Entries by Dr. Rich Swier

Rep. Buchanan (FL-16) Sends Letter to WH Opposing Hagel Appointment

Representative Vern Buchanan, FL CD-16, sent the below letter to President Obama expressing concern over his nomination of former U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel as the next Secretary of Defense.  Buchanan stated, “I simply cannot support someone whose commitment to Israel remains a disturbing question mark.” Mark Landler from the New York Times wrote, “Mr. Hagel, […]

Florida: Trial opens of Imams accused of funneling money to Taliban

“Prosecutors portray South Florida Muslim clerics as terrorist supporters in federal trial,” by Jay Weaver for the Miami Herald: Hafiz Khan, a hunched man with a flowing white beard, was called the “Santa Claus imam” by the youngsters who attended his modest Flagler Mosque in Miami.But on Friday, a federal prosecutor portrayed the 77-year-old Muslim cleric […]

Florida Reps. Mario Diaz-Balart, Bill Young, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, Ander Crenshaw, Vern Buchanan cave

History will mark this day as the death of the Republican Party as they caved on their core principles. The Republican ideals of smaller government, lower taxes and less spending are now officially history. Future generations will look back on this day as the end of the Party of Lincoln and the beginning of the […]

Time to Privatize Florida’s Libraries

In September 2004 a report was published titled “Taxpayer Return on Investment in Florida Public Libraries: Summary Report“. The survey based report done by the University of Pennsylvania states, “In 2003-4, an estimated 11.8 million people visited Florida public libraries in person.  Adult Florida residents form the majority of visitors, but tourists form a surprising 29 percent of in-person […]