Entries by Foundation for Economic Education (FEE)

How Mass Schooling Perpetuates Inequality by Kerry McDonald

While visiting a public park out-of-state recently, we met a young boy who shares many interests with my 8-year-old son and is also homeschooled. They hit it off immediately and we met up with Matt, along with his mom and younger brother, several times.Schooling can bring out the worst behaviors. We learned that life is […]

Everything You Need to Know about Government, in One Story by Daniel J. Mitchell

Every so often, I run across a chart, cartoon, or story that captures the essence of an issue. And when that happens, I make it part of my “everything you need to know” series. I don’t actually think those columns tell us everything we need to know, of course, but they do show something very […]

I Don’t Want Anyone Forced to Bake Me a Cake by Pierre-Guy Veer

Being a gay libertarian is like being a black conservative: you are a pariah among your peers. It couldn’t be clearer in the Charlie Craig and David Mullins V. Masterpiece Cakeshop case, which the Supreme Court will hear soon. Back in 2012, the plaintiffs went to the defendant’s bakery to have a cake for their wedding, which […]

This is How You Make Health Care Affordable by Jay Bowen

As the debate continues to rage in Washington, D.C., and around the country regarding the fate of Obamacare, one elegantly simple concept that would have a dramatic impact on healthcare costs is being drowned out by inflammatory rhetoric. The One Area of Health Care That’s Defying Massive Inflation Out-of-pocket payment (OPP) by consumers for routine medical […]

Steve Jobs Wanted to Break Up the Education Monopoly by Joe Kent

Steve Jobs said in a 1995 interview, “The unions are the worst thing that ever happened in education.” Jobs spoke with Computerworld’s Daniel Morrow in a 1995 interview, which covered a wide range of topics, but frequently delved into Jobs’s views on the American education system. As he said, “I’d like the people teaching my […]

VIDEO: We Only Resent Inequality When It’s Rigged by Daniel J. Mitchell

In addition to his exemplary work as a Senior Fellow for the Cato Institute, Johan Norberg narrates some great videos for Free to Choose Media. Here are some that caught my eye. The foolish and counterproductive War on Drugs. A grim consequence of Cuban communism. The real lesson to learn from Sweden. But my favorite video, which I shared back […]

‘Atomic Blonde’ Is a Serious Anti-Communist Historical Drama by Jeffrey A. Tucker

You really have to hand it to the marketing team of Atomic Blonde, the smash hit thriller starring the mighty and immensely talented Charlize Theron. I can just imagine the way it must have gone. Production: “This film is a serious piece of political historiography. It’s about remembering. Many young workers today were born after the […]

Creepy Canadian App Gives Citizens Points for Making Government-Approved Choices by Josie Wales

Ontario announced earlier this month that it will become the fourth Canadian government to fund a behavioral modification application that rewards users for making “good choices” in regards to health, finance, and the environment. The Carrot Rewards smartphone app, which will receive $1.5 million from the Ontario government, credits users’ accounts with points toward the reward program […]

Let Social Media Boost the Cuban Economy by Sarah Odessa Blow

In June, Ripl, a social media marketing company, published a study concluding that social media is ranked the most effective way to “attract new customers and connect with current ones” by American small businesses. While skeptics have long criticized social media’s effectiveness and return on investment (ROI), the plethora of evidence proving the values of social media […]

F. Scott Fitzgerald and Hitler Knew How Important Culture Is by Eileen L. Wittig

Amazon just released the first episode of its original show The Last Tycoon, based on F. Scott Fitzgerald’s unfinished book by the same title, and the rest of the season came out yesterday. It’s a glitzy Hollywood story, a tragic romance, and a swanky period piece, but its Nazi subplot is the most interesting part. As soon as we […]

Obamacare Is Dying. Let It. by John Tamny

The alleged failure of Republicans to repeal the misnamed Affordable Care Act (ACA) predictably has the conservative punditry up in arms. “Why Can’t Republicans Get Anything Done?” was one of many frustrated headlines lamenting the GOP’s lack of legislative success.The politics of repeal would have been worse than doing nothing. One editorial asserted that Republican […]

VIDEO: Health Care Is a Mess… But Why? by Seamus Coughlin and Sean Malone

You probably know a couple who both work full time to support their children, but even with their dual incomes, they’re finding it more and more difficult to afford health insurance. Everyday incidents like sports injuries, asthma, and blood pressure, combined with their anxiety over rising premiums, are turning their American dream into sleepless nights. […]

The Real Reason Government Wastes So Much Money by Daniel J. Mitchell

Why does government waste so much money? In so many ways? With such reckless abandon? I suppose I could answer with mockery and say it’s because they have lots of experience squandering our tax dollars. But let’s seriously contemplate that question and explore one of the reasons for waste. Simply stated, government programs are a magnet for scammers. Let’s look […]

10 Things You Never Knew About Orwell’s 1984 by Anna Mathews

George Orwell’s novel 1984 was incredibly popular at the time it was published, and it remains incredibly popular to this day. With multiple stars citing the book as one of their favorites – including Stephen King, David Bowie, Mel Gibson, and Kit Harrington – 1984 has been growing in popularity in recent years. The book reappeared on best-seller lists in early […]

Progressives Should Look to Their Own Troublesome History by Donald J. Boudreaux

I’m sure that the irony has struck others whose wits are sharper and quicker than mine. This morning my eyes happened upon my copy of Thomas Leonard’s excellent 2016 volume, Illiberal Reformers. It sat innocently on one of my bookshelves. In that book, Princeton economist Leonard documents the overt racism of “Progressivism’s” founders. Leonard documents the […]