued the case before the US Supreme Court stands with the lead plaintiff, Eleanor McCullen. [MassResistance photo]

Today’s court decision is welcome news for the Thomas More Law Center (TMLC), a national public interest law firm based in Ann Arbor, Michigan which has a pending case in the Maine Federal District Court challenging the City of Portland, Maine’s ordinance that sets up a 39-foot buffer zone around that City’s  sole abortion facility.  Violation of the ordinance subjects the offenders to a minimum fine of $100 dollars.

Just a week ago, Thursday, June 19, 2014, U.S. District Court Judge Nancy Torresen heard oral arguments from TMLC attorney Erin Kuenzig on a motion filed by TMLC seeking a preliminary injunction of the Portland Buffer Zone ordinance.   During Thursday’s arguments, Judge Torresen suggested that the outcome of the case as well as the motion for preliminary injunction likely hinged upon the Supreme Court’s decision in McCullen.

Responding to today’s Supreme Court decision in Coakley, Kuenzig commented, “This is a clear message to other states and municipalities that they may not take the extreme step of closing a substantial portion of a traditional public forum to all speakers simply because this extreme step would be easier than enforcing other less restrictive laws that already exist. The First Amendment deserves greater protection.”

Since November 18, 2013, when the Portland City Council enacted the 39-foot no-entry “buffer zone” around the abortion facility, pro-life sidewalk counseling has been effectively curtailed because pro-life advocates, including TMLC’s plaintiffs Leslie Sneddon and Marguerite Fitzgerald and her family, are forced to stand across the street from the abortion facility, separated from anyone entering the clinic by busy traffic.

Kuenzig continued, “With today’s Supreme Court decision, I am confident that Ms. Sneddon and the Fitzgeralds will soon be able to continue their loving message with information and counseling about abortion alternatives, without fear of being fined, to women who may be contemplating abortion.”

RELATED STORY: McCullen says clinic protests are about “surrounding women with love”

Fort Lauderdale TEA Party Leaders attacked for supporting the Republican Party Platform

Preserving and Protecting Traditional Marriage is a plank of Republican Party Platform. The What We Believe 2012 Republican Party Platform states, “The institution of marriage is the foundation of civil society. Its success as an institution will determine our success as a nation. It has been proven by both experience and endless social studies that traditional marriage is best for children.”

Fort Lauderdale TEA Party member Danita Kilcullen sent out an email which pointed out that Republican Broward County Commissioner Chip LaMarca and Republican school board candidate Heather Brinkworth (pictured above), who Governor Rick Scott recently appointed to the Broward County School Board, marched in the gay pride parade in Wilton Manors on June 21, 2014.

Kilcullen noted in her email, “You [Brinkworth] have clearly violated the policies stated quite plainly in the Platform of The Republican Party of Florida. This behavior proves to me that your words mean nothing and your loyalties are not with Traditional American Family Values as articulated by [the] RPOF, but to which ever way the political winds are blowing. Because of your betrayal and the overtly unethical standards inherent therein, I cannot support your election to The Broward School Board and shall actively work against your campaign.”

For pointing out the obvious Kilcullen and others from TEA Party Fort Lauderdale are now under attack.


Sun Sentinel Columnist Michael Mayo. Photo: Jim Rassol, Sun Sentinel.

Michael Mayo, Sun Sentinel Columnist in an oped titled “Tea Party sinks to new low with attacks on gay pride attendees” seems to miss the point of Kilcullen’s email. Mayo writes, “Some of the Tea Party’s recent repugnant homophobic behavior is no joke. These self-proclaimed watchdogs of true conservatism criticized two local Republicans for appearing at the annual Stonewall Anniversary/Gay Pride parade in Wilton Manors. As my colleague Anthony Man reported, an attack flier against Broward County Commissioner Chip LaMarca and Broward School Board member Heather Brinkworth was distributed at a monthly Republican meeting. Local Tea Party leader Danita Kilcullen said she wasn’t responsible for the flier, but she sent out an email version with the same photos that began, ‘Whores chasing whores, if you will.'”

A question for Mr. Mayo: Why is supporting traditional families and not supporting homosexual behaviors “repugnant homophobic behavior”? Gee, isn’t name calling bullying? Is Mayo all up in arms because he is a homosexual, anti-traditional marriage or just a Saul Alinsky useful idiot? Has Mayo got his panties all twisted because someone wants to tell the truth about homosexuality and hold Republicans to the highest standards of political behavior, like following their own party’s platform?

May I humbly suggest that the flyer passed out at the Broward County Republican meeting was both fitting and proper. The flyer asked, “Is it worth selling your soul to the devil to get maybe 10 percent of a 1 percent homosexual voting block?” That is the point. Are Republicans going to stand by their own party’s platform, as they are sworn to do, or are they, like LaMarca and Brinkworth, simply pimping themselves for votes rather than standing on principles?

Mayo seems to be more worried by obesity and heart disease and  forgets that the cause of both is bad personal decisions. Homosexuality is also a bad personal decision. Mr. Mayo, why not condemn all bad behaviors that negatively impact the individual and society? Are you truthophobic or just a shill for Democrats and homosexuals. Aren’t you supposed to be “a watchdog” and expose bad behaviors, bad public policy and bad politicians?

TEA Party member Jack Gillies, got it right when he condemned same-sex marriage and cited a Bible passage from Leviticus calling homosexuality “an abomination.” But perhaps the greater abomination is when people like Mayo support it.

As Lutheran Minister Dietrich Bonhoeffer, who was executed by Adolf Hitler, wrote, “Silence in the face of evil is itself evil: God will not hold us guiltless. Not to speak is to speak. Not to act is to act.” I commend Kilcullen and Gillies for speaking and acting like civil human beings.

If Mayo ever loses his job as a Sun Sentinel “columnist” I am sure that there is a recently opened position for him at the Internal Revenue Service looking into the activities of the non-profit statues of organizations like TEA Party Fort Lauderdale. Talk about sinking to a new low.


IRS Admits Wrongdoing, Settles Suit with National Marriage Group
Broward County, FL: Twenty-Two Hour Festival “Glorifying Sodomy and Debauchery”
Florida Attorney General Files Motions to Intervene in Homosexual so-called “Marriage” Lawsuits!
Boston “Gay Pride Week”: What the media won’t tell you about the homosexual movement
Ugly “Homo-Mafia” Is Coming
Will There Be a Consequence?
Rush Limbaugh Explodes on ‘Corrupt’ GOP for Employing ‘Reprehensible’ Tactic Against Tea Party (+video)
Florida Middle School students reading child pornography – WatchdogWire – Florida
Marriage Should Not Be Redefined Under the 14th Amendment

EDITORS NOTE: The featured picture of Heather Brinkworth is courtesy of the Sun Sentinel.

Why Benghazi Matters

Please watch and listen to a video that will provide you with specific details about the intentional abandonment of four Americans by the Obama administration during the Battle of Benghazi, it is worth every minute:

Now please read the below listed article that provides previously un-revealed details about how a conversation between Obama and Hillary Clinton at 10:00 p.m. EST, on September 11, 2012, during the night 125-150 Al Qaeda linked terrorists, launched a pre- planned and well-coordinated commando operation, to attack the US Mission and the CIA Annex in Benghazi, Libya, and how that conversation sealed the fate of 4 Americans killed in The Battle of Benghazi.

The below listed article prints excepts from a newly published book “Blood Feud” written by Ed Klein that every American should read.  It explains why Obama, coordinating with Hillary Clinton, intentional abandoned Americans being attacked in Benghazi.   A military rescue mission could not be launched, that would have saved the lives of 2 Navy SEALs who were killed 8 hours after the attack was launched, because Obama refused to execute “Cross Border Authority” that was required before the military could launch a rescue mission.

Clinton bristled at Benghazi deception

image003Edward Klein explains what happened the night of the Benghazi attack — and Hillary Clinton’s reaction.

In his new book, “Blood Feud,” journalist Edward Klein gets inside the dysfunctional, jealous relationship between Bill and Hillary Clinton and Barack and Michelle Obama. Here, he explains what happened the night of the Benghazi attack.

By 10 p.m. on Sept. 11, 2012, when Hillary Clinton received a call from President Obama, she was one of the most thoroughly briefed officials in Washington on the unfolding disaster in Benghazi, Libya.

She knew that Ambassador Christopher Stevens and a communications operator were dead, and that the attackers had launched a well-coordinated mortar assault on the CIA annex, which would cost the lives of two more Americans.

She had no doubt that a terrorist attack had been launched against America on the anniversary of 9/11. However, when Hillary picked up the phone and heard Obama’s voice, she learned the president had other ideas in mind. With less than two months before Election Day, he was still boasting that he had al Qaeda on the run.

If the truth about Benghazi became known, it would blow that argument out of the water.

“Hillary was stunned when she heard the president talk about the Benghazi attack,” one of her top legal advisers said in an interview. “Obama wanted her to say that the attack had been a spontaneous demonstration triggered by an obscure video on the Internet that demeaned the Prophet Mohammed.”

A protester exults as the US Consulate in Benghazi burns during a protest by an armed group in September 2012 that killed US Ambassador Chris Stevens and three others.Photo: Reuters

This adviser continued: “Hillary told Obama, ‘Mr. President, that story isn’t credible. Among other things, it ignores the fact that the attack occurred on 9/11.’ But the president was adamant. He said, ‘Hillary, I need you to put out a State Department release as soon as possible.’”

After her conversation with the president, Hillary called Bill Clinton, who was at his penthouse apartment in the William J. Clinton Presidential Library in Little Rock, and told him what Obama wanted her to do.

“I’m sick about it,” she said, according to the legal adviser, who was filled in on the conversation.

“That story won’t hold up,” Bill said. “I know,” Hillary said. “I told the president that.” “It’s an impossible story,” Bill said. “I can’t believe the president is claiming it wasn’t terrorism. Then again, maybe I can. It looks like Obama isn’t going to allow anyone to say that terrorism has occurred on his watch.”

Hillary’s legal adviser provided further detail: “During their phone call, Bill started playing with various doomsday scenarios, up to and including the idea that Hillary consider resigning as secretary of state over the issue. But both he and Hillary quickly agreed that resigning wasn’t a realistic option.

If her resignation hurt Obama’s chances of winning re-election, her fellow Democrats would never forgive her. Hillary was already thinking of running for president in 2016, and her political future, as well as Obama’s, hung in the balance.”

Obama had put Hillary in a corner, and she and Bill didn’t see a way out. And so, shortly after 10 o’clock on the night of September 11, she released an official statement that blamed the Benghazi attack on an “inflammatory (video) posted on the Internet.”

The Benghazi Deception was in full swing.

“Blood Feud: The Clintons vs. the Obamas” by Edward Klein is out this week from Regnery Publishing.


Price to Avoid Another Benghazi? House Leaders Question $461M Training Center
Three Frightening Facts About Iraq
Megyn Kelly Takes Down State Department Spokeswoman on Obama’s Iraq Rhetoric

RELATED VIDEO: Benghazi Coalition Full Conference


Florida Attorney General Files Motions to Intervene in Homosexual so-called “Marriage” Lawsuits!

MIAMI, FL – After months of hard work, the Christian Family Coalition Florida (CFCF) announced today a stunning turn of events as Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi filed motions to intervene in two seditious state lawsuits that are trying to overthrow Florida’s voter-approved constitution which respects marriage as the union of one man, one woman.

As other attorneys general, most recently in Oregon and Pennsylvania, are abandoning their states voters by refusing to intervene, such as in Oregon, or appeal decisions against voter-approved state constitutional amendments, such as in Pennsylvania; General Bondi is on the right side of history and the law by faithfully upholding her sworn duty to uphold the laws of the land.

As she recently stated in a piece written for the Gainesville Sun, “Defending the wishes of the voters who enacted Florida’s marriage amendment necessarily requires me to make good faith legal arguments. Anything less than the best defense of our voters’ policy preferences would disenfranchise the electorate, and undermine the judicial process, this court should ‘exercise great caution when asked to take sides in an ongoing public policy debate’ and leave Florida’s important policy determinations to Florida’s citizens.”

In 2008, approximately 5 million Florida voters approved our state’s constitution respecting marriage as the union of one man, one woman, by a whopping 62% – 38% margin. Approval numbers among Hispanic and African-American voters were even higher, 62% and 71% respectively!

Christian Family Coalition Florida (CFCF) issued the following statement:

“We commend Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi for her courageous decision to uphold her oath of office and protect Florida voters right to amend their own state constitution respecting marriage as the union of one man, one woman. As the U.S. Supreme Court recently ruled in Windsor, this is a question of public policy, not the constitution, as homosexual extremists who are trying to overthrow the will of the people falsely claim.”

About the Christian Family Coalition (CFC)

The Christian Family Coalition (CFC) is a widely acclaimed human rights and social justice advocacy organization serving Florida’s children and families for over 10 years. Through its daily community outreach, political education programs, and voter registration, CFC effectively mobilizes thousands of fair-minded voters across the state and actively works with municipal, county, state, and federal elected officials to advance common sense, family-friendly, non-discriminatory values and public policies. The CFC is highly respected for its sought-after, educational voter guides consulted by thousands of houses of worship and their voters all across Florida.

Boston “Gay Pride Week”: What the media won’t tell you about the homosexual movement

Most people only see the filtered version of “gayness” that the mainstream media presents, which portrays it as wholesome, joyous, and even healthy. But the public spectacle of a “Gay Pride Week” (June 6-14) in a major city like Boston reveals a great deal about the pathologies, addictions, perversions, and general dysfunction surrounding homosexual behavior that is generally kept hidden.

The “New England Leather Alliance [pictured above],” a sado-masochist group, had a prominent presence in Boston Gay Pride. Note the logo on their banner includes a whip. Their flag is a black-and-blue version of the US Flag. [All photos from MassResistance]

Make no mistake: “Gay Pride” is vastly different than the South Boston St. Patrick’s Day Parade, or the Puerto Rican Parade — or anything else you’ll see in the public streets. It’s not really about “fun” or even politics. It’s more like a display of pathological issues.

It was not full of public sex acts like the Folsom Street Fair in San Francisco or some events in New York. But the “collateral damage” of LGBT behavior was very much in view.

For example, if you spent much time at the major “Pride Week” events you also saw examples of and references to:

  • Sado-masochism
  • Profanity and vulgarity, much of it in an angry tone
  • Homosexual sex; condoms and anal lubricant given out almost everywhere
  • Horrible “gay” diseases and psychological problems
  • The problem of “gay” domestic violence
  • Hatred of traditional religion, particularly Catholicism
  • Perversions such as cross-dressing and transsexual body mutilation
  • An obsession with children and teenagers

One couldn’t miss the many very troubled and disturbed people marching and participating, and many others who were there to show what good open-minded “progressives” they are. It was an eerie feeling.

At a Gay Pride Week event in Boston. The homosexual movement considers this fairly normal.

Equally disturbing was the huge support for “Gay Pride Week” from major US corporations, (Google, Microsoft, Bank of America, etc.), large hospitals, politicians, schools, and national radical organizations.

MassResistance will be posting a multi-part series documenting this further.(We will also continue our series documenting the GLSEN LGBT teachers’ conference, and the recent state-supported Youth Pride Day in Boston.)

The centerpiece: An enormous parade and “festival”

The “Gay Pride Parade” itself (June 13) was enormous in scope. According to the organizers, it was the biggest ever in Boston. There were over 200 groups and at least 10,000 marchers. There were more corporations and health-related organizations than we’d ever seen before, many with contingents of over 100 people. Even though the Mass. Democrat State Convention was taking place on the same day in Worcester, many politicians still marched in the parade and others had supporters marching. (We did not see any Republicans in the parade this year. GOP gubernatorial candidate Charlie Baker was listed as a marcher, but did not show up.)

Liberty Mutual Insurance had over a hundred people marching. Each one was wearing a special “Pride@Liberty” shirt.

At the end of the parade route at City Hall Plaza was a large “festival” with dozens of booths by corporations, radical groups, health organizations, and others. Most of these also had contingents marching in the parade.

MassResistance campaign to pressure companies not to march

Prior the Gay Pride Parade, MassResistance posted an article about the virulent anti-Catholic group “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” which had been named as a Grand Marshall. This was clearly a move to underscore the homosexual movement’s obsessive hatred of the Church. We got a LOT of feedback about that post, much of it thanking us for exposing this outrage.

The “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” were actually men (some with beards) mocking the Catholic Church.

In that same article, we encouraged everyone to contact the corporations and politicians scheduled to march in the parade and demand that they NOT participate in such a hate-filled anti-Catholic event. We included a page with names and contact numbers for people to call. It was fairly last-minute, but we thought it was important to do.

Unfortunately, it didn’t work. Every one of those politicians and corporations was in the parade.

Frankly, we were disappointed that there wasn’t more spontaneous action on this from the thousands of people who get our emails, and more who read our website. One would have thought that such a disgusting thing would fire up pro-family people, whether Catholic or not.

Judging from feedback we got, most of the calling from our side came from outside of Massachusetts — places like Florida and California. We’ve often observed that a lot of people here Massachusetts get very angry but are too timid (or too busy) to pick up a telephone or send a confrontational email. Instead, they’ll give “moral support.” So nothing happens.

As we have observed before, it seems that the homosexuals, even though they’re few in number, are far more passionate and obsessive about pushing their agenda than our people are about stopping it. That must change.

MassResistance protests at Gay Pride Parade

It seems that every time there’s a big public pro-marriage event, there are homosexual activists there with signs to protest it. So we decided it’s about time we did that, too.

The difference, of course, is that at our events the pro-family people always react very civilly and calmly. However, when the tables are turned, homosexual activists tend react with vitriol, profanity, and threats. But our people didn’t back down at all, which made it even more effective.

One of our activists had signs with five messages made up especially for the Boston Gay Pride Parade.

The marchers and their supporters really don’t like being challenged. A fair number of middle fingers, f-bombs, and other crude behaviors were directed at our people. But they remained calm and even tried to engage them in discussion!

The best way to answer an obscene gesture is to just wave back.
This lesbian tried to block the signs. When that didn’t work, she started passionately kissing her girlfriend right in front of them. (We’ll spare you the photo of that!)

The verdict: The homosexual movement can dish it out but they don’t take it very well. Maybe we need to do this more often.

Where was the Archdiocese of Boston in all this?

Many people have asked us what Cardinal Sean O’Malley and the Archdiocese of Boston were doing about the “Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence” being honored, and obscene anti-Catholic bigotry that this represents.

It was actually even worse than that. Boston’s St. Anthony’s Shrine — administered by Franciscan Friars, members of the same religious family as Cardinal O’Malley — had announced they would have a pro-LGBT booth at the Gay Pride Festival.

The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts informed the Archdiocese of everything and organized a campaign to urge the Cardinal to act. Unfortunately, according to the League, the Archdiocese did its best to dodge the issue completely. St. Anthony’s was even allowed to have its “gay” booth.

Friars from Boston’s St. Anthony’s Shrine pose for MassResistance as they put up the banner for their booth at the Boston Gay Pride Festival.

Many religious Catholics were very upset. Here is the write-up (scroll down) on the Catholic Action League website by Executive Director C.J. Doyle.

COMING UP: Much more on Boston “Gay Pride Week” 2014 — that you won’t read anywhere else!

WARNING: Dangerous Carbon Dioxide Shortage!

WARNING: The following column may awaken feelings of apprehension, fear, and panic if you believe there is a climate crisis approaching due to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.

You’ve certainly heard from ABC, CBS and NBC that there is a developing crisis that is the most serious that the world has ever faced. Our Secretary of State, the Honorable John F. Kerry, likens it to the most terrible weapon of mass destruction. President Obama has vowed to make it the highest priority of the remaining two and one-half years of his administration. (Not the limping economy, not the Mullahs’ quest for The Bomb, not the Putinization of Europe.)

This crisis is due to the amount of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere, presently 400 parts per million by volume (400 ppmv), or 0.04% of the atmosphere. This is dangerously low, far less than it has been for most of Earth’s existence, and both human policy and natural climate processes threaten to reduce it below an essential minimum. Nothing bad – certainly nothing catastrophic – happened in the golden eras while CO2 was at several thousand ppmv.

The same crackpots insist that the Earth is becoming much too warm. This is also untrue. The Earth is presently much colder than it has been for most of its history, and is likely to become even colder – eventually much colder. Like previous eras of abundant CO2, nothing bad happened when Earth was warmer. But, in cold eras, glaciers destroy whole countries, agriculture suffers, humans and wildlife die in cold and snow, and large parts of Earth become uninhabitable. A cold climate, such as we have now, makes life much harder for all.

As you see in the below diagram, CO2 content has usually been much higher than now, usually over 2000 ppmv, five times the current value. Food plants– the source of all food on this Earth – evolved in an environment of much higher CO2, and have had to deal with an ever more hostile environment, as CO2 has declined. As any nursery or garden store will tell you, they maintain a plant-friendly environment of 1,000 ppmv. Ever wonder why YOUR flowers don’t look as strong and beautiful as they did in the store? You’re starving them; they’re not getting enough of the food they need – CO2. Go breathe on them for five minutes a day; your exhalation is about 40,000 ppmv of CO2. That’s one hundred times as much CO2 as they get from the air in your home. They’ll love it. [Hat tip to Joe Bastardi for the diagram.]


For a larger view click on the chart.

In fact, plants are so unhappy in our present (last 25 million years) low-CO2 environment that a new, low-CO2 vegetation type has evolved, the C4 crops, such as maize and millet, which can conduct photosynthesis with less atmospheric CO2. Older forms of vegetation, the C3 crops, such as wheat, rice, barley, evolved when atmospheric CO2 was higher. Plants gather CO2 through stomata, openings in their leaves; however, they also lose water vapor (H2O) through those stomata, especially in a dry climate, so it’s a tradeoff. Getting food production underway with less need for carbon and less water loss is a great evolutionary advantage. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution by Natural Selection works for vegetation too. It’s also good for humans, since every carbon atom in every human body came from a molecule of CO2 in the atmosphere. And, of course, every cell in your body is replaced every seven years. Do you really want to minimize atmospheric CO2?

Before Watt’s invention of the coal-burning steam engine, CO2 content is estimated to have been about 280 ppmv, or 0.028% of the atmosphere. The necessary minimum to sustain global photosynthesis is thought to be 200 ppmv. We weren’t far from a massive die-off of vegetation, and we may approach this dangerous level again. So far, we have reversed the disastrous decline of atmospheric CO2 by burning coal, the fuel richest in plant nutrient. Multispectral NOAA satellite data reveals the increase of vegetation since the 1970’s, due to our coal-based greening of the world. CO2 is good for humans and for the natural world.

One of the things Mr. Gore demonstrated in An Inconvenient Truth is that there’s a correlation between temperature and atmospheric CO2 content. He “forgot” to mention that it’s a lagged correlation; first the temperature goes down, then – 800 years later – atmospheric CO2 content goes down. Cold oceans absorb CO2 out of the atmosphere, to the detriment of plant growth – the growth we depend on for food. As you can see on the graph, we’re now both cold and low on CO2.

This is the most important lesson to learn from Gore’s movie, though it’s certainly not what Gore meant to teach: cooling oceans take out of the atmosphere the CO2 that is essential for the growth of our food. Of course, cooling also shortens the growing season. There’s a double whammy in declining temperatures.

On the geologic time scale, Earth has been in a very cold era for about 25 million years, after continental drift positioned a continent over the South Pole and a blocking ring of continents around the North Pole. Both are impediments to the free circulation of equatorial oceanic currents across the poles. On top of that handicap, we are subject to long-term glacial conditions (90,000 years), interrupted by brief (11,500) interglacial periods, the Milankovitch Cycle. All of human history – art, science, music, philosophy, civilization itself – is contained within the current inter-glacial: the last 11,500 years. We’re nearing the end of the present relatively warm inter-glacial.

Other processes beside cooling remove CO2 from the atmosphere. Precipitation is one; you’ve probably noticed your lawn is greener after natural rain than it is after watering from a sprinkler. Raindrops pick up CO2 in falling through the air, becoming carbonic acid. That mild acid, over geologic time, wears mountains away and washes them into the sea. In the process, the CO2 becomes combined with calcium, forming calcium carbonate (limestone). This is one of the reasons the alarmists’ claim that “carbon dioxide is turning the oceans to acid” is untrue. The oceans have been basic (pH = 8.2) for millions of years and will remain so; the ocean bottoms are covered with huge amounts of limestone, which acts as a buffer against acidification.

Of course, when warm temperature and high CO2 content coincide, as in the Cretaceous Period, Earth experiences a profusion of vegetative growth. We’re enjoying the benefits of that past growth now, in the coal and natural gas that makes civilization and prosperity possible. Obama and Kerry are focused on reducing atmospheric CO2, under the leadership of the UN and a new, “better” Kyoto Treaty. They will try to commit the USA to this act of suicide in November, 2015, in Paris.

This self-inflicted wound would be bad enough, but Nature is already heading toward cooling temperatures – due to the declining solar cycle – and our descent toward the next Milankovitch Glacial era. This cooling will send more of the essential CO2 into the oceans, where it does humanity no good.

Climate Bonehead of the Week

This is always a hotly contested race. John Kerry is usually a contender, and Obama could rest on his laurels and still be near the front. But let’s be sporting about this; let’s recognize a new contestant, one who has earned distinction in a field even more beset with failure, i.e., “the dismal science.” Ladies and gentlemen, I give you Henry W. “Hank” Paulson, writing in the New York Times:

“We are building up excesses (debt in 2008, greenhouse gas emissions that are trapping heat now). Our government policies are flawed (incentivizing us to borrow too much to finance homes then, and encouraging the overuse of carbon-based fuels now). Our experts (financial experts then, climate scientists now) try to understand what they see and to model possible futures. And the outsize risks have the potential to be tremendously damaging (to a globalized economy then, and the global climate now).”

Does anybody believe Hank Paulson and government economists are “experts”?

Governor Rick Scott Makes History Signing 5 Pro-gun Bills

On, Friday, June 20, 2014, Florida Governor Rick Scott signed 5 pro-gun bills into law.  A strong supporter of the Second Amendment, Governor Rick Scott has now signed more pro-gun bills into law — in one term — than any other Governor in Florida history.

The bills are as follows:

HB-89 Threatened Use of Force
  by Rep. Neil Combee/Rep. Katie Edwards and Sen. Greg Evers

SB-424 To Stop Insurance Discrimination Against Gun Owners
  by Sen. Tom Lee and Rep. Matt Gaetz

HB-7029  Zero Tolerance/Pop Tart Bill
  by Rep. Dennis Baxley and Sen. Greg Evers

HB-523 Concealed Weapon/Firearms Licenses Fast Track
  by Rep. James Grant and Sen. Wilton Simpson

HB-525 Protection of Concealed Weapons/Firearms License Holder Information
 by Rep. James Grant and Sen. Wilton Simpson

A news article on titled Florida governor signs five pro-gun measures into law, including “Pop Tart” and “Warning Shot” bills by Chris Eger on June 21, discusses these bills.  To read this article, please click here.

According to NRA/ILA:

It was a great session, marred only by the defeat of  SB-296/HB-209 by Sen. Jeff Brandes and Rep. Heather Fitzenhagen. This was the bill to allow law-abiding citizens to carry their firearms with them during a mandatory evacuation under a declared state of emergency, rather than leave them in their homes for theft by looters or destruction by hurricanes or other disasters. However, the Florida Sheriffs Association and numerous anti-gun sheriffs fought to kill the bill. They were not successful in their efforts in the House, because Representatives put your safety and your rights above anti-gun sheriffs who didn’t support the rights of law-abiding gun owners.

However, in the Senate, Sen. Jack Latvala became the champion of the Florida Sheriffs Association and supported their efforts to kill this gun owner protection bill.  Sen. Latvala pulled together a coalition of Republican Senators who were willing to sacrifice your rights and to pander to anti-gun sheriffs and help kill the bill.

Remember these names. Some are up for re-election this year. Some are not up for re-election until 2016.  Do not forget them.

Sen. Jack Latvala (R)  SD-20
Sen. Charlie Dean (R) SD-5
Sen. Nancy Detert (R) SD-28
Sen. Miguel Diaz de la Portilla (R) SD-40
Sen. Rene Garcia (R) 38
Sen. Denise Grimsley (R) SD-21
Sen. Alan Hays (R) SD-11
Sen. John Legg (R) SD-17
Sen. Garrett Richter (R) SD-23

Florida Jews and Christians Outraged by Presbyterian Church (USA) vote to Divest Israel

On June 23, 2014 the Presbyterian Church (USA) voted to divest from three American companies because of their sales to Israel, by the very narrow margin of 310-303.

“This divestment decision is simply outrageous.  We at The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee are disappointed, hurt and saddened.  But we are not surprised, given the animus that a determined core group of Church officials has demonstrated against both the Jewish people and the State of Israel,” said Howard Tevlowitz, Executive Director of The Jewish Federation of Sarasota-Manatee. “This decision will undoubtedly have a devastating impact on the relations between mainstream Jewish groups and the national Presbyterian Church (USA).  We hold their leadership accountable for failing to isolate and repudiate the radical, prejudiced voices of their own denomination.”

“We will continue to show pride in Israel and be grateful for the many amazing products and technological advances that continue to originate in Israel.  And we will focus more and more of our efforts on supporting Israel, regardless of these misguided actions” added Rabbi Howard Simon and Pastor Joey Mimbs, Co-Chairs of the Federation’s Heller Israel Advocacy Initiative.

“The action by PC USA,” continues Rabbi Simon and Pastor Mimbs, “like the BDS movement as a whole, which claims to support a peaceful resolution of the complex conflict, in reality hurts the prospects for peace. It does not promote the goal of creating two states for two peoples that Israel has embraced. Instead, it places exclusive blame on Israel while ignoring the numerous times the Palestinians have refused to negotiate in good faith, oftentimes turning to violence and terror instead.”

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu made the following statement on “Meet the Press” this past Sunday, “It should trouble all people of conscience and morality because it’s so disgraceful. You know, you look at what’s happening in the Middle East, and I think most Americans understand this: They see this enormous area riveted by religious hatred, by savagery of unimaginable proportions.  Then you come to Israel and you see the one democracy that upholds basic human rights, that guards the rights of all minorities, that protects Christians. Christians are persecuted throughout the Middle East. So most Americans understand that Israel is a beacon of civilization and moderation.  You know, I would suggest to those Presbyterian organizations to fly to the Middle East, come see Israel for the embattled democracy that it is, and then take a bus tour. Go to Libya, go to Syria, go to Iraq, and see the difference. And I would give them two pieces of advice: One is make sure it’s an armor-plated bus. And, second, don’t say that you’re Christians.”

Tevlowitz concludes, “nonetheless, we at JFSM are deeply disappointed that the national leadership of a prominent group has taken such counterproductive measures, but we remain committed to challenging these growing assaults on Israel’s legitimacy and its right to exist as a Jewish state.”

Presbyterian Church USA joins BDS movement
Presbyterian Church USA Defeats Motion to Care for Babies Born Alive After Abortion
Israeli Leader Criticizes Presbyterian Divestment Decision (AP)
It’s Time to Leave the Presbyterian Church (USA)
Read a lengthy explanation via Huffington Post
Former KKK Grand Wizard Congratulates Presbyterian Church USA on Israel Divestment Vote

How President Obama is “Cocking-up” U.S. Foreign Policy

According to Merriam-Webster cock-up means “a situation that is complicated, unpleasant, or difficult to deal with because of someone’s mistake.” This best describes how President Obama, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and current Secretary of State John Kerry are dealing with U.S. foreign policy.

What is their collective primary foreign policy objective? To promote homosexuality on a global scale.

That’s right, not addressing the persecution of Christians and Jews, the spread of the Islamic ISIS sword, the existential threat of China and Russia, the illegal alien crisis on America’s Southern border. Job one is spreading the homosexual lifestyle where ever and when ever possible.

Weekly Standard journalist Jeryl Bier reports, “With much of the Obama administration’s foreign policy in tatters, John Kerry is clear on at least one goal he hopes to achieve by the end of his time as secretary of state: having lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ambassadors representing the United States.  In remarks to a GLIFAA (formerly Gays and Lesbians in Foreign Affairs Agencies) Pride event in the Ben Franklin Room at the State Department, the secretary ran through a litany of accomplishments by the Obama administration that benefit the “LGBT/gay community.” During his speech, Kerry said that, if confirmed, Ted Osius (nominated by President Obama for the post in Vietnam) would be the sixth openly gay U.S. ambassador currently in service:

So I am very proud of the progress that we are now making even in appointing LGBT ambassadors. I worked with the committee here at the State Department – with the D Committee, and I worked with the White House. And as a result, Ted Osius, sitting here, whom I’ve known a long time, and his family I know, will be the first openly LGBT officer nominated to serve as an ambassador in Asia. And on confirmation, he’s going to join five openly gay ambassadors who are now serving their country. I’m working hard to ensure that by the end of my tenure, we will have lesbian, bisexual, and transgender ambassadors in our ranks as well.

As he began his talk, Kerry recognized GLIFAA event moderator, Robyn McCutcheon, as the “first transgender Foreign Service officer to come out on the job”.

Before Kerry, Hillary Clinton did the same. CNN’s Frida Ghitis reported, “As Hillary Clinton makes a whirlwind round of appearances in her last days as secretary of state, one groundbreaking aspect of her work deserves a moment in the spotlight: In a bold departure with tradition, Clinton made the promotion of equality for gay people a core value of U.S. foreign policy.” [Emphasis mine]

If this is not “cocking-up” (no pun intended) U.S. foreign policy then I don’t know what is. But it gets worse.

In a Huffington Post article titled “John Kerry To Send Homosexuality ‘Experts’ To Tackle Uganda Anti-Gay Law”, Shadee Ashtari reported:

Secretary of State John Kerry announced on Tuesday [March 18, 2014] U.S. plans to send homosexuality “experts” to Uganda to discuss the country’s new Anti-Homosexuality Act with President Yoweri Museveni, according to Buzzfeed.

“I talked personally to President Museveni just a few weeks ago, and he committed to meet with some of our experts so that we could engage him in a dialogue as to why what he did could not be based on any kind of science or fact, which is what he was alleging,” Kerry said during a University Town Hall meeting at the U.S. Department of State. “He welcomed that and said that he was happy to receive them and we can engage in that kind of conversation… maybe we can reach a point of reconsideration.”

The Ugandan president signed the law, which includes up to lifetime imprisonment for homosexuality, in February after a team of Ugandan scientists informed him that there was no genetic basis for homosexuality.

Homosexuality experts? Now if that is not cocked-up, I don’ know what is. It would seem that sending experts on dealing with the many other human tragedies in Africa, and else where, should be Secretary Kerry’s priority.

Perhaps President Obama, Hillary Clinton and Secretary Kerry should look at what diplomat, statesman and former President Thomas Jefferson, the founder of the Democrat party, thought about homosexuality. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independence, drafted a bill concerning the criminal laws of Virginia in which he directed that the penalty for sodomy should be castration.

Time to castrate U.S. foreign policy? What do you think?


12 Ways Homosexual Adults Endanger Children Article – Obama expands government benefits for gay couples
Texas Gov. Rick Perry Compares Homosexuality To Alcoholism In San Francisco Appearance « CBS San Francisco

Florida — Don’t be Doped, Smoking Pot is NOT medicine

“Why should we care about pot?” by Veora M. Little, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist.

We sometimes hear kids ask: “Is marijuana really bad for you?  Marijuana is legal in several states, so doesn’t this mean it’s OK to smoke?”  Make no mistake; this push to legalize marijuana is affecting how children view drug use.  As the perceived risk goes down, marijuana use goes up.  Don’t kid yourself, our children are listening and watching!

Anyone who cares about children should know that marijuana use can lower IQ.  Research published by the National Academy of Sciences, shows regular marijuana use that begins in adolescence can have long lasting effects on the brain that may not be reversible.  The more one uses marijuana, the greater the IQ decline. For some, this means a loss of up to 8 points.  Since an IQ of 100 is the average, a decline this large is significant and creates lasting damage that places many individuals at below average or lower intelligence. Furthermore, states having medical marijuana are at the top of the list in terms of drug addiction and usage by 12 to 17-year olds, according to the U. S. Department of Health & Human Services.

If you care about our public safety, you should also know that marijuana is the most detected illicit drug in auto fatalities.  Colorado, in particular, has seen double the number of drivers involved in traffic fatalities who tested positive for marijuana in recent years.

In your work environment, you should know that employees who use drugs impact the bottom line by increasing absenteeism, workplace accidents and higher healthcare costs.

Too many Floridians are unaware that Amendment 2 will legalize smoked marijuana as medicine and also creates other concerns for our state.  For example, the process to obtain medical marijuana is done by “recommendation” rather than a prescription by a physician. Only FDA approved medications demand a prescription.

In addition, none of the symptoms that marijuana claims to cure or help have the support of any major medical associations.  The Florida Medical Association; American Pediatrics Association; American Medical Association; American Cancer Society; American Academy of Ophthalmology; National Multiple Sclerosis Society; Glaucoma Foundation are among the growing number of professional organizations opposed to legalizing marijuana.  The Florida Sheriff’s Association and Drug Enforcement Administration also do not support marijuana as medicine.

There are strict standards for what constitutes a medicine in this country.  It must be deliverable in exact doses, and must be made up of measureable amounts of compounds so it can be produced and controlled in its impact.  Marijuana potency and purity varies from plant to plant. It often contains harmful contaminants and when it is smoked or ingested in foods and beverages as is permitted in states with medical marijuana, the dosage can vary greatly.  Marijuana simply does not fit the basic definition of medicine. When it is self-delivered, the dosages frequently are random and inconsistent, as are the effects on the human body.

Current “evidence” supporting smoked/home grown pot, as medicine is self-reported and not scientifically or medically verified.  In an article published by the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), “The Role of the Physician in ‘Medical’ Marijuana,” and its companion Public Policy Statement concluded that smoked marijuana is not, and cannot be, a medicine.  ASAM explains that any chemicals in marijuana shown to be effective and recognized as safe for use as treatments for any illness, have already been available for over 20 years. These are standardized and characterized products in the U.S., approved by the FDA, dispensed by professional pharmacies like all other medicines.

All Florida voters should carefully consider the following issues with Amendment 2:

  1. No age limit- No parental consent required.
  2. No background check or training for personal caregivers.
  3. Pot shops – Marijuana will only be sold by storefront dispensaries, not in medically controlled facilities, and will not be monitored by pharmacists.
  4. Medical marijuana laws only require a physician recommendation, not a legitimate prescription (since it is not FDA approved, a physician can not write a prescription.)
  5. There is no consumer protection when it comes to quality, purity or dosage.

Let’s do it right! We are all compassionate and caring about our loved ones’ pain and suffering, but there are far too many unintended consequences with this current proposal.  Let’s move forward with continued research. Let’s keep our kids safe and let’s keep working to keep drugged drivers off our roads.

As a parent, grandparent, I take this issue very seriously, I remember the pill mills! Please know the facts about the dangers of marijuana and what the proponents of this measure ask you to consider. I ask you to consider voting No to Amendment 2.

Veora M. Little, Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist,

Additional sources: NIDA (National Institute on Drug Abuse),, ONDCP (Office of National Drug Control Policy, The White House), Kevin Sabet, Ph.D., Director, Drug Policy Institute and Assistant Professor, University of Florida College of Medicine, Division of Addiction Medicine, Department of Psychiatry.

EDITORS NOTE: The featured image is courtesy of Drug Addiction Treatment California.

Broward County, FL: Twenty-Two Hour Festival “Glorifying Sodomy and Debauchery”

The Broward County, FL Twilight Parade was held on Saturday, June 21st at 7:00 p.m.  Following the parade was the Stonewall Pride Street Festival held from noon to 11:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. on Sunday June 22nd.

Festival organizers in an email wrote:

CALLING ALL DRAG QUEENS & KINGS, TRANSGENDERS & CROSS DRESSERS !! Get International Publicity in the Guiness Book of World Records. TOMORROW, Sat. June 21st At Stonewall In Wilton Manors. 4 pm Registration behend [sic] Main Center Stage and a 5 min. dance to the Cupid Shuffle at 7:30 at same location.

The below poster was attached to the email:


For a large view click on the poster.


Commissioner Bruce G. Roberts – District 1.

Organizers stated, “We look forward to our members and friends staffing the booth and volunteering some of the time to spread the word about Log Cabin Republicans and how we are movers and shakers and can continue to create positive change in the community. Our involvement in the Republican Party bore fruit this week past when one Ft. Lauderdale City Commissioner voted to pass a resolution that endorsed equality for all Americans in Broward County regardless of sexual orientation. Without his vote the resolve would have failed to pass even though the majority of Commissioners were registered Democrats. We have a right to celebrate our effort to make the Party of Lincoln inclusive and challenge those who make our party one that enables exclusion based on any minority status.” [Emphasis added]

The resolution passed by a 3-2 vote. So who was the Republican who cast the swing vote? Commissioner Bruce G. Roberts – District 1, City of Fort Lauderdale.

According to a member of the Lauderdale Beach Republican Club (LBRC), “Bruce Roberts, Republican, was the featured speaker at the Lauderdale Beach Republican Club at their monthly meeting on Tuesday, 17th.  It turned out that he voted YES for a same-sex marriage resolution, while two Democrats — Romney Rogers and Mayor Jack Seiler voted NO! Knowing that Roberts was speaking at our local club, a few of us climbed atop our war horses.  There were seven of us in a room of approximately twenty people. Bob Wolfe, founder and former Chair of that LBRC met us at our table to let us know he knew why we were there, but to please keep it ‘professional.’  He asked me not to throw anything at the commissioner.”

Some asked Commissioner Roberts, who is the only Republican representative on the city commission, “why he voted against Republican family values while two Democrats voted for family values.”  According to attendees reasons were “appalling”, and “included… ‘a high divorce rate among heterosexuals” Roberts was asked if he happened to know the divorce rate among homosexual marriages.  He had no answer.

Jack Gilles then stood and asked Roberts, “As a purported Christian, how do you feel about casting a vote against God?” To which he insisted he had not, and Gilles insisted that, “indeed he had gone against God.”  Roberts then used the excuse of the separation of church and state to explain his vote for gay marriage. Another attendee named Ed then took out his pocket Constitution, walked toward Roberts, and said, “Sir, this is a copy of the United States Constitution.  Please show me in here where it says there must be separation of Church and State.”  By this time the Chairman was calling for the questions to stop. According to attendees the chairman was literally drenched in sweat.

One attendee noted, “It’s what we Republicans continue to do.  Elect candidates and vet them afterwards.”

Dr. Duke Pesta on the Shocking K-12 Common Core Sexual Education Standards

dr duke pesta

Dr. Duke Pesta

If you have young children, grandchildren, nephews, nieces, are an educator, are a therapist, are a religious leader, are an elected official of any party, or care about very young children getting an excellent education in grades K-12, you should take time to listen to the below videos by Dr. Duke Pesta.  Dr. Pesta’s discussion is about the indoctrination of students in the Common Core curriculum.  Common Core does not encourage students to read the greatest novels in history, it’s not about teaching students to think outside of the box, nor is it about teaching students to excel beyond the capability of their fellow students in their grade, and it is not about mentoring gifted students.

Common Core teaches students it is not fair for some students to highly achieve beyond the ability of their fellow students—it is about teaching students that everyone should achieve equally and collectively together, resulting in that students’ progress in learning at the lowest possible common denominator so no one is left behind.  Common Core is the plan by the federal government to take over the control of local school board’s education programs and what is taught in the local schools, it pushes an agenda controlled and tested by the Department of Health Education and Welfare and results in recording specific details on “each student’s” thinking, religious beliefs, patriotic beliefs, and family beliefs, in violation of privacy laws.

Common Core is much more than the new math. For quite some time, I seriously tried to understand the new math without success (my math skills are excellent, I have a Bachelor of Science Degree in Engineering, a Master’s Degree in Operation Research, and an MBA in Finance).  All my grades in math were always straight “A” as I excelled in math in grammar school, in high school, in college, and in graduate school.  Common Core math is the worst thing that has ever happened to the math curriculum in grammar schools in the nation; that terrible debilitating math curriculum has now been in the public schools for 2 years, and parents do not know how to help their children with the new math.

David Zimba who was responsible for developing the new math curriculum in Common Core, said Common Core math “will not” prepare students for college.  Common Core math is not about the right answer, it is about making the student comfortable with this new math—the teachers do not teach math any longer; the new math is programed and tested by Washington bureaucrats.  Students “do not” know how to add and subtract in the 4th grade.  The students are taught that they “must” agree collectively on an answer with the students in their new teaching group (they must be in learning groups and even must sit together—no longer are there individual desks), even if it is the answer is wrong it must be agreed to.   For instance, because the analytical mathematical thinking in students is not developed in students in early grades with this debilitating new math, algebra has been pushed into 9th grade, while the student is China, India, Europe, etc. begin algebra in the 5th grade—the Common Core curriculum is forcing students in the United States to be left in the dust bin of history, far behind students in countries with much higher math and science achievement records.  Please watch this short video with Dr. Pesta:

This opposition to Common Core is not political, it is not Democrat, Republican, Libertarian, or Conservative opposition; all members of the previous groups have been expressing very of serious opposition to Common Core, it is an American problem where we are all concerned about our young school children.  The most liberal teachers union in the nation, the NY States Teachers Union, and the most conservative organizations in Texas, Virginia, and in the nation oppose Common Core. None of the educators in any state, nor any of the famous educational organization, or varied groups of well-known educators who are experts in certain subjects being taught by Common Core, were involved in scientifically developing the curriculum, nor was the curriculum tested by trial and error to determine the best educational curriculums to be taught for grades K thru 12—only 5 people wrote the entire Common Core curriculum.

Common Core was developed by David Coleman, and four of his associates; the development was funded by Bill Gates who spent $2.5 billion to sell it.

Each state was provided with millions of dollars for their state education department, long before the curriculum was written, they received with the funds under the condition that they must incorporate Common Core into their educational system.  This Common Core curriculum has come about and has been driven by the Obama administration, and the Department of Health Education and Welfare who also is now controlling Common Core testing for each state.  The education of students should be controlled at the state and local levels, not by Washington bureaucrats.  Four states have opted out of Common core with 12 states developing initiatives to get out of Common Core, including New York.  Please click on the below listed link to view and listed to a child psychologist who explains how students are reacting to Common Core and have been hurt mentally by the curriculum; they are also self-hurting their bodies:

Common Core has eliminated the US history students once were taught in grammar and high schools.  Students once learned about the Pilgrims and how they came to the new world to seek religious freedom.  Students were once taught how the Founding Fathers religious beliefs provided the foundation on which the Republic was founded on.  Students were once taught the value of US Constitution, the Bill of Rights & the value of each Amendment, and the value of the rights of individual, and the importance of religious freedom.   They are no longer taught why the Revolutionary War was fought, the reasons for the Civil War, how the US saved the world by mobilizing to fight in WWI & WWII, how the US saved the South Korean democracy from Communism, and how the United States preserved the freedom of the people in Kuwait from the dictator, Hussein Saddam.  The students were once taught to study the background of each of the US Presidents and their achievements.  They are not taught about the dangers of Communism and its demise, or how Socialism has never worked in any country it was ever tried in for the last 150 years, etc.  All those teachings were eliminated by the 5 peoples who developed the Common Core curriculum to the detriment of our Republic.  Those teachings must be reinstated without exception.

Common Core is not only the development of national standards for math, English, biology, and science it also includes teaching shocking sexual education courses for students in grades, kindergarten thru 12.  What is taught includes teaching inappropriate sexuality skills, that shouldn’t even be taught in college. According to child psychologists, the children are not mentally equipped to understand the detailed sexual indoctrination starting in kindergarten, they are indoctrinated in sexual practices that they should never be exposed to.  Students are tested on their understanding of sex issues every year for the 12 years they are school, and the views for each student on sex issues are being tested, recorded, and retained by Washington bureaucrats.

There is a heavy socio political content of sex throughout Common Core curriculum being taught in every grade and in every subject, the student is taught that there is a sameness of gender, there is no longer simply boys and girls according to Common Core.  The sexual content of Common Core crosses into every curriculum taught, from teaching sexuality skills in sex education courses by specially skilled and trained sex education teachers.  Sexual activities and content in included in every subject taught.  Sex is taught in the English curriculum, is included in the language curriculum, sex is woven into the science curriculum, in the math curriculum, in the social studies curriculum, and of course in biology.

Since sex practices are included in every subject taught, parents will no longer be able to opt out of sex education being taught to their children in city schools, and by opting out assuming that only they would be able to teach their children sex education at home, and  in accordance with their personal and religious beliefs.  Children are taught holding hands, hugging, kissing, is the same as every other deviate sex acts—they are taught there is a sameness to “all” sex—there is no such thing as normal sex in Common Core, wide open sex of every weird type is taught to be acceptable in Common Core.  Pornography is no longer looked down upon in the Common Core curriculum. Very young students can’t even comprehend those teachings and understand that if someone does something to their little bodies, that they were told about in the Common Core sex curriculum, that it is wrong and shouldn’t be done to them.

The Core Curriculum states the students must be taught cooperative and active sex, working together in lab sessions with each other. Students can’t opt out on their own, because sex crosses into all the Common Core courses and all the testing—if they opt out they would fail the testing.  They are being taught by specially sex skilled teachers, and the students are tested on sexual skills and concepts being taught.  Every imaginable inappropriate sexual skill is being taught to students in kindergarten thru grade 12.  These inappropriate sexual skills are being driven into the Common Core curriculum and are being tested by the Department of Health Education and Welfare.

Teachers and parents will lose the ability to mentor the thousands of gifted children, that the nation used to develops each year, because Common Core dumbs down all students to the lowest leaning denominator.  Common Core is not good for the nation, for families, for children, for religious teachings, for colleges, for graduates schools, for research, for science, for States Rights, for teachers unions, and for the foundation upon which the Founding Fathers established the Republic.   The single biggest enemies of the Common Core curriculum are the Judeo Christian teachings student are taught at home, in their houses of worship, and in religious books (the Old Testament, the Bible, the Koran, the Book of Mormon, etc.).  Please watch to the below listed video with Dr. Pesta, although it is long it is an extremely important tape that is designed to save countless generations of students and the Republic, and should be listened to if you care about the education of future generations of young people.  Please pass this E-mail on to all Americans who care about the future education of our youth.


Common Core Pornography

People in Bradford arrested in historic child sex abuse investigation

RELATED VIDEOS: The sick pedophile agenda at the heart of ‘sex education.’ Discretion advised. Deeply disturbing.

Brilliant anti-Common Core Speech by Dr. Duke Pesta