Biden Dares Talk ‘Democracy’ on D-Day?
There were cringe-worthy moments during Biden’s Normandy excursion. Perhaps the worst was him turning away from the 100-year old veterans who had flown over from the United States and waited for hours for him to shake their hands.
Biden walked away. French president Macron jogged back and greeted them.
Biden’s speech at La Pointe du Hoc, the cliffs the Rangers scaled during the early hours of June 6, 1944, came in stark contrast to the one given by Ronald Reagan forty years earlier.
Reagan recalled the courage of those young men, who were ready to die for their country and for democracy, “because it is the most noble political system devised by man.” Biden instead gave a pathetic campaign speech, where he implicitly criticized fellow citizens and his political opponent, comparing him to the Nazis.
The men who died on June 6, 1944 “are not asking us to do their job. They’re asking us to do our job,” Biden said. “Protect freedom in our time, defend democracy, stand up to aggression abroad and at home…”
Joe Biden wants to talk “democracy” when he is trying to throw his political opponent in jail? Really? It would be pathetic if it weren’t so serious. When Trump says Biden is not going after him but after us, and he’s just standing in the way, Americans understand exactly what he means.
In my view, Biden defiled the Rangers who gave their lives that day eighty years ago by trying to transform their sacrifice into a very narrow and partisan moment.
I’ve had the opportunity to visit the Normandy beaches twice on D-Day, first in 1974, the 30th anniversary; and more recently in 2019 with President Trump, on the 75th anniversary. Many lies have been told about Trump’s visit to France, which I won’t repeat here.
What Trump actually said has rarely been broadcast or recalled in print, so I will give you just a little flavor of that.
He called the 170 WWII veterans present that day “the very greatest Americans who will ever live” and the “pride of our nation.” To the 60 veterans of the D-Day landings, he said, “Our debt to you is everlasting.” Then he proceeded to tell the personal stories of some of the GIs who landed on Omaha beach that early morning, facing a German wall of steel.
“Colonel George Taylor, whose 16th Infantry Regiment would join in the first wave, was asked: What would happen if the Germans stopped them right then and there, cold on the beach? What would happen? This great American replied, “Why, the 18th Infantry is coming in right behind us. The 26th Infantry will come on, too. Then there is the 2nd Infantry Division already afloat. And the 9th Division. And the 2nd Armored. And the 3rd Armored. And all the rest. Maybe the 16th won’t make it, but someone will.””
He told of the story of two brothers who were wounded together that morning, but survived. One of them, Ray Lambert, received his fourth Purple Heart and Third Silver star on Omaha, and travelled back there in 2019, where President Trump said, “the free world salutes you. Thank you, Ray.”
Private First Class Russell Pickett was wounded in the first wave that landed on Omaha Beach, but vowed to return to battle. Six days later, after getting patched up in hospital in England, he rejoined his company. “Before long, a grenade left Private Picket again gravely wounded,” Trump said. “So badly wounded. Again, he chose to return…. He was then wounded a third time, and laid unconscious for 12 days. They thought he was gone,” but he survived. “And today, believe it or not, he has returned once more to these shores to be with his comrades. Private Picket, you honor us all with your presence. Tough guy.”
You can read a transcript of President Trump’s tribute to the Boys of La Pointe du Hoc in the New York Post.
Every young Ranger today dreams of visiting La Pointe du Hoc at least once during his lifetime, to be reminded of the courage and sacrifice of his forebears.
I was honored to be invited to the “dress rehearsal” by today’s Rangers of the scaling of the cliffs two days before the D-Day ceremonies. As one 50-year reservist told me when he reached the top, panting, it was damned hard even with modern scaling gear and clement weather. “But when they scaled these cliffs on D-Day it was cold and raining and they were getting shot at.”
You have to wonder if today’s Americans would have the courage to scale those cliffs today in the face of near-certain death. I think some would.
You can listen to my discussion of D-Day with Rick DeYoung on this week’s edition of Prophecy Today Weekend live at 1 PM on Saturday on 104.9 FM or 550 AM in the Jacksonville, Florida, area. We will also talk about a NATO Plan B for war with Russia, the possibility of a Russian nuclear “demonstration” to remind Americans of the devastation of nuclear war, and the European Parliament elections. If you miss the show live you can listen to the podcast here.
©2024. Kenneth R. Timmerman. All rights reserved.