Trump Force One — Flying The Friendly Skies of America

President Donald J. Trump has become a political force not seen in America since the founding fathers. His vision, passion for the American dream and love of country are exceptional and unparalleled.

A Trump endorsement is worth its weight in gold at the polls.

Ballotpedia reported Trump made 473 total endorsements and 240 primary 2022 election endorsements for offices ranging from governor, to the U.S. congress.  Of the 2022 primary Trump endorsed candidates 92% won their races. Click here to view the Ballotpedia 2022 Trump list of wins and losses.

There is a sea change happening across America as the people are seeing their cost of living skyrocket while Biden and his administration tax them and wastefully spend money on Biden’s and the Democrat Party’s political causes like: federally funding abortions, the New Green Deal climate agenda, the LGBTQIE+ programs in public schools, colleges, universities and within the federal government. The people are seeing billions go to fund Ukraine and nothing spent to cut taxes or the mounting budget deficit.

Watch this special spontaneous moment at the Trump Save America rally in Texas.

America — An Inflation Nation

In an October 22nd, 2022 article titled An Inflation Nation — The New Norm Sam Buchan, a former Director for International Economic Policy on the National Economic Council and Michael Faulkender a former Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy at the Department of the Treasury wrote,

Hard working Americans continue to suffer from historically high levels of inflation caused by the Biden administration’s out-of-control spending and opposition to domestic energy production. Soon after the Bureau of Labor Statistics released the Consumer Price Index (CPI) report for September, which confirmed inflation is accelerating and isn’t going away anytime soon, President Joe Biden claimed “If Republicans win, inflation’s going to get worse.”

Such a reckless claim demonstrates the president’s fundamental misunderstanding of the problem his policies have caused … or how to solve it.

Overall inflation was up another 0.4% in September, or 8.2% year-over-year. Even the less volatile measure of “core” inflation increased by 0.6% in September for a 12-month increase of 6.6%. This is the highest increase in core inflation in 40 years and shows that inflation is broad-based and continues to spread throughout the economy.

Americans are well-aware that food prices have increased dramatically. Food prices rose 0.8% in September alone and have increased 11.2% in the last 12 months. This is the highest year-over-year increase in the United States since 1979. Cereals and bakery items are up 16.2%, dairy items are up 15.9% and fruits and vegetables are up 10.4%.

American workers also suffered another month of declining purchasing power last month. These decreases have become all too customary under the Biden administration’s policies, and in just the past year, purchasing power fell by 3.3%. Since the beginning of the Biden administration, the average worker has paid a $2,500 inflation tax. Lower-income Americans and senior citizens on fixed incomes are particularly vulnerable to rapid price increases.

Ongoing inflation has led the Federal Reserve to engage in some of the most aggressive monetary policy most Americans have ever seen. That’s bad news for Americans whose investments are being destroyed and whose dreams of owning a home or starting a business are being delayed. The Wall Street Journal reports that 30-year fixed-rate mortgages now average more than 7.1% compared to just 3% a year ago.

For a homebuyer borrowing $250,000, the monthly interest and principal payment has increased from approximately $1,050 per month to a staggering $1,680 per month.

The only thing keeping the headline inflation rate from hitting another 40-year high is that energy prices declined slightly in September. That appears to be changing quickly, and not in a good way.

Read the full article.

Biden’s Border Invasion

While Biden and Kamala fiddle our southern border is burning. In 2022 there will be more illegal aliens, drug and human traffickers, cartel members and terrorists invade America in our nation’s history. The number is well over 2.5 million illegals and growing.

But it gets worse. Watch this short video titled What Happened to the Border Fence? See for yourself how Biden has abandoned tens of millions of dollars of border wall materials, bought and paid for by American taxpayers under President Donald J. Trump.

Like Afghanistan, Biden and Democrats have abandoned the only thing that can save our sovereignty, the border wall.

Can you say incompetence, waste, fraud and abuse of our taxpayer dollars?

The Totally Insane Environmentalist Movement

Biden’s mantra is go green or else. Biden and Buttigieg want all fossil fuel vehicles scraped and replace by all electric vehicles. Watch this to understand why this is at the very best a fool’s errand.

Biden and the Democrat Party’s energy policies are designed to first make America energy dependent then make Americans energy impoverished. 

In an October 22nd, 2022 article titled Climate Extremism Is Making America Mentally Ill. Here’s How Craig Rucker, president of the Committee For A Constructive Tomorrow (, reports,

America is floundering in an epidemic of anxiety, depression and drug use.

One in six Americans takes some kind of psychiatric drug, mostly antidepressants, a medical study concluded, and some of them (Prozac and Paxil) are linked to acts of violence. A third of high school students cannot shake feelings of sadness or hopelessness, another report found, and nearly 2 0% of teens have contemplated suicide.

Still more frightening, both studies are based on data collected before the COVID pandemic sent college, teenage and younger children into lockdowns, social isolation, minimal physical activity, hours spent playing video games and reading censored and self-selected online media — and rampant depression and “chronic incapacitating mental illness.” Nor is the problem confined to America.

Researchers and psychologists are constantly finding new reasons to explain the growing inability to cope. Their newest “explanation” is — climate change!

“Climate grief” is “real,” they insist, and it’s spreading rapidly among young people. “The future is frightening,” 77% of 10,000 young people aged 16-25 from the USA and other countries told analysts who investigate “climate anxiety.” Large numbers of children are having climate nightmares.

“The climate mental health crisis” already affects people who have “lost everything in worsening climate infernos,” laments a NASA scientist and climate activist fear-monger who’s convinced we face “the end of life on Earth as we know it.”

“I don’t want to be alive anymore. The animals are all going to die, and I don’t want to be here when all the animals are dead,” a four-year-old child wailed.

Parents fantasize about killing their children, over fears of the “climate-ravaged future” they face. Parents and children alike consider suicide. Indeed, there’s a clear link between increased global temperatures and suicide rates, a Stanford economist asserts.

Biden’s Crime Wave

Watch this video titled Stop the Looting, Vandalizing and Crime in America Now!

When your party is dedicated to “defunding the police,” then you get what you deserve, a violent crime wave.

Get it? Got it? Good!

The Bottom Line

Biden and Democrats have made President Donald J. Trump into a hero and potentially the 47th President of these United States.

How, by doing what they are doing. Ignoring the needs, freedoms, liberties and happiness of we the people.

Bill Clinton said, “It’s the economy, stupid.” We would add to this, “It’s the government, stupid.”

Biden, Schumer, Pelosi and the Democrat Party are the epitome big government bureaucrats.

Will Republicans be flying the friendly skies on November 8th, 2022. With Donald J. Trump’s help the answer is yes.

Hey, GOP! Either get on Trump Force One or forever lose your seats of power.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

RELATED VIDEO: Vietnam combat veteran targeted on bus for wearing MAGA hat says “Bring it on Bubba.”


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