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316 search results for: taxation


CLICHES OF PROGRESSIVISM #15 – We Are Destroying the Earth and Government Must Do Something by Sandy Ikeda

People often complain that mankind is destroying the earth: that insatiable consumption and relentless production have laid waste to irreplaceable swaths of our planet, and that these activities have to stop or someday it will all be gone. Which raises the question: What does it means to “destroy” something? When you burn a log, the […]


Fraud in the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity

According to Jesse Panuccio, Executive Director of the Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO), “A core principle of the state’s economic development incentive program is that businesses are paid based on verified performance, meaning no tax dollars are paid until job creation or capital investment numbers are audited and confirmed to protect taxpayer investment.” Since 2011 Department of Economic […]


In 1776 American Colonists Told the British “To Pound Sand” — Happy 4th of July!

Today America celebrates her 238th birthday. On July 4, 1776, the Second Continental Congress adopted the Declaration of Independence whose 56 signers were not professional politicians but ordinary citizens of the day. Yes, these were simple people including farmers, business owners, lawyers, ministers and physicians and what today we would call grassroots leaders. People like you and […]


Tax Flight

When federal and state taxes are accounted for, The United States has the highest corporate tax rate in the world. When it comes to the top marginal rates—including state taxes—of individual earners, many Americans are seeing more than half their income simply taken away. It’s no surprise, then, that some of the most productive citizens are leaving for […]


A Major FairTax® Win In Florida!

“Every day you may make progress. Every step may be fruitful. Yet there will stretch out before you an ever-lengthening, ever-ascending, ever-improving path.” – Winston Churchill Noted business author Tom Peters says, “Celebrate what you want to see more of.” This week we celebrate a major FairTax® achievement in Florida, and this is definitely something […]


CLICHES OF PROGRESSIVISM #5 – Warren Buffett’s Federal Tax Rate Is Less than His Secretary’s

The Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) is proud to partner with Young America’s Foundation (YAF) to produce “Clichés of Progressivism,” a series of insightful commentaries covering topics of free enterprise, income inequality, and limited government. Our society is inundated with half-truths and misconceptions about the economy in general and free enterprise in particular. The “Clichés of Progressivism” series […]


Florida’s In-State Tuition for Illegal Aliens Violates Federal Law

While I am a strong believer in states rights under the 10th Amendment, I also believe that states should follow existing federal laws. Following and enforcing immigration laws, for example, has been the rallying cry for Republicans and some Democrats. If Florida is harmed by  an immigration law then Governor Scott should work with the […]


So What if Cliven Bundy is a “Racist”?

For the record, I don’t believe Cliven Bundy is a “racist.” For the record, I don’t even care. Such indifference to that damnable failing, that thing we all know is the worst thing one can be, must make me a damnable man. But I am flexible. I just want equality. I’m perfectly willing to demonize […]


Florida’s School Board Treachery! Part 1

It is becoming increasingly clear that the only preservation for the children of Florida and their futures is to change how things are done in Florida. We must return the position of Commissioner of Education to an elected position; change the positions on the State School Board to an elected position or both. The cronyism […]


The Progressive Income Tax: Backed by the envious, used by the greedy by DOUG BANDOW

Most Americans dislike the income tax, now more than a century old. The rates are too high. The provisions are unfair. The recordkeeping is onerous. The revenues are wasted. Other than that, Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play? But there are fans. The politicians, certainly, of both parties. What good would it do to serve […]


Free the Poor: Does economic freedom alleviate poverty? by Julian Adorney

2014 marks the 50th anniversary of the War on Poverty, and many claim that President Johnson’s program has lifted millions out of poverty.  But if we really want to help the poor, research suggests that economic freedom does more than government aid. Economic Freedom Within the United States In “A Dynamic Analysis of Economic Freedom and Income Inequality […]


TAX DAY APRIL 15, 2014: We Will Not Yield

My father was a federal civilian employee who voraciously adhered to his responsibilities under the federal Hatch Act. At that time, the Hatch Act prohibited federal employees from any partisan political activity, and violation penalties were severe including possible termination of employment. In 1981, I became a federal employee and like my father before me, there […]


Selling Envy: How governments promote the worst in us to redistribute wealth by TERREE P. SUMMER

The current fuss over inequality has a classic feel to it. For one thing, it’s one of the oldest plays in the Progressive playbook. But it’s a well-established maneuver for governments everywhere. The idea is to appeal to the age-old feelings of envy and guilt that arise in virtually every person: Why should some have […]