Florida based Earthquake Prediction Center Ends Successful Test Program Early

The recently organized International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center (IEVPC)  announces today that it has stopped its internal earthquake test program early because of a near perfect record in its predictions and the vital need to begin saving lives immediately. The IEVPC has just achieved an almost flawless level in earthquake prediction as demonstrated in the first three tests of its Catastrophic Geophysical Event (CGE) Monitoring and Warning System (CMWS). As a result, the IEVPC has decided to stop further evaluations and immediately begin notification of governments around the world of its now verified ability to predict large destructive earthquakes with a high degree of certainty.

According to Chairman/CEO Mr. John L. Casey, “We can no longer hold back in letting the earthquake prone nations of the world know that a proven system for highly reliable prediction of large earthquakes now exists. These geophysical dangers routinely kill thousands of people around the world every year, while at the same time destroying homes, businesses, and infrastructure, thereby extending the damage and suffering for many thousands more. The need to cut short our internal test program, originally planned for almost twenty earthquakes, is obvious. We now have a process for earthquake prediction that is so reliable that it must immediately be put into place wherever lives are at risk. The decision we have made to stop evaluation of our CMWS is similar to important drug testing programs. It is not unusual for promising new drugs to have testing stopped abruptly if the initial results are so compelling and people are dying every day without the drug. Likewise, we have decided we must not wait any longer but must aggressively get out the word about our capabilities.”

“What we need now is for nations of the world to recognize that it is a myth that earthquakes cannot be predicted and to begin to establish communication networks and standardized monitoring systems in known high risk zones. Other international groups are also coming out with effective tools for earthquake prediction. They, like us, realize that CGE’s can be predicted because of recent advances in technology, especially satellite sensor technology, and because of the integration of many prediction techniques and precursor signals into a single predictive process. Once in place, we believe we can maximize the time people have to prepare for these destructive events by providing months, weeks, and days of advance notice. While we will doubtless continue to improve our process for quake detection, there is no longer a need to continue the test program. At the same time, there is an overwhelming humanitarian need to end it,” notes Casey.

Casey states, “In September of last year I was approached by some of the world’s best seismologists in earthquake prediction to create this new organization that would integrate their combined skills, techniques, and decades of experience. They came to me because of my success in climate change prediction and especially how it relates to variations in earthquake and volcanic activity. Under the leadership of Director of Research Dr. Dong Choi, we have been busy assembling the best and brightest in earthquake prediction under one roof. That effort has now paid off. Many people worldwide will ultimately benefit from this initiative.”

In the past two months, the IEVPC concluded three separate tests in different areas of the world included the following:

1. Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia. This test resulted in the correct prediction of timing and location of a major earthquake event that resulted in an amazing ten earthquakes ranging from M4.6 to M5.8 over a short eight day period spread along a fault line to a distance of about 1,500 km. Eight of the quakes hit within the first two days. These temblors, in combination, replaced the IEVPC’s previously predicted single quake of M7.5-M8.8. Mercifully for the people of Kamchatka and the Pacific Rim, as the substantial energy of the quake being monitored by the IEVPC approached the surface, it dispersed among several faults lines off the east coast of Kamchatka during October 14-22, 2012. This quake in its final form of multiple powerful quakes produced no known loss of life. Had a single quake struck, thousands of lives might have been lost because of direct quake effects and the generation of a Pacific-wide tsunami. Several IEVPC Associate Scientists were involved with this prediction including Dr. Z. Shou, Dr. M. Hayakawa, Dr. A. Bapat and Mr. V. Straser under the leadership of IEVPC Director of Research, Dr. Dong Choi.

2. Celebes Sea of Northern Indonesia. As a result of IEVPC precursor analysis conducted by lead investigator and Director of Research, Dr. Choi, a large oceanic quake (M6.0) was correctly predicted and took place on October 17, 2012 at the location and within the time frame estimated. Because of the deep ocean nature of this isolated quake’s epicenter, no damage or loss of life was recorded.

3. Myanmar. On November 11, 2012 a M6.8 quake struck central Myanmar near the location predicted with the magnitude and in the time frame as internal IEVPC estimates had forecast. Twelve lives were lost based on initial figures released by the government. Leading the initial precursor signal analysis and early detection of the Myanmar quake was renowned Indian seismologist Dr. Arun Bapat. Dr. Choi was also involved in this quake’s analysis and used other signals to confirm Dr. Bapat’s preliminary conclusions. The final opinion arrived at was for a potentially catastrophic geophysical event (CGE) which would strike central Myanmar within two weeks after November 6, 2012 and would have a magnitude between M6.5 and M7.0.

In his assessment of the Myanmar test CEO Casey explained, “I am of course delighted at the success of Dr. Bapat and Dr. Choi in their trial prediction of the Myanmar quake. Dr. Bapat is one of the most distinguished leaders in this field and his history making prediction of the Myanmar quake is only one example of the talent that resides in the IEVPC.

Unfortunately, it was impossible to know whether the Myanmar quake would happen since the IEVPC process had not been evaluated for an inland quake before. Issuing a warning was out of the question for what was then an unproven method with such a short time-span to strike, in a country with little or no effective earthquake reaction training for its citizens. It would have been grossly irresponsible. Issuing a public alert ran the risk of possibly causing panic throughout the country, resulting in far more deaths than that seen in the remote areas where the quake epicenter was located.”

From Dr. Bapat we have, “The fact that the Myanmar quake struck as predicted, and that it did so along with the Celebes Sea quake and the Kamchatka quake event has given us enough justification to end the test program early. Mr. Casey and Dr. Choi have done a great service to all by asking those like myself with many years in the field of earthquake prediction to come together to end the myth that these destructive earthquakes cannot be predicted. I believe we are now at that point in human history.”

Dr. Choi added, “We have had a remarkable level of success in our very first three tests. Further, they included diverse geophysical situations. The Kamchatka event was a traditional off shore Pacific Rim oceanic trench fault type. The Celebes Sea quake was a central oceanic deep ocean event with no companion fault. The Myanmar event was an inland quake with an associated known fault line.

What is important to note is that our process worked correctly in three distinctly different geological areas. This gave us another reason for ending the test program quickly. If our process had worked only for one type of quake and not others we might have had to stop and reevaluate our process. That is no longer required. It’s time to put our program for earthquake prediction in the field and start saving lives.”

Mr. Casey echoes Dr. Choi’s comments with, “This level of success in our predictions for Kamchatka, the Celebes Sea and Myanmar carries even more significance when one realizes all our work has been done in a start-up phase on a shoestring budget. A greater level of prediction success and improved warning notification time can be achieved for a state, region, or nation with requisite funding of global and on-site monitoring teams from the IEVPC.

In the special case of Kamchatka where we issued warnings during much of 2012, we remain concerned for the potential of another major seismic event and all should remain vigilant in that unique region of the planet where there is a history of powerful earthquakes. Our Russian colleagues are, however, well versed in parametric precursor analysis similar to what we employ.

We have also provided them additional information to detect a new unexpected earthquake and quickly react should that highly unstable area produce another threat. In any case it was gratifying to see the positive level of reaction to our warnings demonstrated by Russian geologists, Ambassador Kislyak’s office in Washington, and by President Medvedev’s trip to Kamchatka in August. While there he checked on the status of earthquake preparedness. We will nonetheless continue to keep Kamchatka on an active but lower alert status over the next year until relative stability returns. We believe a major earthquake will remain a serious threat for Kamchatka residents for some time.

Beginning this week we will start a systematic program for raising the capital needed to expand our operations out of our start-up phase and notify every nation that has to deal with CGE’s that we are here and able to help protect their people. The IEVPC has demonstrated that a new era in reliable earthquake forecasting has arrived.”


The International Earthquake and Volcano Prediction Center is headquartered in Orlando, Florida, USA. The primary research facility is in Canberra, Australia with branch offices of cooperating scientists and researchers planned for the USA, India, China, and Japan. The IEVPC is a non-profit science research organization dedicated to the mission of protection of people through early prediction of Catastrophic Geophysical Events (CGE) such as earthquakes, associated tsunamis, and volcanic eruptions. The IEVPC web site is at www.ievpc.org.

Arm Teachers and Ban Gun-free Zones

Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wrote, “Once you eliminate the impossible, whatever remains, no matter how improbable, must be the truth.”

There are three truths that are emerging from the tragedy in Connecticut.

The first is that gun-free zones do not work. Glenn Harlan Reynold in his column,”Gun-free zones provide false sense of security” notes, “”After a shooting spree,” author William Burroughs once said, “they always want to take the guns away from the people who didn’t do it.”

According to Reynold, “There are a lot of problems with this approach, but one of the most significant is this one: It doesn’t work. One of the interesting characteristics of mass shootings is that they generally occur in places where firearms are banned: malls, schools, etc. That was the finding of a famous 1999 study by John Lott of the University of Maryland and William Landes of the University of Chicago, and it appears to have been borne out by experience since then as well.”

The second is that school administrators and teachers must be armed. David A. Patten in an exclusive  interview with Professor Lott, one of the nation’s leading gun experts asked, “Could arming teachers and getting rid of gun-free zones have averted a tragedy such as we saw in Connecticut? Professor Lott responded:

The amount of time that elapses between when the attack starts and when someone can get to the scene with a gun is very important in determining what the carnage is going to be. The faster you can get somebody [there], the more you can limit it. If you could get the police there in 8 minutes, which would be record time, that would be an eon for people who are there helplessly having to face the killer by themselves with no protection.”

The third truth is doing more of the same things inextricably leads to more deaths. Time for a paradigm shift.

Failure to Arrest Illegal Alien Senate Intern Demonstrates Obama Administration Cannot Be Trusted to Enforce Immigration Laws

According a report by the Associated Press, political appointees at the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) repeatedly instructed Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents not to arrest an illegal alien sex offender who was employed as an unpaid intern in the office of Senator Robert Menendez (D-N.J.) until after the elections. If confirmed, this overtly political act further demonstrates the shocking politicization of immigration enforcement under the current DHS leadership, charged the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR).

“The Department of Homeland Security knew that Luis Sanchez Zavaleta was both an illegal alien and a registered sex offender as early as October. Nevertheless, high ranking DHS officials placed electoral politics ahead of public safety and the law, when they instructed ICE agents not to arrest Mr. Sanchez until after the 2012 elections,” said Dan Stein, president of FAIR.

These latest actions of DHS officials ratify charges by career ICE agents that the Obama administration is recklessly disregarding immigration law. In a 2010 press release, the union representing ICE agents accused DHS and ICE leadership of having “abandoned the Agency’s core mission of enforcing United States immigration laws and providing for public safety” and have instead focused their attention on promoting amnesty for illegal aliens.

“This case calls into question the ability of Secretary Janet Napolitano to serve as the nation’s top immigration enforcement official,” stated Stein. “There is now even greater doubt than before about whether Secretary Napolitano and those around her can be trusted to faithfully execute the responsibilities of their offices. Based on the allegations of the ICE officers and strong evidence that DHS leadership interfered in a criminal arrest for political reasons, there must be a full and independent investigation.”

Today’s revelations also underscore the inherent dangers in granting illegal aliens amnesty, whether through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, the DREAM Act, or a “comprehensive” immigration reform bill. The fact that it was local law enforcement officers who tipped off the federal government regarding Mr. Sanchez, plus the different treatment juvenile offenders receive, demonstrates that the federal government may in fact have no idea whether an amnesty beneficiary is in fact a criminal.

“It has been clear for years that the Obama administration has been politicizing enforcement of U.S. immigration laws. The case of Mr. Sanchez, and the manner in which it was reportedly dealt with by DHS, raises serious questions about whether our immigration laws are being subverted to serve the political aims of this administration,” Stein concluded.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) is a national, nonprofit, public-interest, membership organization of concerned citizens who share a common belief that our nation’s immigration policies must be reformed to serve the national interest.

Visit FAIR’s website at www.fairus.org.

State Board of Education Names Tony Bennett as Commissioner of Education

The Florida State Board of Education voted to select Dr. Tony Bennett as the next Commissioner of Education.

State Board Chair Gary Chartrand said, “Florida has made a great deal of educational progress over the past decade as yesterday’s announcement of the international assessment results clearly showed. We still have more work to do as we continue our transition to Common Core State Standards and ensure we offer a world-class education to Florida’s students.  Tony has had a tremendous impact on education in Indiana and we are delighted to have him lead Florida into the future.”

Governor Scott said, “We are excited that the State Board of Education chose Tony Bennett as Florida’s new Commissioner of Education.  Tony has a great record of achievement in Indiana and I am confident he will be a tireless advocate for Florida’s students.

“I am committed to improving Florida’s K-12 education system through continued support for education funding, teachers and students. My College and Career FIRST Agenda focuses on ensuring that Florida families get a quality education for their children to help them get a great job and pursue their dreams, and we are grateful for the leadership of Interim Commissioner Pam Stewart who helped shape this agenda.

“I am holding Tony accountable for driving the College and Career FIRST Agenda forward in support of Florida’s students and teachers. I look forward to working with him on our goals to increase education funding and advocate for the professional development of Florida teachers, which is critical for student success.”

Dr. Bennett said, “I am honored and excited by the opportunity here.  I look forward to getting out, visiting schools, and meeting with and listening to students, parents, teachers, and leaders in districts across the state as we work together to ensure that every student in Florida has the kind of world-class education that allows them to flourish.”

Dr. Bennett was elected Superintendent of Indiana’s public schools in 2009, promising to increase student performance, reward great teachers, increase options for parents, and strengthen school autonomy.  He was instrumental in increasing the state’s graduation rate beyond 85 percent, implementing the Indiana Growth Model detailing the amount of progress each student has made, and A-F school grades similar to Florida’s grading system.

Dr. Bennett was named 2011 Education Reform Idol by the Fordham Institute and 2010 Government Leader of the Year by the Indiana Chamber of Commerce.  Dr. Bennett holds both a bachelor’s and master’s degree in secondary education and a doctorate in education.  He began his career in education as a high school biology teacher, while coaching several sports including basketball, baseball and track and field.

Dr. Bennett will replace Chancellor of Public Schools Pam Stewart who has served as the department’s interim commissioner for the past three months.

To learn more about Governor Scott’s College and Career FIRST agenda, visit http://www.flgov.com/2012/10/25/governor-rick-scott-announces-college-and-career-first-agenda/

Freedom Threatened By Plan To Federalize Local Government In Florida


A new initiative by the federal government called Seven50, a cousin of Agenda 21, seeks to relieve local governments nationwide of direct representation by and for local citizens in matters of education, infrastructure, and population.

Indian River County Commissioner Bob Solari (772- 226-1442) is putting out an urgent call to attend a special Indian River County Commission meeting concerning this topic on Tuesday, December 18 at 9 a.m. in the Vero Beach County Chambers (1801 27th Street, Vero Beach, FL.)  Though Alabama already has passed legislation to curb the Seven50 agenda, seven southeastern counties along Florida’s coastline from Miami to Vero Beach threaten to place their citizens’ lives under control of HUD and other federal agencies by backing this “diversity” proposal.

Morphing the highly unpopular Security and Prosperity Partnership to Agenda 21 and finally into Seven50, our federal government  is hell-bent on removing any local control and input from average American citizens concerning what they can do with their own land, private property, local schools, and local infrastructures from bridges to meeting houses. “What we want to be when we grow up,” says  Marcelor Camblor-Cutsaimanis in a video interview with Nancy Ferre on PBS as she attempts to explain the benefits of Seven50.  Of course, the public TV host heaps praise upon this blatant attempt by the feds to exercise total control over the lives of Americans.

Whether you live near Southern Florida’s east coast or took part in Alabama’s efforts to rein in this dreadful plan, you must inform your neighbors about the dangers of Seven50.  The UN and the Obama administration have been relentless in their efforts to marginalize our freedoms. A puff piece about this fifty year, UN initiative to destroy local and county governance claims Seven50 is “good” for us given the ”…realization that local governments and civic groups can’t effectively tackle [their] problems and needs in isolation.” Well, just ask the still-suffering inhabitants of ocean front towns along the New Jersey and New York coastlines how they feel about the FEMA response to the destruction of their homes and businesses by Hurricane Sandy.

Counties across the nation are being REGIONALIZED to circumvent the structure and policies of local governance . It is an insidious program operating under the radar. Why didn’t the PBS interviewer ask activist Cutsaimanis about the FEMA performance in Staten Island, where residents are being drowned in federal red tape and frustrated by buck-passing and bureaucratic inefficiency?

If you live near the area, pleased attend the Vero Beach, FL county commission meeting on Dec. 18.  And wherever you live, find out if Seven50 threatens to supplant local governance, turning your town or county into a “protectorate” of the federal government.

New Army Manual Orders Soldiers Not To Criticize Taliban

Courtesy of Judicial Watch:

Here is a strong indicator that the Obama Administration’s crusade to appease Islam has gone too far; a  new U.S. military handbook for troops deployed to the Middle East orders soldiers not to make derogatory comments about the Taliban or criticize pedophilia, among other outrageous things.

It gets better; the new manual, which is around 75 pages, suggests that Western ignorance of Afghan culture— not Taliban infiltration—is responsible for the increase in deadly attacks by Afghan soldiers against the coalition forces.

The soon-to-be-released Army handbook is still being drafted, but a mainstream newspaper got a sneak preview and published an article that should infuriate the American taxpayers funding the never-ending war on terror. The manual is being created because someone with authority bought the theory that cultural insensitivity is driving insider attacks on U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

More than three dozen insider attacks have killed 63 members of the U.S.-led coalition this year, according to the article, and some blame “American cultural ignorance.” The bottom line is that troops may experience social-cultural shock and/or discomfort when interacting with Afghan security forces, the new military handbook says. “Better situational awareness/understanding of Afghan culture will help better prepare [troops] to more effectively partner and to avoid cultural conflict that can lead toward green-on-blue violence.”

The draft leaked to the newspaper offers a list of “taboo conversation topics” that soldiers should avoid, including “making derogatory comments about the Taliban,” “advocating women’s rights,” “any criticism of pedophilia,” “directing any criticism towards Afghans,” “mentioning homosexuality and homosexual conduct” or “anything related to Islam.”

At least one high-ranking military official had the backbone to publicly criticize the new manual, albeit through a spokesperson. U.S. Marine General John Allen, the top commander in Afghanistan, doesn’t endorse it and rejected a proposed forward drafted by Army officials in his name. “He does not approve of its contents,” according to a military spokesman quoted in the story.

Earlier this year the Obama Administration changed the way federal agents are trained to combat terrorism and violent extremism by eliminating all materials that shed a negative light on Muslims. Under White House orders, the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) destroyed instructional material that characterizes Muslims as prone to violence or terrorism in a government-wide call to end Islamophobia.

Under Obama practically every major federal agency has been ordered to participate in Muslim outreach initiatives, including the Justice Department with a special program to protect Islamic civil rights, Homeland Security meetings with extremist Muslim organizations and the nation’s space agency (NASA) with an unprecedented mission to focus on Muslim diplomacy.

Additionally, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton signed a special order to allow the reentry of two radical Islamic academics whose terrorist ties long banned them from the U.S. and the administration sent an America-bashing mosque leader (Feisal Abdul Rauf) who blames U.S. foreign policy for the 9/11 attacks on a Middle Eastern outreach mission. The Obama Administration even ordered a government-funded meal program for home-bound seniors to offer halal cuisine prepared according to Islamic law.

Climate Depot: Extreme Weather Report 2012

Climate Depot and the Committee for a Constructive Tomorrow presented a comprehensive report at the UN climate conference titled, “Extreme Weather Report 2012“. The following are excerpts from the report:

The man-made global warming movement has officially shifted from runaway global warming fears over to extreme weather fears. This strategic shift has been in the works for years as global average temperatures have stalled by up to 16 years. First there was a transition from “global warming” to “climate change” and now to “global climate disruption.” Some have suggested “global weirding” others have suggested a “new normal.”

At the opening of the 18 annual United Nations climate summit being held in Doha, Qatar, UN climate chief Christiana Figueres, urged governments around the world to “do something about” extreme weather. “We have had severe climate and weather events all over the world and everyone is beginning to understand that is exactly the future we are going to be looking about if they don’t do something about it,” Figueres explained at the opening of the annual UN climate summit.

In June of this year, Democrat Rep. Henry Waxman (Ca) blamed CO2 for wildfires in Colorado and floods in Florida. “It’s time to stop denying science. Extreme events like the wildfires in Colorado and the floods in Florida are going to get worse unless Republican-controlled Congress changes course soon,” Waxman explained.

Global warming proponents claimed that 2012 was a ‘new normal’ in climate with “unprecedented” weather events. Former Vice President Al Gore summed up this view when he wrote: “Every night on the news now, practically, is like a nature hike through the book of Revelations.

Sen Boxer (D-Calif), the chair of the Senate Environment & Public Works Committee declared: “Hurricane Sandy has shown us all what the scientists sitting right in this room said the day I got the gavel, & they told us exactly what would happen and it’s all happening.”

Scientific studies & data counter these claims.

The latest peer-reviewed studies, data and analysis undermine the case that the weather is more “extreme” or “unprecedented.” On every key measure, claims of extreme weather in our current climate fail to hold up to scrutiny.

The report concludes, “Extreme weather events are ever present, and there is no evidence of systematic increases.”

Read the full study by clicking here.

Corruption index 2012: United States is 19th

Which country is most corrupt? North Korea is still officially considered the world’s most corrupt country, along with Somalia and Afghanistan. But why has the US gone up six places to 19th and the United Kingdoms score worsened to 18th? See how the annual corruption index has changed.

• Download the latest data
• Interactive map of this data
• Last year’s data

The Index, which is closely watched by investors, economists, and civil society campaigners, is based on expert assessments and data from 13 surveys from independent institutions, covering issues such as access to information, bribery of public officials, kickbacks in public procurement, and the enforcement of anti-corruption laws. While critics note that measuring perceptions of corruption is not the same as measuring corruption itself, the latter is almost impossible to do – as the corrupt are usually keen to cover up their tracks, hard data on graft and bribery is notoriously difficult to come by.

Is Government Transparency Dead?

Two recent reports question government transparency. It appears the federal government and Florida legislature do not want the people to know how they spend taxpayer dollars. Waste, fraud and abuse are common in governments at every level.

Transparency is key too discovering where the government is wasting money, fraudulently hiding information and abusing taxpayers. The less transparency the more fraud, waste and abuse. President Obama ran on a platform of transparency as did Governor Rick Scott.

Want to find corruption? Then follow the money.

According to Knowledge@Wharton:

While all eyes are turned to the U.S. government’s enormous debt, few have given equal attention to the massive costs and risks embedded in another of the government’s financial functions: its role as lender rather than borrower. One group that has been analyzing the federal government is the the Financial Economists Roundtable (FER), a group of prominent academics that since 1993 has produced an annual statement based on financial analysis of a critical policy issue. In October, the FER published its 2012 statement, Accounting for the Cost of Government Credit Assistance. The FER is administered by the Wharton Financial Institutions Center.

According to FER:

Flaws in the way the government accounts for its loans and credit guarantees understate the costs that taxpayers are bearing with student loans and other credit programs totaling more than $2.5 trillion, plus more than $5 trillion in mortgages backed by the federally owned companies Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. In fact, a proper accounting — like that required of most businesses — would make the government’s budget deficit even larger than the officially reported amount.

“The federal government is the world’s largest financial institution, but policymakers and [government] managers are handicapped by an accounting system that is seriously deficient.  The accounting standards that the government sets for private financial institutions require far greater transparency than the rules that it imposes on itself,” says Deborah J. Lucas, finance professor at MIT’s Sloan School of Management and author of the FER statement.

Student loans and mortgages backed by the Federal Housing Administration, among more than 100 other lending programs, contain potential losses that are much more costly than what current accounting suggests, according to the FER.

The Florida legislature created the TransparencyFlorida.gov website. The Florida Legislature created TransparencyFlorida.gov, and made it available to the public in January 2010. Its purpose is “to provide the public with unprecedented access to state government spending information by posting Florida’s operating budget and associated expenditure records online.”

The First Amendment Foundation (FAF), an organization that has been protecting and advancing open government in Florida for over 25 years, and Integrity Florida (IF), a nonpartisan research institute and government watchdog group released a report “Budget Transparency in the Sunshine State December 2012“.

According to FAF and IF, “Corruption does not like sunlight and disclosure is the key to accountability.”

FAF and IF assessed the Transparency 2.0 website developed by Spider Data Services and conclude that Florida would save millions of dollars and would receive an A grade for public access to government spending on future report cards if the site is allowed to publicly launch with a multi-year commitment from the State to invest in site maintenance and real-time data.

Version 2.0 of the TransparencyFlorida.gov website is at risk.

Version 2.0, “[W]ould allow Florida Governor Rick Scott to achieve his goal of Accountability Budgeting. By making each state agency set annual goals for every dollar they spend, those goals could be captured in the Planning module of the Transparency 2.0 site. Performance of state agencies would be easily measured against those goals and the public and policymakers could hold agencies accountable for their outcomes. Transparency 2.0 would allow all state officials and employees to justify the expenditure of Floridians’ tax dollars.”

FAF and IF strongly recommend that the Transparency 2.0 website be allowed to launch publicly to provide a globally competitive level of budget transparency and public access to information.

Without these watchdog groups government transparency would be dead. Only via transparency can government be held accountable and the people demand fraud, waste and abuse be stopped.

The Income Tax: Root of All Evil

Politicians and pundits alike are discussing the “fiscal cliff”. What has become a focus of the discussion by both political parties and the President are income taxes. Specifically, raising income taxes on the rich. None are addressing the root cause of the crisis the United States faces today, which is the income tax itself. The title of this column is from a book written by Frank Chodorov in 1954.

Chodorov wrote, “Income and inheritance taxes imply the denial of private property, and in that are different in principle from all other taxes.”

“The government says to the citizen: Your earnings are not exclusively your own; we have a claim on them, and our claim precedes yours; we will allow you to keep some of it, because we recognize your need, not your right; but whatever we grant you for yourself is for us to decide,” states Chodorov.

In the forward to Chodorov’s book J. Bracken Lee, the ninth Governor of Utah, wrote, “[A] weak government is the corollary of a strong people.”

Lee wrote, “The Sixteenth Amendment [which created the income tax] changed all that. In the first place, by enabling the federal government to put its hands into the pockets and pay envelopes of the people, it drew their allegiance away from their local governments. It made them citizens of the United States rather than of their respective states.”

“Theft loyalty followed theft money, which was now taken from them not by their local representatives, over whom they had some control, but by the representatives of the other forty-seven states. They became subject to the will of the central government, and their state of subjection was emphasized by every increase in the income-tax levies,” warned former Governor Lee in 1954.

Chodorov puts into historical perspective the how and why we have arrived at this point and today face yet another fiscal cliff. The United States faced this same crisis in 1873.

Chodorov stated, “But hungry people are impatient. They cannot wait for deflation to wipe out the debris of their own orgy. A much quicker cure is called for, and the medicine that promises a quick cure is money. During the [Civil] war, it was reasoned, the government printed greenbacks and there was prosperity; why not print more greenbacks and force prosperity to come back? And so, during the depression of 1873–76, and for twenty years after, there was a loud clamor for greenbacks, plus silver money to supplement the scarce gold. This was the principal recipe of the social doctors of the times, a loud-mouthed lot who acquired the generic name of Populists.” [Emphasis mine]

Chodorov noted that during the depression of 1873, “These [Populist] do- gooders were most vocal in the new West, where the ‘hard times’ hit hardest and held on for the longest time. The story of this area is the story of the railroads. In the light of later experience, we can describe the railroad expansion of the 1880’s as a make-work program, fostered by government subsidies and bounties.” Sounds eerily familiar to today’s calls to fund infrastructure improvements by the President and members of Congress.

Chodorov wrote, “[T]he income tax appealed to them [the Populists] as a means of wreaking their vengeance on those they hated—that is, those who had more than they had.”

Additionally, “Income taxation appeals to the governing class because in its everlasting urgency for power it needs money.” By 1891, the Populists, who had by that time coagulated into the People’s Party (1892-1908), included an income-tax plank in their platform. The Democratic Party later appropriated it. A typical remark in the debate on income taxation of 1894 is the following from a speech by the Populist Senator William. A. Peffer from Kansas:

“The only object we have in view in presenting this amendment [graduated income tax] is to rake in where there is something to rake in not to throw out the dragnet where there is nothing to catch. The West and the South have made you people rich.”

Chodorov notes, “The Populists, as do all reformers, assumed that social good can be achieved through political action. They ignored the age-old fact that whenever the government does “good” it acts in the interests of some at the expense of others, meanwhile acquiring power for itself. The end product of government intervention in the economy of the country is more power for government.”

“The American brand of socialism known as the New Deal was made possible by the income tax. But with the advent of income taxation, socialism was unavoidable,” wrote Chodorov.

Government never gives up power, it never voluntarily abdicates.

Chodorov offered a solution. According to Chodorov, “Compulsion means force; there must be a policeman to see that the individual does not follow his own inclinations. But policemen must live. Since they do not produce a thing by which they can live, others must support them.”

No plan can be bigger than its bureaucracy.

The only bulwark remaining against bigger federal government is the 10th Amendment – States rights and the will of the people.

Governor Lee stated, “For those of us who still believe that freedom is best, the way is clear: we must concentrate on the correction of the mistake of 1913. The Sixteenth Amendment must be repealed. Nothing less will do.”

George Zimmerman Sues NBC for Defaming Him as a ‘Racist’ in Trayvon Martin Reporting

Courtesy of Erik Wemple

Lawyers for George Zimmerman filed suit today against NBC Universal Media over a well-publicized editing error that portrayed their client in racist terms in his pursuit of Trayvon Martin on a drizzly evening in February.

NBC saw the death of Trayvon Martin not as a tragedy but as an opportunity to increase ratings, and so to set about the myth that George Zimmerman was a racist and predatory villain,” states the civil complaint in its opening salvo against NBC.

NBC’s editing of the 911 audiotape in the Martin case became a public fixation after the media-monitoring Web site NewsBusters.org noted editing oddities on a “Today” show broadcast March 27. Here’s how NBC News portrayed the audiotape: Zimmerman, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. He looks black.”

The full tape went like this: Zimmerman, “This guy looks like he’s up to no good. Or he’s on drugs or something. It’s raining and he’s just walking around, looking about.” Dispatcher, “OK, and this guy — is he black, white or Hispanic?” Zimmerman, “He looks black.”

Zimmerman thus didn’t volunteer a racial profile of Martin; he was asked to provide it, a point that the lawsuit makes in colorful fashion: “NBC created this false and defamatory misimpression using the oldest form of yellow journalism: manipulating Zimmerman’s own words, splicing together disparate parts of the recording to create illusions of statements that Zimmerman never actually made.”

Read more from this story HERE.

Hundreds of thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes set to be released into the Florida Keys

Daily Mail Online reports:

“Hundreds of thousands of genetically modified mosquitoes are awaiting federal approval for release into the Florida Keys as part of an experiment aimed at reducing the risk of dengue fever.

Mosquito control officials have requested the Food and Drug Administration’s sign off on the experiment that would be the first of its kind in the U.S.

Some residents of the tourist town of Key West worry though on how much research has been done to determine the risks of releasing genetically modified mosquitoes on the Keys’ fragile ecosystem.”

Read more by clicking here.

America The Loved

A great love for America still exists in the hearts of Eastern Europeans where pro-Americanism thrives. The proof may be found in Zohor, Slovakia. This passion for America takes the form of a B-24 from 464th Bomber Group, which crashed in Zohor in 1944.

The story about the airmen‘s secret funeral by partisans and the erecting and preservation of their monument decades later, deserves attention.

This telling story transcends today’s politics and anti-American rhetoric. While America faces new enemies and the impending doom of yet another war perhaps in the Middle East, this is one of the most beautiful stories to comes out of WWII. It is in the form of a memorial dedicated to the Slovak partisans’ who protected and honored our American pilots.

Florida based American sculptor Gregory Marra, who specializes in crafting war memorials, stumbled upon the memorial to Merton Haigh and John Fassnacht while studying in Europe. Seeing it in disrepair Marra cleaned it up upon its 65th anniversary, cut the grass and hung the American and Slovak banners on the Flag poles behind. “It was very emotional mostly because I knew that no one in the states knew about the memorial in the U.S. “ Marra said “The families hadn’t known of the care the Slovaks took to memorialize our Airmen. In fact the tombstone was kept hidden from the communists till 1995 when it was discovered. Whoever hid this tombstone was facing a firing squad if discovered,” notes Marra. There are several monuments in Slovakia to downed airmen.

Miraculously in November 2012 Ray Hadden, of North East Pennsylvania, the son of Ray Hadden Sr. the tail gunner of the Bomber “Old Brown Nose” researched and stumbled across articles of the memorial. Hadden found that former Pennsylvanian Marra had restored the memorial to his father’s plane. Ray Hadden called Mr. Marra to thank him and Marra was shocked and relieved, to finally discover that Hadden knew all about the geography and details of the monument. According to Marra, “They discussed  that the planes whereabouts have not been found and that a statue in return to thank the Slovaks must be raised.” Marra, a classically trained sculptor, explained to Hadden that, “We need to thank the Slovaks with a statue since they had done so much for us.” They agreed it is befitting to try and do so.

Hadden wants above all to find the rest of the Airmen’s families to let them know of the great offering of respect and care the Slovaks made to their father’s heroism. Above all he wants to thank the people of Slovakia for their actions and to remind the Slovaks that we take note of every kind act towards America and welcome a deep friendship based on mutual respect. Hadden would like to find the remnants of the plane and visit the Slovaks in the town of Zohor to personally shake their hands. He would like to see an effort by America to help clean and maintain these memorials.

The bomber “Old Brown Nose” was on a mission to bomb Vienna on October 17, 1944. The 464th Bomb Group/ 778 Bomb Squadron was on mission number 107 to raid a depot near Vienna B-24 J-15-FO 42-51964 Old Brown.


2nd Lt. John C. Fassnacht Pilot KIA
2nd Lt. John W. Lindsay CoPilot POW
2nd Lt. Richard J. Witt Navigator POW
2nd Lt. Robert F. Cunningham Bombardier KLD
T/Sgt. John R. Lonsdorf Engineer/Upper turret gunner POW
S/Sgt. John Krogstadt Left waist gunner POW
T/Sgt. Lyndle K. Clark Radio operator/Right waist gunner POW
S/Sgt. James T. Hutchinson Nose gunner POW
S/Sgt. Merton W. Haigh Ball turret gunner KIA
S/Sgt. Raymond L. Hadden Tail gunner POW

Frank Kliment who owned a soda factory in Zohor witnessed the crash of the bomber which was riddled with German shot. The plane crashed so close to his home he had to go seek shelter in the basement. Six parachutes blossomed nearby and the windows of his home were shattered by the explosion from the crash. Two Airmen’s bodies lay nearby lifeless. Kliment prepared the bodies for a solemn funeral with flowers in a nearby church. Kliment contacted his sister in America after the war in an effort to contact the airmen’s families. She was successful and the mothers softened by the news were so thankful to the people of Zohor for the burial and treatment of their sons.

The memorial in Zohor, which resembles a B-24’s rudder, was erected by air war enthusiasts in 1995 on the spot where the airmen were originally buried (their remains were later repatriated to the United States). However, the memorial had fallen into disrepair until Marra and his family decided to help restore it. Many have  chronicled by the “Slovak  Air War ” enthusiast which displays an utmost respect for our country as their own Slovakian history was being destroyed by the communists.

The Slovaks buried our dead knowing they could be executed for the act. The  Slovaks contacting the families soon after war and the hiding of the tombstones keeping them safe for till the day Communist control ended is extraordinary.

“It is time we recognize the efforts of the Slovak people and create a monument to thank them for their kindness, generosity, and bravery. Pro-Americanism exists deep in the heart of Europe because the Europeans know that America and her defenders stand for freedom,” says Marra.

Marra’s recent work has been devoted to commemorating American military heroes, including George Washington and his Crossing, Americas last Dough-boy, a  Special Operations National monument and many more. His works honor the gallantry and success of human kind through our armed forces, allies, partisans, and freedom lovers world-wide.

Marra states, “There are so many monuments and projects to build from the beginning of our history to now. Let us start with thanking the Slovaks and Slovak Americans by building them a memorial tribute here and across the pond.”

To learn more on how you can be a part of the monument process, restoration of existing memorials such as this one honoring our WWII American airmen please contact bronzepatriots@hotmail.com

Failing Government-Owned Networks Examined

Fiscal pitfalls with government-owned networks are well-known here in Florida.

In 2003, the City of Quincy, Florida spent $3.3 million to build a fiber optic network known as NetQuincy. The system brought in $415,000 in 2005, less than 60 percent of its $710,000 in expenses. The City of Orlando experienced similar trouble with its free, public Wi-Fi program created in 2005. Built to support a mere 200 users, a scant 27 people actually used the service each day. The city kept the system running for 17 months – well passed the planned six-month trial period – and eventually decided the low usage rates did not justify the $1,800 per month price tag to taxpayers.

The latest Coalition for the New Economy report outlines past failures and questions the economic implications of GONs for taxpayers.

The Coalition for the New Economy today released a micro study by Dr. Joseph P. Fuhr Jr., professor of economics at Widener University in Chester, PA, that examines MI-Connection, a failing government-owned network in North Carolina.

“Five years ago, despite concern and skepticism from other nearby communities, the cities of Davidson and Mooresville, N.C. purchased a broadband network,” explained Fuhr. “Today, at the very point the system was to be profitable, officials in Davidson and Mooresville are contemplating how to get rid of the network, which has been a significant drain on the town’s resources and has piled loads of debt upon taxpayers.”

In the last three years, Davidson and Mooresville have provided $14 million in subsidies to MI-Connection, which Dr. Fuhr points out, has been a significant drain on the towns’ other priorities. For example, officials in Davidson have admitted the town cannot achieve financial stability until its commitment to the network has been reduced. Meanwhile, Mooresville officials have said they will have to tap the city’s general fund balance to meet its obligation to MI-Connection – which could mean fewer dollars for everything from education to public safety.

“This network represents some of the basic problems with government-owned broadband systems,” Fuhr said. “Government officials generally have zero experience running such sophisticated networks, which means they overestimate the revenues cities will receive from them and underestimate construction and maintenance costs. In 2007, officials in Troutman, Cornelius and Huntersville, N.C. realized these pitfalls and opted not to obligate themselves to MI-Connection. Their caution was the correct approach, which is why today Davidson mayor Laurie Venzon is on record saying other towns should not make the same mistake her town did.”

The MI-Connection micro study is the first in a series of three by Dr. Fuhr. In the coming weeks, CNE will release papers on the UTOPIA network in Utah and Burlington Telecom in Vermont.

The micro study can be viewed in its entirety on the CNE website.

The Coalition for the New Economy (CNE), which commissioned Fuhr’s study, is dedicated to ensuring that all Americans have access to innovative technologies and that policies are fair, fiscally responsible and will allow for increased access and adoption.


On November 29, 2012, Florida State University’s LeRoy Collins Institute (LCI) and Integrity Florida released the latest Tough Choices report that analyzes Florida’s local governments’ ethics reforms and policies. While Florida’s statewide ethics laws have been essentially frozen in time since Governor Reubin O’D. Askew championed reform in the 1970s, the report finds ethics reforms at the county and city level are alive and growing.

Tough Choices – Florida Counties Bridge the Ethics Policy Gap Appendix

According to U.S. Department of Justice data, from 2000 – 2010, Florida led the nation in federal public corruption convictions.

While some of these convictions have been of state officials, many of these corruption scandals have involved local government officials. Florida Counties Bridge the Ethics Policy Gap analyzed survey results on ethical programs and reforms in 45 of Florida’s 67 counties focusing on the areas of ethics policy, ethics enforcement, lobbying, campaign financing and procurement.

In short, the results show that a majority of the counties surveyed provide ethics training for elected county officials, have adopted local ordinances regulating procurement practices, and put in place restrictions on gifts from lobbyists to the county. Close to half of the counties have designated a point person for ethics issues.

“Our analysis of Florida’s local government ethics policies discovered that counties all over Florida are acting as ethics reform laboratories, addressing their unique experience with public corruption through innovative reform solutions,” said Dan Krassner, Integrity Florida’s executive director and co-author of Florida Counties Bridge the Ethics Policy Gap. “It is our hope that by cataloging these positive changes that counties across Florida have implemented, we’ve developed a roadmap that other counties can follow to curb corruption.”

Florida Counties Bridge the Ethics Policy Gap also includes seven case studies of local governments who have undertaken ethics reform efforts in the wake of ethical charges or violations. The report finds that while initiated by scandal, the work done to create an ethical government in Broward, Duval/Jacksonville, Leon, Miami-Dade, Orange, Palm Beach and Sarasota Counties has made positive changes to curb public corruption.

“Our findings are encouraging in showing progress in the adoption of ethics laws across Florida counties,” said Dr. Carol Weissert, LCI director, political science professor at FSU and co-author of the report. “While there is always more to do, Florida counties are taking the initiative in creating an ethical culture and can serve as leaders for future state action in Florida and across the nation.”
The report’s 11-question survey was emailed at least twice to county administrators and county attorneys in all of Florida’s 67 counties in the fall of 2012. A link to the full report and an appendix containing the complete set of survey questions, responses and comments that often include website links to specific ordinances and codes can be found at www.collinsinstitute.fsu.edu and www.integrityflorida.org.

About the LeRoy Collins Institute: Established in 1988, the LeRoy Collins Institute is an independent, non-profit organization which studies and promotes creative solutions to key private and public issues facing the people of Florida and the nation. The Institute, located in Tallahassee at the Florida State University, is affiliated and works in collaboration with the State University System of Florida. Named in honor of former Florida Governor LeRoy Collins, the Institute is governed by a distinguished board of directors, chaired by Allison DeFoor, D. Min. Other board members include executives, local elected officials and senior professionals from throughout the state.

About Integrity Florida: Integrity Florida is a nonpartisan research institute and government watchdog whose mission is to promote integrity in government and expose public corruption. The organization’s vision is government in Florida that is the most open, ethical, responsive and accountable in the world.

Press conference announcing release of the Tough Choices report: