Ferguson, Missouri: Cops or Thugs?

To stand or not to stand with America’s law enforcement officers, that is the question. Racist thugs are attacking American law enforcement officers in Ferguson, Missouri. Which side are you on? The cops or the thugs?


Ferguson protesters put a $5000 bounty on Darren Wilson; donated by an investor

Black teacher goes off on ‘crackers, kill yourselves’ rant; ‘Ask why she’s still employed’

ELECTION 2014 – Crist Retired, Reid Fired, Obama Tired!

WOW, the Democrats just took a good ole’ fashion butt-kickin and now the work begins for the Republicans! Join us as we do an election day wrap-up featuring several experts who help make sense out of the chaotic and tsunamic changes that are taking place in the United States Government as the Democrats lose power to the Republicans and President Obama tries to figure out the meaning to life! Also, a live report from Israel on a recent terrorist attack.

ISRAEL SECURITY SUMMIT – Boykin, West, McInerney, Berntsen! [Part 1]

Part 1 of 2 – Israel Security Summit, September 9, 2014, Stoughton, MA, Congregation Ahavath Torah, Rabbi Jonathan Hausman. In this two-part series you will hear from four of the world’s top experts on US National Security and our relationship with Israel. The panelists are Lieutenant General Jerry Boykin, U.S. Army (Retired), former commander of Delta Force, Lieutenant General Tom McInerney,U.S. Air Force (Retired) former combat pilot with over 4000 hours and 400 missions and former CIA Station Chief Gary Berntsen, who headed up the hunt for Osama Bin Laden in 2003 in Afghanistan.

The moderator for this highly-charged panel is Lieutenant Colonel Allen West, U.S. Army (Retired) a combat veteran who also served as a US Congressman from Florida. Part 1 also has a award presentation to Revere Chief of Police, Joseph Cafarelli who was instrumental in capturing the Boston bomber, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev. Sit back, watch the two parts and get ready to get very upset at the Obama Administration’s failures with Israel and get ready to stand with Israel in the very dangerous days ahead. Contact The United West for more information as to how you can help!

There’s NO PLACE like UTOPIA! – The Movie

President Obama, in Wizard of Oz fashion, is a progressive fraud hiding behind a wrinkled curtain spinning dials and fooling people with his destructive socialist policies! This is a key point of Producer / Director Joel Gilbert in his brilliant new documentary, “There’s NO PLACE like UTOPIA.” We discuss with Joel the key points of this humorous, yet serious analysis of Progressive politics.

In particular, Joel will answer the question: Why did Dorothy follow the yellow brick road?

Listen and watch Joel as he journeys across America to find out what’s at the end of the Progressive rainbow – Utopia or something far worse? From the ruins of Detroit to the slums of Chicago’s South Side, and from Denver’s illegal immigration invasion to Newark’s urban removal project, Gilbert pulls back the curtain. He confronts Progressives on his quest, and takes us deep into their political fantasy of paradise on earth.

There’s No Place Like Utopia is a humorous and horrifying exploration of Progressivism, amnesty for illegals, race relations, Islam in America, political correctness, and Barack Obama himself, who promises to “remake the world as it should be.” But is Utopia a real destination for America? Or, does the true path to happiness still remain faith, family, and hard work – back home in Kansas?

VIDEO: ‘I Stand Sunday’ – Pastors Rise Up for an ‘American Revival’

Tony Perkins of Family Research Council (FRC) hosted the ‘I Stand Sunday’ conference that gathered Christians together from across denominational and ethnic lines for a special Sunday night church service that focused on the need to renew the spirit of patriotism in America and to call pastors to “Stand Up” against the erosion of religious liberties/freedoms by local and national political leaders.

Perkins notes, “We are at critical crossroads in our nation’s history and this series of messages presented be Godly men, may well be the catalyst for Revival in America.”

Watch the entire “I Stand Sunday” conference video:

RELATED ARTICLE: Rogue pastors endorse candidates, but IRS looks away – Politico

The Catalyst Message: Are God’s children returning Him to public schools? [+Video]

There is a student lead high-school campus coalition that is bringing God back to public school campuses across the United States. It is a living, breathing adventure. A real life adventure as explained by Jean Carlos Diaz in the below video.

Watch Jean Carlos Diaz explain this movement, a grand adventure:


Jean Carlos Diaz

Alice Patterson, President of Justice at the Gate, reports:

A coalition of youth pastor networks and students forged a movement that is touching high school campuses across the nation. It started with a freshman at Blaine High School in Minnesota in January 2011. Jean Carlos Diaz, born in Puerto Rico and raised in Iowa then Minnesota is the catalyst that Jean Carlos used to start the movement. Jean Carlos attended See You at the Pole at his high school. That led him to a Bible study of 25 students that dwindled to 6 by year end. When the leaders graduated, he was asked to lead what was left of the group. Shortly after that the group went on a missions trip to Kansas City. They were fired up, sad to leave and came home with a heart to impact their school. So they had a sleepover with three guys where they worshipped, prayed and dreamt all night. They wanted to pray something big, so they prayed, “Jesus, would You finish the Great Commission in our generation?”

At the same time they were praying for the Lord to use them on their campus, a network of youth ministers called Allies Ministries, led by Dan Buschow in Minneapolis, were praying for the youth of Minnesota. They sensed that the Lord wanted them to keep praying and not initiate anything.

God was doing the initiating through Jean Carlos. From the very beginning, everything was student-led and student-driven. It was a movement for students by students. We had learned from our mistakes and were able to teach and train other students. Since we were only teenagers in the eyes of the world and in the eyes of the church, God was the only one who could get the credit. We didn’t want to be a class about God; we wanted to be an agent of change in our school. We changed our focus, our name and started the first Catalyst.

As youth pastors prayed and waited, students stepped up and led. Shortly after that, a coalition between Catalyst and Allies Ministries, other shepherds and caring adults was formed. The first year Catalyst grew from 1 school to over 15 and from 30 students to over 500. Catalyst has now grown to over 50 groups and is spreading past Minnesota to 20 in Iowa and to Illinois, New York, Maryland, Arizona, California and Texas.

Read more.

German girl speaks out for Christ — Rebukes Islam

German girl speaks out for Christ. Rebukes Islam. Heidi Mund, an atheist-turned-Christian, has gained global notoriety for standing up to Islam’s creeping influence in her homeland, Germany. Now she’s revealing why.


German official warns about 1,000 supporters of Islamic jihad terrorism in the country

Switzerland: Three Muslims arrested, suspected of aiding Islamic State and planning jihad attack in Europe

Appeasement fails: UK travellers warned of increased global jihad terror threat

Charlie Crist — A National Security Risk!

The United West team analyzes the national security capability of Charlie Crist and concludes that he is a national security risk for the State of Florida.

Evidence is presented that proves Crist’s failures on understanding the threat of Islamic jihad, the threat of the cultural jihad and his possible negligence by falling into the control of the Muslim Brotherhood supporters of the Obama Administration.

Before you cast your vote in the 2014 Florida election, be sure to watch this critically important expose.

Axe Attacks

Lone Wolf terrorists are now walking our streets.  Here are some thoughts on the causes and some cures.

An interview with Anjem Choudary, United Kingdom Muslim Activist

If you have ever wondered why anyone could support the Islamic State (a.k.a. ISIS) then this is a MUST SEE interview.

Moreover, you could not find two people who disagree more about life and beliefs than me and Anjem Choudary – one who has been labeled an “Islamophobe” and the other labeled an “Islamic Terrorist.” Ironically, these two activists fundamentally agree about the nature of Islam – in its historic essence, political structure and theocratic basis.

In this fascinating exchange you will see me and Anjem agree on quite a bit, but offer radically different interpretations and conclusions about Islam. This interview is a deep and thought provoking look into the mind of a Muslim – a Muslim who is a fierce proponent of Shariah (Islamic Law) and the methods and tactics of the Islamic State.

WATCH: The Russian Documentary Film ‘Sodom’ Seized by Canadian Border Authorities

The following is “Sodom,” a new Russian documentary critical of Western homosexual activism–a DVD copy of which was seized at the Calgary International Airport on October 27 as a potential violation of Canadian law banning material that could potentially “incite hate” based on “sexual orientation.”

Late Monday night, as AFTAH president Peter LaBarbera arrived in Calgary on a flight from Chicago, Customs agents detained him for two-and-a-half hours and did an intense search of his phone, laptop and belongings.

They viewed portions of “Sodom” and then confiscated it as potential anti-homosexual “hate propaganda.” The film will be sent to the Canadian government’s “Prohibited Importation Unit” in Ottawa, and will be destroyed if deemed a violation of the law, LaBarbera was told. Ironically, “Sodom” (Zabranjeni Ruski Dokumentarni Film “Sodoma”) is freely available in Canada and worldwide on YouTube.

Posting this video does not constitute a full endorsement of it by AFTAH or DrRichSwier.com [WARNING GRAPHIC CONTENT]:


AFTAH’s LaBarbera Searched and Detained Again by Canadian Customs Agents – Russian Documentary ‘Sodom’ Confiscated as Potential ‘Hate Propaganda’

More Judges Resign, Give Up Careers Over Homosexual Marriage Mandate

Delaware TV gets the hottest U.S. Senate campaign ad: Chris Coons Ebola Zone!

Kevin Wade

Kevin Wade, Republican for the U.S. Senate in Delaware.

The real battle nationally is for control of the U.S. Senate. Millions are being poured into races to retain or obtain control of that body.

However, there is one key Republican U.S. Senate race that can be a Republican pickup – in Delaware.

Kevin Wade, a self-made business man, believes he can take and put the Delaware U.S. Senate seat solidly in the “R” column.

Historically the Delaware U.S. Senate seat is won with approximately 150,000 total votes. The race will likely hinge on about 8,000 voters changing their voting pattern on the General Election Day. It is projected that the Republican turnout will be 10% higher and 10% lower for the Democrats. That leaves 8,000 voters to be convinced to swing  this U.S. Senate Republican on November 4th.

This is the seat formerly held by now Vice President Joe Biden. That alone must have Delaware Republicans energized.

According to Wade, “It is all in reach. I don’t understand the fascination with ‘big state’ races at the national level. My vote in the U.S. Senate would count as much as California’s U.S. Senator. The yield on a donor dollar and volunteer hour is so much higher in this small voting universe in Delaware.”

This political ad may make the difference on a Republican Senate seat pickup in Delaware:

FBI Evidence shows CAIR leaders tied to HAMAS

We present the FBI “smoking gun” evidence that the Palestine Committee which oversaw and ran the Holy Land Foundation (convicted on 36 counts of providing material support to terrorism, money laundering, conspiracy and tax fraud) organization was founded by Specially Designated Global Terrorist (SDGT) and Hamas leader Mousa abu Marzook along with senior executives Nihad Awad and senior officer Omar Ahmad, who also both co-founded the largest Muslim advocacy group in the United States, Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR), for the purpose of raising money for the Hamas and to support a media, public relations, and political campaign to ultimately destroy Israel.

EDITORS NOTE: This video with commentary originally appeared on Breitbart TV.

VIDEO: Blacks turn on Democrats — ‘They are Abusing Us!’

Chicago activists Paul McKinley, Mark Carter, Joseph Watkins and Harold “Noonie” Ward recently went on the record with Rebel Pundit to deliver a message to black communities across the country.

Florida’s Charlie Crist – Champion of Jihadis?

Join our team as we raise the very interesting and critically important question – Is Charlie Crist, Democrat nominee for Governor, the choice of the Islamic leaders who want shariah law in Florida?

This and other culturally relevant issues are dealt with in their usually, Monday, Monday style by the folks at The United West who bring you entertainment and education, or as they like to say – “We edutain” you!