Entries by Jihad Watch

Iran’s Justice Minister: U.S. world’s top terrorism supporter, drug trafficker

“Iran Calls U.S. World’s Top Terrorism Supporter, Drug Trafficker,” Washington Free Beacon, November 6, 2015: The head of Iran’s Justice Minister [sic] on Friday called the United States the world’s top supporter of terrorism and drug trafficker, according to regional reports. Mostafa Pour-Mohammadi, Iran’s Justice Minister, made the remarks while in Russia for a meeting with […]

Iran: U.S. must pay reparations to the Islamic Republic

The billions in sanctions relief weren’t enough. The Islamic Republic sees the weakness of the Obama Administration, and is pressing forward with more demands. “Iran: U.S. Must Pay Reparations to Islamic Republic,” by Adam Kredo, Washington Free Beacon, November 5, 2015: An Iranian military leader is demanding that the United States pay Tehran reparations for […]

Islamic State praises Muslim who stabbed four at University of California — Merced

As always, the Islamic State glories in violence. This doesn’t mean, of course, that the Islamic State knew about the attack beforehand or coordinated it — but they love it, for they love bloodshed. “Calif. university stabber shot dead after lunging at officer, student says,” FoxNews.com, November 6, 2015: …Warnke stressed Wednesday’s stabbings were not […]

U.S. officials: The Islamic State planted bomb on Russian plane

It could happen here. Harlem Suarez, a Florida convert to Islam implicated in an Islamic State WMD plot, worked in secure areas at Key West International Airport. Another airport worker, Tairod Nathan Webster Pugh, according to Heavy.com, “converted to Islam in 1998 while living in Texas and became radical in his beliefs, according to ABC […]

Walmart drops Israeli Soldier Halloween costume after Muslim pressure

This is the same strategy that Islamic supremacists and their Leftist allies employ against counter-jihad speakers and writers: manufacture a controversy over their supposedly unacceptable opinions, such that people are afraid to have them speak or feature their work, for fear of accusations of “racism” and “bigotry.” They’re trying to rule resistance to jihad outside […]

20,000 Israelis Sue Facebook for Inciting Palestinians

The video below shows some of the incitement that led to this lawsuit. While counter-jihadists are frequently suspended or have their pages taken down altogether from Facebook, this naked incitement to hatred and murder is just fine in Zuckerbergland. No incitement to murder, no calls for violence against innocent civilians, should ever be tolerated against […]

Film: ‘Lambs among Wolves’ — the Muslim Brotherhood’s burning of Coptic churches

This looks promising: an English-language documentary on the Muslim Brotherhood’s planned, systematic burning of over 70 Coptic churches in Egypt, August 2013, just weeks following the popular overthrow of the ruthless, sharia-based government of Mohamed Morsi. Will it discuss the Obama administration’s unwavering support of Morsi and the Muslim Brotherhood? Or Koranic and hadith support for […]

Catholic bishops call for ‘complete decarbonization’ by 2050, silent on Muslim slaughter of Christians

Complete decarbonization? You first, fellas. No more jetting to Rome to cause trouble for everyone by canonizing hard-Left Democratic Party policies. And let’s see you portly prelates start bicycling from parish to parish — no more driving for you, McManus. That wouldn’t be a bad thing at all. While the bishops call for this destruction […]

Muslim spy pleads guilty to sending documents on U.S. jet fighters to Iran

“He not only minimizes his criminal conduct but genuinely fails to understand the significance of his actions, and that is especially troubling,” said U.S. District Judge Vanessa Bryant. How does she know he doesn’t understand the significance of his actions? Meanwhile, we can be sure that U.S. defense contractor Pratt & Whitney didn’t think twice […]

Anti-American Muslim Supremacist receives $164,050 in U.S. Taxpayer Money

Linda Sarsour is an energetic purveyor of the “Islamophobia” myth, and has hysterically claimed that “Muslim kids” are being “executed” in the United States. She was instrumental in prevailing upon de Blasio to end legal and necessary surveillance in Muslim communities in New York. She is also a frequent visitor to the Obama White House, and […]

FBI has 900 active investigations of Islamic State operatives in U.S.

“Because the pace of the investigations has varied in the last several months, Comey said it was still unclear whether the bureau had the necessary resources to meet the demand. Comey referred to a particularly taxing period in mid-summer when federal authorities expressed public concern about the prospect of an attack around the July Fourth […]