VIDEO: Harvard students say Trump is more dangerous than ISIS

This is the result of the relentless and ubiquitous hard-Left indoctrination that passes for education at Harvard and on virtually all university and college campuses today. If these students get the chance to see the Islamic State in action up close, which they very well might courtesy of the policies they themselves support, they will change their tune, but by then it will be far too late.

“VIDEO: Harvard students say Trump is more dangerous than ISIS,” by Cabot Phillips, Campus Reform, April 5, 2017:

Over the past year and a half, college administrators and students have boldly spoken out against the election, and now the presidency, of Donald Trump.

Perhaps nowhere was this more noticeable than on the left-leaning campus of Harvard University.

“I think he’s an asshole in chief. I don’t think he really cares that much about the American people.”

Campus Reform has reported numerous times on the overwhelming liberal bias at the Ivy League university, and just this week, students there started an anti-Trump “resistance school” with the goal of learning how to fight back against the president’s agenda.

Students consistently cite the “danger” posed by President Trump, and claim to feel “threatened” by his policies.

Wanting to know just how dangerous these students think Donald Trump is, Campus Reform went to Harvard to ask a simple question, “Who is more dangerous to Americans, Donald Trump or ISIS?”…


Violence erupts at pro-Trump rally in Berkeley – SFGate

Rappers, actors, leftist activists call for Trump’s ASSASSINATION

Fifty Shades of Green

“Palestinian” rams car into Israeli soldiers, killing one and injuring another

VIDEO: Michelle Malkin investigates the refugee crisis and child marriage in Islam

I appeared on Michelle Malkin Investigates to discuss the refugee rape crisis and child marriage in Islam. You can watch the full episode on Michelle’s page is here.


St. Petersburg: Suspected jihad-martyrdom suicide bomber had ties to the Islamic State

First image of St. Petersburg terror suspect indicates that this was an Islamic jihad attack

BREXIT: ‘The Rotten Unrepresentative European Union is Deservedly Dying’

A word to the patronizing progressive minority, “Sovereignty is not negotiable.”


Tyranny of the minority. The patronising illiberal elite who think ordinary people are too stupid to vote.

Britain begins the formal process of leaving the EU

Protesting against Brexit is a “march against racism”

Brexit is racist, blah blah blah

Professor thinks ignorant people shouldn’t be allowed to vote

AC Grayling doesn’t like democracy

AC Grayling calls for a general strike against Brexit

Richard Branson to fund a group to reverse Brexit

Nick Cohen is still furious about Brexit

Tony Blair calls on people to rise up against Brexit

VIDEO: YES! We Spied on Trump!

In an interview with MSNBC, Evelyn Farkas admitted to having first hand knowledge the Obama administration spied on Trump’s transition team to gather “intelligence” for political use.

Zero Hedge reports:

According to Pentagon records, Dr. Farkas resigned in September of 2015.

So how did this non-resident fellow at the Atlantic Council, member of the Council on Foreign Relations, and former deputy assistant secretary of defense for Russia, Ukraine and Eurasia, gain knowledge of intelligence regarding members of Trump’s team and their relations with Russia, when she was the senior foreign policy advisor for Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton?

Farkas was the prime driver behind the anti-Russia phobia inside the Pentagon during the Obama years — shilling hard for the Ukraine — requesting that the President send them anti-tank missiles — which, essentially, would mean outright war with Russia.

Read more…


I was urging my former colleagues, and, and frankly speaking the people on the Hill [Democrat politicians], it was more actually aimed at telling the Hill people, get as much information as you can – get as much intelligence as you can – before President Obama leaves the administration.

Because I had a fear that somehow that information would disappear with the senior [Obama] people who left; so it would be hidden away in the bureaucracy, um, that the Trump folks – if they found out HOW we knew what we knew about their, the Trump staff, dealing with Russians – that they would try to compromise those sources and methods; meaning we no longer have access to that intelligence.

So I became very worried because not enough was coming out into the open and I knew that there was more.  We have very good intelligence on Russia; so then I had talked to some of my former colleagues and I knew that they were also trying to help get information to [Democrat politicians].

The New York Times confirms what Farkas said on MSNBC when it reported,

“More than a half-dozen current and former officials described various aspects of the effort to preserve and distribute the intelligence, and some said they were speaking to draw attention to the material and ensure proper investigation by Congress. All spoke on the condition of anonymity because they were discussing classified information, nearly all of which remains secret.” 

Read more…

RELATED VIDEO: Mark Levin Questions How Evelyn Farkas Has Access to Trump Intelligence.


Confirmed: John Brennan Colluded With Foreign Spies to Defeat Trump

Obama Political Spying Scandal: Trump Associates Were Not the First Targets

How Many Countries Conspired Against Trump?

A Shoe Drops: Obama Administration Spied On Carter Page [Updated]

How did Susan Rice know which Trump campaign and transition surveillance intercepts to unmask?

Susan Rice unmasked

Oh My: Former Obama NSA Susan Rice Reportedly Directed Dubious ‘Unmasking’ of Trump Allies

Former Obama official discloses rush to get intelligence on Trump team

If Evelyn Farkas Resigned in 2015, How Did She Have Access to Trump-Russian Intelligence?

Obama’s Defense Deputy ADMITS White House Spied on Trump, And She Doesn’t Stop There…

VIDEO: UNCHAINED — Dinesh D’Souza at Trinity University

In another #onlyatYAF lecture, Dinesh D’Souza blasts the left for their fascist roots and anti-minority bigotry, two things they have become adept at throwing at the right. In fact, the history of the Democratic Party is a history of corruption, bigotry, and totalitarianism.

Dinesh D’Souza is UNCHAINED at Trinity University.

Watch to see more!In his shocking new film, Dinesh D’Souza exposes the secret history of the Democrats and the true motivations of Hillary before the election this year. What are these Democrats hiding? “Hillary’s America” is available on DVD, Blu-Ray, and Digital HD now! Order your copy here:

EDITORS NOTE: Learn more about Young America’s Foundation: Readers wishing to connect with Dinesh D’Souza online for more hard-hitting analysis of current events in America? Here’s how:


VIDEO: Muslim members of UN asked — ‘Where are your Jews?’ Hypocrisy exposed!

These countries exiled nearly a million Jews in 1948, and now they are posturing about Israel’s supposed “apartheid” policies, when Arab Muslims in Israel serve in the Knesset. The hypocrisy is astounding, and generally never noted.

Bravo to Hillel Neuer for calling out these self-righteous hypocrites.

“UN Watch Fires Back at Countries Accusing Israel of Abuses, ‘Where are your Jews?,’” by Jack Heretik, Washington Free Beacon, March 24, 2017 11:16 am

UN Watch Executive Director Hillel Neuer shot back at countries accusing Israel of apartheid and violence against Palestinians, asking them where the Jewish populations in their countries have gone.

During a meeting of the UN Human Rights Council on Monday, several Middle Eastern countries took turns bashing Israel, saying that it has imposed apartheid and violence against Palestinians. A Palestinian representative was joined by Qatar, Sudan, Syria, Bahrain and Saudi Arabia in criticizing Israel.

Neuer was then recognized to respond to the accusations from the representatives, as well as those from a UN report.

“Everything we just heard, from the world’s worst abusers of human rights, of women’s rights, of freedom of religion, of the press, of assembly, of speech, is absolutely false and indeed Orwellian,” Neuer said….

“Israel’s 1.5 million Arabs, whatever challenges they face, enjoy full rights to vote and to be elected in the Knesset, they work as doctors and lawyers, they serve on the Supreme Court,” Neuer said….

“How many Jews live in your countries? How many Jews lived in Egypt, Iraq, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco?” Neuer pointed out. “Once upon a time, the Middle East was full of Jews.”

Neuer went through a list of those countries asking, “Where are your Jews?” after stating how many Jews used to live there.

“Where is the apartheid, Mr. President?” Neuer asked.

“Why are we meeting today on an agenda item singling out only one state, the Jewish state, for targeting? Where is the apartheid, Mr. President?” Neuer said.

For a substantial amount of time following Neuer’s remarks, the council was silent.


The Muslim Brotherhood, Fountain of Islamist Violence – Middle East Quarterly

Texas public high school defends its Islamic prayer room after warning from state deputy attorney general

Australia: Muslim slaughtered wife for opposing his desire to join Islamic State, wanted children to learn Qur’an only

Real vs Fake Health Care Reform, and How to Tell the Difference by Jeffrey A. Tucker

You want to know why the “freedom caucus” has balked at passing the Trump-backed Ryancare health care proposal?

Because the package does not address the core problem of the existing system. They are leaning – correctly – on a brilliant insight from F.A. Hayek.

Let’s think this through.

What was the most fundamental problem with Obamacare? It attempted to set up an artificial market that lacked the most salient feature of markets: genuine competition. Real competition. I don’t mean teams struggling for control. I mean an institutional setting in which producers can innovate. They face free entry and exit. Their well-being depends on serving the consumer.Obamacare has flopped because it disabled what remained of the competitive system with defined benefits packages, mandates that everyone be covered, requirements that everyone must purchase, and geographic limits on service provision. All these together took health care out of the realm of markets and made it a form of central planning.

And so: Obamacare resulted in soaring premiums, soaring deductibles, shoddy access, and ever-increasing bureaucracy. It became untenable. Objecting to it doesn’t have to be a matter of ideology. The contraption just didn’t work.

The core insight of the “freedom caucus” comes from Hayek and his fascinating piece “The Meaning of Competition”:

It is only through competition that we can assume that these possible savings of cost will be achieved. Even if in each instance prices were only just low enough to keep out producers which do not enjoy these or other equivalent advantages, so that each commodity were produced as cheaply as possible, though many may be sold at prices considerably above costs, this would probably be a result which could not be achieved by any other method than that of letting competition operate …

Yet the current tendency in discussion is to be intolerant about the imperfections and to be silent about the prevention of competition. We can probably still learn more about the real significance of competition by studying the results which regularly occur where competition is deliberately suppressed than by concentrating on the shortcomings of actual competition compared with an ideal which is irrelevant for the given facts.

I say advisedly “where competition is deliberately suppressed” and not merely “where it is absent,” because its main effects are usually operating, even if more slowly, so long as it is not outright suppressed with the assistance or the tolerance of the state.

The evils which experience has shown to be the regular consequence of a suppression of competition are on a different plane from those which the imperfections of competition may cause. Much more serious than the fact that prices may not correspond to marginal cost is the fact that, with an entrenched monopoly, costs are likely to be much higher than is necessary …

Competition is essentially a process of the formation of opinion: by spreading information, it creates that unity and coherence of the economic system which we presuppose when we think of it as one market. It creates the views people have about what is best and cheapest, and it is because of it that people know at least as much about possibilities and opportunities as they in fact do. It is thus a process which involves a continuous change in the data and whose significance must therefore be completely missed by any theory which treats these data as constant.

Let me paraphrase and apply: no, there will not be a perfect world. Total freedom is not a political option right now. So what’s the priority for any reform? The most crucial institutions in any society are the signaling systems of prices that reflect existing knowledge and possibilities.

When those are malfunctioning, nothing else works. Costs go up, quality goes down, innovation stops, and the sector starts to atrophy.

Competition Restoration Means Health Care Restoration

The first priority is that competition must be restored through some measure of deregulation. The mandates must go. The pre-set benefits packages must die. Insurers must gain control over their business affairs and customers have to be able to shop and choose.

We must regain flexibility to inspire innovation and achieve profitability. This must happen or else premiums will keep going up. This is a requirement. Obamacare failed because it disabled the market. Any reform must restore that market. This is more important than any other feature of reform.Trumpcare or Ryancare or whatever you want to call it does not do that. It replaces a mandate to buy with a tax incentive to buy. Otherwise it leaves the problem of the absence of genuine competition in place. True, the alternative doesn’t do anything about the transfer of payments, but, if you follow Hayek, you know that these are less important to eliminate than are the barriers to competition.

The restoration of competition will discover for us things we do not know about service provision: treatments, plans, new institutional arrangements, new forms of insurance, new methods for serving the public. Competition will grow the market and make profitability the test of success or failure.

If that does not happen, premiums will keep increasing, quality will go down, access will continue to shrink, and public anger will grow as a result.

Now is the time. Again, it is not about ideology. It is about a system of health care insurance that actually works to serve the common good.

Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey Tucker is Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education. He is also Chief Liberty Officer and founder of, Distinguished Honorary Member of Mises Brazil, research fellow at the Acton Institute, policy adviser of the Heartland Institute, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, member of the editorial board of the Molinari Review, an advisor to the blockchain application builder Factom, and author of five books. He has written 150 introductions to books and many thousands of articles appearing in the scholarly and popular press.

RELATED ARTICLE: Is Trump Sabotaging Obamacare? – POLITICO Magazine

RELATED VIDEO: Senator Rand Paul Doesn’t Want the GOP to Fail at Obamacare Replacement Plan.

EDITORS NOTE: Learn real skills from successful entrepreneurs at FEEcon: June 15-17 (Register by May 15).

VIDEO: The Holy War in London — Islam versus Islamism

 Quran versus 2: 191-193 reads:

And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.

And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.

Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.

Jihad, “A struggle or fight against the enemies of Islam.”

In this video we explain how the London jihadist attack on March 22, 2017 indicates the beginning of the beginning of increased low-tech, Muslim attacks against the West.

The Islamic State along with Al Qaeda and other terrorist organizations are developing an operational methodology through the use of the internet that unleashes jihadi fighters in the streets of civilized Western countries.

We maintain that the West, in particular America, must work ceaselessly to delegitimize the ideological foundation of the comprehensive political/theocratic system we know as Islam.

In order to effectively name the enemy and fight the enemy at its core, it is essential to clear up the confusion between the use of the terms, Islam and Islamism. Until that controversial issue is resolved, the West is at a deadly disadvantage in this epic battle between good and evil.


Islam and the Jihad in London

Comfortable, affluent life of Westminter jihadi

Italy: ANOTHER VEHICULAR JIHAD ATTACK as Muslim Migrant Drives at Police, Stabs Officer

Democrats put Nebraska voter registration forms in refugee welcome baskets

UK Arrests 11 Other Muslims over London Attack

VIDEO DOCUMENTARY: Move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem!

We detail an investigative documentary that The United West film team will be producing in Israel on their national security mission, May 20-30, 2017.

RELATED VIDEO: Israelis react to possible U.S. embassy move to Jerusalem by CBS News. Moving embassy to Jerusalem is “the moral thing to do.”

EDITORS NOTE: If you are interesting in coming to Israel with Tom, check out all details on the web site If you are interested in helping fund this important film project, please contact

VIDEO: The Muhammad Code

Prolific author, Howard Bloom has written a masterful, scholarly, yet readable book about the leader of all Muslims, the one they call, Prophet Muhammad. In his book, “The Muhammad Code,”
Bloom unlocks the key to why Muslims hate Jews and Christians and other non-Muslims and why Islam is in a perpetual state of war to establish a global leader, the Caliph, to bring in world domination by Islam. Bloom, a writer trained in the sciences, pulls no punches as he simply explains Islamic doctrine as taught by Muhammad and subsequent Muslim leaders.

This book is a must-read for anyone who wants a clear, dispassionate analysis of the leader of a movement that has become the greatest threat to global peace and security.

Stay tuned for more episodes with Howard Bloom and a deeper look at some of his shocking findings.

TheMuhammadCode-cover-15NOV2016-768x1152ABOUT THE MUHAMMAD CODE

The Muhammad Code is based entirely on Islamic sources: the Quran, the Hadith, Ibn Ishaq, al Tabari, and lives of Muhammad written for Moslem eyes only by Islamic religious leaders, Islamic scholars, and Islamic journalists. The Muhammad Code tells one of the most important and riveting stories in history. The hidden story behind the headlines from shock-spots in Asia, Africa, Europe, Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, and Pakistan. And the inner secrets of the mosque down the street.

If you are a Moslem and you want to be righteous, just, and pure, you are required to follow in the footsteps of Muhammad. What kind of footsteps did Muhammad leave you? His example as the commander of 65 military campaigns. His example as a participant in 27 of those battles. His example as the architect of ethnic expulsions and genocides.

Explains Osama bin Laden, Muhammad was “a Prophet of Conquest.” And Pakistan’s Universal Sunnah Foundation agrees. It says proudly that under Muhammad’s generalship, “Islam spread on an average of 822 square kilometres per day.” Behind that conquest is an astonishing story. The story of Muhammad’s life as a militant. The story of Muhammad’s two favorite tools of war, “deceit” (deception) and “terror.” The story that led to the assembly of the biggest empire in human history…an empire eleven times the size of the conquests of Alexander the Great, five times the size of the Roman Empire, and seven times the size of the United States.

The Muhammad Code is the story of how Muhammad laid out a simple goal–seizing the entire world. A goal so dependent on violence that one of Muhammad’s leading modern interpreters, Islamic Revolutionary Iran’s founding father, the Ayatollah Khomeini, says proudly that “Islam has obliterated many tribes.” The Muhammad Code tells a story unknown in the West, the story that led the Ayatollah to declare that, “Moslems have no alternative… to an armed holy war Inflatable Tropical Island Bouncer wholesale. …Holy war means the conquest of all non Moslem territories. …It will …be the duty of every able-bodied adult male to volunteer for this war of conquest, the final aim of which is to put Koranic law in power from one end of the earth to the other.”

If you want to know the story of Muhammad’s ten years as a militant, read The Muhammad Code. It is more than just amazing. It is a story whose aftershocks are quaking your life.

EDITORS NOTE: Readers who wish to learn more about Howard Bloom may visit his web site:

VIDEO: Why the Liberty Movement in Europe Is Rocking So Hard by Jeffrey A. Tucker

I was truly startled by the energy, enthusiasm, intelligence, and passion of the people who attended LibertyCon – sponsored by the European Students for Liberty – in Prague this year. I was honored to be a speaker, but especially excited to have my first exposure to a remarkable movement taking shape in Europe, one that is wholly dedicated to realizing liberty as the key to the future.

It was liberty that built Europe and liberty that will save it from the authoritarians who are grasping to control its political and economic future.  I saw among those one thousand attendees a strong reason for hope.

The City

It was my first visit to Prague, so please forgive my wild infatuation with this city. It is one of the great cities on the continent and mercifully untouched by war. Its roads and streets are as complex as anything I’ve encountered outside of Rome: circuitous, irrational, narrow, and paved with bumpy cobblestones guaranteed to make a mess of any dress shoe.

And everywhere you look, you see beauty of a very special sort. You look at 500 years of achievement in building civilization, and you see the integration between the past, present, and future. It is true across all the arts, from the music (here is a solid example of 16th century polyphony from Prague) to the architecture.

The entire city is a reminder of what freedom makes possible, a society in which the sacrifices and deeds of one generation are enjoyed by the next, so that every new generation enjoins a kind of benefaction from those who came before.

Oddly, this is a rare sight in today’s world. War, central planning, depression, and political upheaval have created terrible scars in the historical narrative, so the continuity that should be part of the human experience over time goes missing. This has been true in Atlanta, for example: a glorious modern city that has continually had its past erased by fire, political experimentation, and demographic upheaval. This is true in a place like Rome too, where the past is preserved but the present is strangely absent because of controls and restrictive planning.

But in Prague, you see it. You see the story of the growth of modernity in the buildings, bridges, churches, castles. You see a clock on a building and, if you know the history of technology, you can isolate within 50 years when it was constructed. But not far away is a glorious new piece of art that reflects the style of our times. There is nothing discordant about it. One style is not an attack on the other. Nothing is repudiated. Everything is a lovely expression of the style of its time. The present is not at war with the past.

And this is rather remarkable given the history of communism in Prague. In 1938, the city was occupied by German armies, leading finally to the famous Prague Uprising. It was never bombed from the air during the war, never became fodder like so many European cities. The Soviets moved into a liberated Prague and de-liberated it for the remainder of the Cold War. But the tyranny was limited due to the Prague Spring and the bravery that stopped the imposition of Stalinist rule in 1968. This became a foreshadowing of the best of all the revolutions of 1989: the Velvet Revolution that brought market reforms and new freedom. The liberalization did not go far enough (education and healthcare remained in state hands), but the city flourished anew.

The scars of the period are not physical, but perhaps they are cultural (as my Czech friends tell me). As a result, the city remains an inspiring tribute to the freedom, peace, and beauty that is possible in this world. Does it have a bright future? Like every other city in Europe, it is threatened by reactionary political movements of the left and right, people and interests who do not believe in freedom. It is these which the liberty movement has arisen in Europe to oppose, and also add an inspiring vision of what is possible with a new commitment to liberalism in economics, politics, and culture.Sidenote on McDonald’s

Of course my guides showed me the McDonald’s in Prague, the first one that opened after 1989. I was duly impressed, but my guide wanted me to understand the bigger significance:

“When those golden arches appeared in Prague, it was a huge cultural moment. It was an indication that the emergent Czech Republic would be part of the civilized world of commercial cities. It had a future and that future was about capitalism, which means service to the people. This is not just an ordinary restaurant. It was and is a symbol of hope.”

Intellectual Sophistication

The students and activists are dedicated readers, and very serious about ideas. The European liberty movement admires the size and scale of the institutions built by their American counterparts, but Europe has its own unique strengths. What I found here is a notable intellectual sophistication. They are also serious about their commitment to liberty – and not easily tricked by leftist and rightist movements competing for their affections.The young people at this conference have parents and grandparents who remember socialism in their lifetimes. This memory has informed their self identity and emboldened their commitment to a free Europe. Every country has its own activists, study groups, fledgling organization, businesses, and specializations. LibertyCon, an annual gathering, serves as a kind of organizing tool for education, socializing, and networking. And given the dearth of opportunities in Europe, the students cling to this event, and draw energy from meeting and socializing with their compatriots from their own country and many other countries.

There is huge diversity here, but a unity on principle. In my talk, I went to great lengths to trace two strands of anti-libertarian thought alive in the current political environment. I offered my opinion that there is not much future to the social-democratic project of the postwar world. Its ethics are at war with its economics, and its political vision increasingly at odds with the values of the people they seek to serve. A bird’s eye view of their historical prospects reveals a long decline in their influence over the future of Europe.

If that is true, what is next? There are new nationalist (nativist, protectionist, and racist) movements seeking to capture the institutions built by the social democrats. What they offer is not freedom but another central plan, based on dreams of demographically homogeneous populations feeding off large welfare states ruled by a leadership principle. This is not an alternative to social democracy but another menace to freedom. It is up to the libertarians to understand this and reveal it to others, as well as provide an alternative vision of the future.

Another Example

What I appreciate so much about the European movement is just how earnest it is. Let me give the example of Paralelní Polis. It is a beautiful space in Prague that was formed as a venture inspired by the rise of distributed networks and cryptographic currencies. The founders saw in these technologies the possibility of self managing communities, so they did something remarkable: they set one up!The building is now home to the Institute of Cryptoanarchy, a workspace, and 3D printing center that serves coffee and beer in exchange for Bitcoin (and the BTC ATM is right there on the premises). They sponsor lectures, display art, and generally serve as an intellectual font for the movement. The culture of this one space is so exciting that people want to be there. Even on the Sunday I visited, the place was teeming with activity. And I was delighted to use Bitcoin to pay for my coffee.

This is only one example of thousands of charisms that exist within the European liberty movement. Every country has its own iteration and own particular focus, whether in Romania, Israel, Italy, Spain, or the Netherlands. As I heard about the books, the seminars, the salons, the meetups, the conferences, and the institutions being formed, I was truly in awe. And their humility regarding the whole thing was notable in both a good and bad way. They could afford to be more openly proud of what they are building despite all odds.

The Europeans and their Future

It is true that authentic liberalism is embattled in Europe: neglected in academia, ignored by the press, and marginalized in politics. What this means for anyone who so self-identifies is a necessary toughness of mind and a determination to proceed ever more boldly despite facing such grim odds. It is this very toughness and determination that is their biggest asset. They truly believe. That is the first condition for building a successful future.My only concern is this. I get the sense that European libertarians underestimate the strength and power of their own movement. They do this because they imagine that they are small and lacking in influence. But that will change as passions intensify and history calls forth their voices in public life. They must redouble their efforts with full knowledge that the future is winnable by ideas pushed by people who believe in the rightness of their cause.

Liberty is the cornerstone of European civilization. There is no substitute. No bureaucracy, no leadership, no new plan rooted in collectivist notions can achieve the flourishing of life that everyone is seeking.

Liberty is the answer. It has fallen to this remarkable group of young men and women I met in Prague this past week to show the way.

Real skills for professional success from successful entrepreneurs. Learn more at

Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey A. Tucker

Jeffrey Tucker is Director of Content for the Foundation for Economic Education. He is also Chief Liberty Officer and founder of, Distinguished Honorary Member of Mises Brazil, research fellow at the Acton Institute, policy adviser of the Heartland Institute, founder of the CryptoCurrency Conference, member of the editorial board of the Molinari Review, an advisor to the blockchain application builder Factom, and author of five books. He has written 150 introductions to books and many thousands of articles appearing in the scholarly and popular press.

Video: Why the blocks on Trump’s immigration ban are illegitimate

This morning I spoke at the Young America’s Foundation conference at the Reagan Ranch Center in Santa Barbara, California on Trump’s immigration ban and why the judicial blocks on it are illegitimate.


Paris airport jihadi had Qur’an, screamed “I’m here to die for Allah, there will be deaths”

Erdogan: EU ruling on headscarf bans starts “clash between Islam and Christianity”

VIDEO REPORT: Documents Show Obama Surveilled Entire Trump Family For 8 Years

The Alex Jones Channel reports, “A new release of documents now shows that Donald Trump was completely correct about him being surveilled by Barack Obama.”


NSA Documents Prove Government Spying on Trump and Trump Tower for Years

Comey confirms FBI is probing links between Team Trump and Russia

FBI director: ‘No information’ to support Trump wiretapping claims

Suspense builds over FBI director hearing

Trump Provides Teachable Moments for Liberals

EDITORS NOTE: Please help us spread the word about the liberty movement, we’re reaching millions help us reach millions more. Share the free live video feed link with your friends & family:

VIDEO: President Trump must direct an Investigation into the shoot down of Extortion 17

Ninety-six days after the death of Osama bin Laden by SEAL Team Six, an old Vietnam era Army Reserve helicopter, call sign “Extortion 17,” was shot down in the Wardak Province, Tangi River Valley, Afghanistan on Aug 6, 2011. On board the Chinook CH-47D were 15 members of SEAL Team Six, 15 SEAL Team Six Support personnel, 1 Bomb Dog, 7 unidentified members of the Afghan National Army, and 1 unidentified Afghani interpreter.

died on extortion 17

The fallen heroes on Extortion 17

Currently, all autopsy reports are being held and sealed by the U.S. military. Three autopsies have been acquired by our private investigators revealing that there were bullets found in the bodies of one U.S. Navy Seal Team Six member and one U.S. Special Operations Support serviceman. The Autopsy reports list these deaths as homicides.

Two of the autopsy reports state the bullets, “recovered at autopsy were not retained because they are of no evidentiary value” and the bullets were subsequently thrown away.

How did America’s most elite warriors truly die?

To learn more about events surrounding the shoot down of Extortion 17 please click here.

RELATED VIDEO: Ninty-six days after the death of Osama bin Laden by SEAL Team Six, an old Vietnam era Army Reserve helicopter, call sign “Extortion 17,” was shot down in the Wardak Province, Tangi River Valley, Afghanistan on Aug 6, 2011. On board the Chinook CH-47D were 15 members of SEAL Team Six, 15 SEAL Team Six Support personnel, 1 Bomb Dog, 7 unidentified members of the Afghan National Army, and 1 unidentified Afghani interpreter.

Currently, all autopsy reports are being held and sealed by the US military. Three autopsies have been acquired by our private investigators revealing that there were bullets found in the bodies of one US Navy Seal Team Six member and one US Special Operations Support serviceman. The Autopsy reports list these deaths as homicides. Two of the autopsy reports state the bullets, “recovered at autopsy were not retained because they are of no evidentiary value” and the bullets were subsequently thrown away. How did America’s most elite warriors truly die.

Song ‘I’ve Got Friends in Safe Spaces’ for Snowflake Millennials on College Campuses

wicked-groundsIt only took a while for two real men to do a parody of those who seek comfort in “safe spaces” whether it be on a college or university campus or perhaps in your local Starbucks or Wicked Grounds coffee shop. Steve McGrew and Chad Prather, using the music Darth Brooks’ “I’ve Got Friends in Low Places” melody redid as “I’ve Got Friends in Safe Spaces.”

A Los Angeles Times Op-Ed “Campuses are breaking apart into ‘safe spaces’” notes:

The meaning of a “safe space” has shifted dramatically on college campuses. Until about two years ago, a safe space referred to a room where people — often gay and transgender students — could discuss problems they shared in a forum where they were sheltered from epithets and other attacks.

[ … ]

Safe space activism stems primarily from the separatist impulses associated with the politics of identity, already rampant on campus.

[ … ]

In 2015 and 2016, students of color at many colleges called for segregated safe spaces.

[ … ]

It seems the cultivation of identity has encouraged such a psychic and emotional distance between people that some prefer to stay in their bubble everywhere they go.

[ … ]

Encouraging students to engage with the unfamiliar and account for their ideas used to be one of attributes of a vibrant academic institution. Today’s university managers, however, are more likely to be complicit in relieving students of the uncomfortable burden of “being interrogated.”

[ … ]

There are worrying signs that future undergraduates will be even more disposed to embrace such self-segregation than their predecessors. The campaign for establishing a Queer Housing Program at Haverford College expresses the spirit of the times. [Emphasis added]

Read more…

The LA Times op-ed concludes with this statement, “The popularity of identity politics among insecure millennials threatens to fracture campus life to the point that undergraduates are inhabiting separate spaces and leading parallel lives.”

Now I don’t know about you but safe spaces have become the pacifier for sissies, don’t you think?

WARNING: If you’re a liberal, listening to this music may trigger you to run, don’t walk, to your safe spaces. 


By Steve McGrew and Chad Prather

Blame it all on our roots we never wore boots
and never once played in the street
We feel very bitter
get our news off of Twitter
And we just can’t handle defeat

You saw the surprise and the fear in our eyes
When Donald became president
Screamed this can’t be true
Americas through
And to the safe spaces we went

I’ve got friends in Safe Spaces
And If you don’t go with us
Then you must be racist
That is our catch phrase
Where is my latte

Come on in and let’s get cozy
Showing off participation trophies
Watching CNN
In Safe Spaces

Well we all get along
And sing happy songs
And watch movies by Michael Moore
We hate the alt right
We’ve got puppies on site
And we lay around on the floor

Oh there’s coloring books
And sad long faced looks
And tears just explode from our face
But give us an hour we’re delicate flowers
We just need an embrace…..

Oh I’ve got friends in Safe Spaces
If you don’t go with us
Then you must be racist
That is our catch phrase
Where is my latte

Come on in and let’s get cozy
Showing off participation trophies
Watching CNN
In Safe Spaces

RELATED ARTICLE: Loyola Has Safe Space For Self-Identified White Students | The Daily Caller