Tag Archive for: Donald Trump. Muslims

GOP Establishment Loves Losers

The great divide of the GOP electorate started all the way back in 1992, when Republican Pat Buchanan and political outsider Ross Perot decided to challenge incumbent George H.W. Bush for the presidency. Bush managed to hang on to the GOP nomination, but Perot was able to take 19% of the vote as an Independent in the general election, allowing Bill Clinton to win the White House with only 43% of the popular vote.

The GOP electorate has been systematically divided into competing factions ever since. The GOP ran Sen. Bob Dole against Clinton in 1996. Dole and Clinton were essentially tied, 49.2% of the popular vote each… except Perot grabbed 8.4% of the GOP vote, allowing Clinton to win re-election and a second term.

Since 2000, the GOP establishment has been dead set on flooding the field with too many prospects and picking losers for their GOP presidential nominees. The presumed GOP favorite in 2000 was originally Sen. John McCain.

The 2000 GOP Primary field

  1. John McCain
  2. Steve Forbes
  3. Gary Bauer
  4. Orrin Hatch
  5. Lamar Alexander
  6. Pat Buchanan
  7. Elisabeth Dole
  8. John Kasich
  9. Dan Quayle
  10. Bob Smith
  11. Herman Cain
  12. George W. Bush
  13. Alan Keyes

By mid-way through the primaries, everyone had dropped out except Bush, McCain and Keyes. Bush went on to win the GOP with 62% of the GOP vote, but the fracture in the GOP electorate would show in the general election when Democrat Al Gore won the popular vote by a half-million votes, but narrowly lost the Electoral College vote, making George W. Bush President.

In the aftermath of September 11, 2001, the GOP was much more united behind Bush for a period, as the nation recovered from the worst act of war on American soil since Pearl Harbor. So, Bush defeated John Kerry 50.7% to 48.3%…. The political divisions in the nation were galvanized and divisions in the GOP were about to get much worse.

By 2008, GOP divisions would become insurmountable. The GOP field…

  1. John McCain
  2. Mike Huckabee
  3. Mitt Romney
  4. Ron Paul
  5. Fred Thompson
  6. Alan Keyes
  7. Duncan Hunter
  8. Rudy Giuliani
  9. Sam Brownback
  10. Jim Gilmore
  11. Tom Tancredo
  12. Tommy Thompson

McCain won the GOP nomination with only 47.3% of the GOP vote. McCain then lost to a totally unknown nobody from nowhere with a blank résumé, Barack Obama, by a 52.9% to 45.7% margin… the GOP was perfecting the art of losing…

“A house divided against itself cannot stand.”

In 2012, the worst President in U.S. history was re-elected for a second term. Again, it is due to the fact that the GOP establishment was totally committed to running another loser, Mitt Romney.

The 2012 GOP field

  1. Mitt Romney
  2. Rick Santorum
  3. Ron Paul
  4. Newt Gingrich
  5. Buddy Roemer
  6. Rick Perry
  7. Tim Pawlenty
  8. Gary Johnson
  9. Michelle Bachmann
  10. Herman Cain
  11. Thaddeus McCotter
  12. Jon Huntsman

Romney won the GOP nomination with only 40.7% of the GOP vote… a worse GOP showing than even John McCain in 2008. As a result, Romney went on to lose to Barack Obama in the general election, 51.1% to 47.2%…

Enter 2016…

  1. Scott Walker
  2. Donald Trump
  3. Ted Cruz (ineligible)
  4. Marco Rubio (ineligible)
  5. Bobby Jindal (ineligible) (endorsed ineligible Rubio)
  6. Mike Huckabee
  7. John Kasich
  8. Ben Carson
  9. Jeb Bush
  10. Rand Paul
  11. Chris Christie (Endorsed Donald Trump)
  12. Carly Fiorina
  13. Rick Perry (endorsed ineligible Cruz)
  14. Rick Santorum (endorsed ineligible Rubio)
  15. Jim Gilmore
  16. Lindsey Graham (endorsed Bush)
  17. George Pataki (endorsed ineligible Rubio)

The GOP field is more divided than ever, and so is the GOP electorate.

As of today, Trump leads the race having won 12 state primaries, 3,596,663 votes and 391 delegates.

Ineligible Cruz is running second having won 6 states, 2,994,300 votes and 304 delegates.

Everyone is out of the race now, except Trump, Cruz, Kasich and Rubio…

The GOP establishment 1st choice was Jeb Bush, who was forced out of the race having received only 1.7% of the vote… a clear losing choice by the GOP establishment.

Then the GOP establishment shifted behind ineligible “anchor baby” Marco Rubio and their endorsement sunk the Rubio campaign instantly, like throwing a boat anchor to a drowning man… Marco will soon be forced to leave the race with only 10.11% of the votes secured.

That leaves business man Donald Trump and ineligible Canadian at birth Ted Cruz in the race for the GOP nomination. Continuing their trend of picking losers, I’m certain the GOP establishment will quickly endorse 2016 GOP establishment loser #3, Ted Cruz, in their effort to stop the conservative grassroots revolt that is the Trump Campaign. They are certain to toss Cruz a boat anchor any minute now…

Not only has the GOP elite made a habit of picking total losers, they have now perfected the art. They are no longer just running unqualified RINO losers like McCain and Romney, they have reached a new low by running totally ineligible frauds like Cruz and Rubio in their effort to throw the election to Democrats.

The Democrats see the U.S. Constitution as just a relic from history no longer of any use or value to our beloved Republic. Clearly, the GOP establishment now agrees with that view, running ineligible frauds like Cruz and Rubio on the GOP ticket as if the GOP and DNC are now one in the same, both destructive of the Constitutional Republic and favoring a globalist agenda.

And then there is Trump…

The GOP elite is in full scale panic mode… dragging old losers like Romney out of the dust bin and propping them up on camera to float the idea of a brokered convention, or maybe even a late entry to the race by either Romney or House Speaker Paul Ryan, both of whom have been rejected by the GOP electorate before…

They thought that getting Rubio to act like a preschooler in a sandbox on the debate stage would derail Trump… but it only served to sink Rubio.

They thought getting Ted, the biggest lying fraud on the GOP debate stage, to call Trump a liar and fraud would work. But it only made the Trump revolution even more angry and more committed to defeating the GOP establishment by any means necessary.

They thought getting their RNC friends, Beck, Levin, Napolitano, Limbaugh, O’Reilly and Kelly, in the so-called “conservative media” to attack Trump, to set “the Donald” up in “gotcha” questions at every debate, stacking the debate audiences with pro-establishment anti-Trump crowds to scream and boo in the background like a Jerry Springer audience, might work….

But no… the more they do to derail Trump, the more the tsunami of conservative anger grows…

How can they possibly miss the message at this point? The GOP establishment says “anyone but Trump,” going so far as to tell voters “it doesn’t matter who you vote for, as long as it is against Trump” – “even if you have to vote for Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton!”

The emperor has no clothes now…

People are not supporting Trump in droves because of who Trump is… They support him because of who he isn’t…. He isn’t “them.”

The establishment who has given conservative voters loser after loser after loser, no longer has any influence with conservative voters, and neither do their minions in the so-called “conservative media.” Trump supporters aren’t just voting for Trump… they are voting against everyone else with any connection to Washington D.C. or the D.C. elite on their résumé.

Unlike Democrat voters who don’t know and don’t care what a “natural born Citizen” is… Conservative voters do know and very much care. They are totally insulted and infuriated by the moronic effort of GOP establishment folks to pass off a Canadian from birth until May 2014 as a “natural born Citizen” of the United States, eligible for the Oval Office.

Trump backers are sick and tired of being sick and tired…

They are ready to take to the streets to stop Obama leftists from finishing off the United States… but they are ten-times as angry with D.C. Republicans, all of them, for allowing Obama & Co. to destroy our country without any effort by D.C. Republicans to stop him, much less hold Obama and his entire evil criminal cabal accountable.

Trump backers are the “conservative base” of the Republican Party. They want control of their party back, in order to retake control of their country…. And that is what scares the hell out of every D.C. establishment insider, both sides of the aisle.

The jig is up, as they say… The people (at least Trump supporters) have finally figured out that everyone in D.C. today should be on the unemployment line tomorrow morning. That includes the two Senate Republicans who have defrauded millions of American voters out of their money and votes, Cruz and Rubio.

I hope they throw everything including the kitchen sink at Trump… because the more they do it, the more the people rise up against them. No matter who or what Trump himself may be, one thing should be very clear to everyone in America by now….

Trump represents the conservative core of America…. And they mean business this time! It’s time to get on the bus, before you find yourselves under the bus!

NOTE: This is NOT a personal endorsement of Trump, as I do NOT endorse candidates. But this is my endorsement of the people waking up and standing up against the D.C. establishment that has been allowed to destroy our country from within for far too long, from both political parties!


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Trump doubles down on Muslim refugee ‘Trojan Horse’ comment

Here we have the New York Post reporting on 2016 presidential candidate Donald Trump (on the Sunday shows) reemphasizing his contention that the Syrian refugee stream to Europe and America could bring ISIS terrorists in with it.

donald serious

Donald Trump: “What she [Merkel] has done to Germany is insane.”

Trump also said he carries a gun from time to time.

Just a reminder, the Syrian stream to America is well underway, 97% are Syrian Muslims.

From the New York Post:

WASHINGTON — It’s “insane” that Chancellor Angela Merkel is allowing so many male Syrian refugees into Germany, Donald Trump said Sunday.

“I’ve been watching this migration. And I see the people. I mean, they’re men, they’re mostly men, and they’re strong men,” Trump said on “Face the Nation.” “What I won’t do is take in 200,000 Syrians who could be ISIS.”

“These are physically young, strong men. They look like prime-time soldiers. Now, it’s probably not true. But where are the women?” the GOP frontrunner wondered.

Merkel has welcomed the flood of mostly Syrian and Afghan refugees with compassion saying it’s her “damned duty” to help those running for their lives. An estimated 800,000 newcomers will arrive in Germany by the year’s end.

“What she’s done in Germany is insane. It’s insane. They’re having all sorts of attacks.”

The Gulf States “who have nothing but money” and others should find a big swath of land in Syria and create a safe zone to harbor families, Trump suggested. The US could help economically, but should limit taking in Syrian refugees because they could be terrorists.

See all of our posts on the ‘Invasion of Europe’ by clicking here.  And, see what Merkel is doing to Germany, here (“unparalleled historical mistake”).


New members added to Senate Jihad Caucus as legislators tell Obama to speed up screening of Syrians

Community refugee resettlement consultations are required; demand to attend!

Redlands, CA: Citizens tell mayor—no Syrian or African refugees for us!

US Conference of Catholic Bishops want 100,000 Syrians admitted to U.S. this year….

ANOTHER Minneapolis Somali in trouble with the law; another sex crime

Republican Governor Snyder welcomes Syrians to Michigan; Arab activists want more welfare