Tag Archive for: Klaus Schwab

Klaus Schwab tells globalist-elitist followers they must ‘force’ humanity into a world ruled by AI and other dehumanizing technologies

Schwab’s blunt language shows globalists are no longer hiding their agenda, if only people would listen and take them seriously. But they know most are zombies no longer able to think for themselves.

World Economic Forum founder and director Klaus Schwab, speaking at the WEF’s recently concluded summer meeting in China, has informed his elitist followers that ushering in the globalist agenda will require humanity to be “forced” into a “collaboration” with the unelected organization. And the time for forced collaboration has now arrived.

Schwab made the declaration during his opening remarks at the WEF’s Annual Meeting of the New Champions, also known as the “Summer Davos,” in Dalian, China.

He praised China for its economic policies, which are seen by the globalists as the model of top-down centralized planning in a high-tech surveillance state run through smart cities, smart EVs, smart homes, smart appliances, smart meters, and AI, digital IDs and CBDCs, all of which hold one thing in common — they come with on-off switches not under the control of the end user, which is we the people. In their ideal world, we live as slaves at the privilege of our masters. We get out of line, they can cut off our electric power, our electric car, our electronic digital money, everything.

Schwab told the elitist participants gathered in China that they must “force” humanity into a “collaboration” with the unelected WEF. This is why Schwab told his globalist comrades at a previous meeting over two years ago to expect an “angrier world.” When you force people to live in ways that controvert their best interests, it tends to make them angry! They know their policies related to a green economy, perpetual wars and severe restrictions on food production will be extremely unpopular and cause civil wars on top of the world war they already have planned.

Schwab stated:

“To drive future economic growth we must embrace innovation and force the collaboration across sectors, regions, nations, and cultures to create a more peaceful, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient future. At this critical juncture the active participation of all stakeholders is essential to ensure a sustainable development path.”

Of course the biggest stakeholders of all, those paying taxes to fund governments, have no seat at the table in Schwab’s elitist meetings. And that’s by design. We are seen by these globalist predators as useless eaters, part of a herd that needs to be culled in order to preserve global resources for themselves. Speaking like a true Malthusian, Schwab said “we must force humanity into collaboration” with the WEF schemes to depopulate the planet under the guise of climate change.

Watch the video clip where Schwab touts the so-called “Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies” such as artificial intelligence. This is why they don’t need as many of us on the planet as in the past. AI will perform most of the tasks for the elites. They don’t need as many human slaves.

Later in his speech, Schwab returned to the topic of the Fourth Industrial Revolution while doubling down on the theme of this year’s meeting, stating that there are “limits to growth.” In globalist-speak, “limits to growth” is code for “activate depopulation agenda.”

Limits to Growth is the title of a key globalist tome published by the Club of Rome in 1972. One of the co-authors, Dennis Meadows, said six years ago in an interview that the world’s population must be reduced from the current 8 billion down to 1 or 2 billion. Meadows said he hopes this massive depopulation could be done in a “peaceful way.”

Notice, Meadows says he would like to see a “smart dictatorship” brought upon the earth. This is the global technocracy in which people’s lives are ruled by scientists, engineers and other “experts.” Politicians, if they even exist under this vision, will be figureheads only. We already see that happening. Does anyone think Joe Biden is actually in charge of anything?

And yet, this is the man we are told we elected to represent us in 2020. Anyone who believes Biden is making his own decisions, or has made any important decisions from day one, is fundamentally gullible and deceived. He is a Manchurian candidate and has been from day one, and because he has become senile to the point where his globalist handlers are no longer able to hide it, they are ready to replace him with a new puppet. The new puppet will look prettier and speak smoother, but he/she will no more be in charge of his or her actions as president than Biden has been.

©2024. Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.

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WEF’er Klaus Schwab Pronounces ‘New Dawn” of Human Civilization Based on Technology and Transhumanism

Speaking Monday at the World Governments Summit in Dubai, the founder and executive director of the World Economic Forum, Klaus Schwab, said humankind is “transitioning” into “The Intelligent Age” powered by technologies springing forth from a Fourth Industrial Revolution.

This was the same summit addressed earlier in the day by Tucker Carlson, who calling out the transhumanists who “think they are God” and are using technology in a vain effort to “improve the human condition.”

On the same day, one of the world’s most prominent transhumanists, Klaus Schwab, commanded center stage and gave a very different view of the world from that envisioned by Carlson.

Schwab described a chilling vision of the near future in which he said human beings must prepare to have their physical, biological and digital identities integrated into one “fusion.”

Schwab said this revolution in technology will power a global transition of humankind into a new era that he called The Intelligent Age, in which “humankind will enjoy many more opportunities and possibilities” to become god-like.

This includes features like linking your brain to the internet and wearing virtual-reality goggles on your face that will ultimately rewire your brain and be unable to tell the difference between reality and fantasy (not to mention make you look like an idiot).

Schwab says a new type of human will exist in this new era. It’s a “transition of humankind,” he said, a choice of words that was not coincidental. He used the word “transition” five times in a span of less than a minute.

What he’s talking about here is the use of machine learning and AI to create a population of hybrid beings. These hybrids who exploit the “opportunities and possibilities” offered by technology to evolve into a whole new species. They will “transition” from humans into transhumans, bearing some of the hallmarks of the previous species but incorporating new characteristics powered by artificial intelligence.

Those who refuse to take advantage of these new “opportunities” will be left behind, unable to qualify for the best jobs and educational opportunities. You can already see that coming. AI will replace 60 percent of the jobs over the next 10 to 20 years, and those who refuse to become transhuman will be the first ones eliminated from the work force.

Eventually, you will also see purges from the upper ranks of the social strata, the so-called elites.

We already are experiencing an increasingly bifurcated society, with a wider distance between the haves and the have nots. The takeover by AI will exacerbate this process. The generation now on the Earth may be the last one to grow up remembering what it was like to actually be human. Young children currently under the age of 8 or 9 will not remember the human experience unless they are raised by parents who guard them from this pernicious drive to automate humanity and make people into soulless cyborgs — having access to more information than ever but unable to separate truth from fiction, love from hate, feelings from facts.

Schwab demonstrated how this works as he has already gone down this path, submitting to what he considers a higher power. He sacrifices his own free will to the will of his god, which is AI.

Schwab said he arrived at this conclusions about the Fourth Industrial Revolution not by researching and studying and then using his own ability to reason. No, he consulted ChatGPT.

“I had about 20 pages of text, and I asked ChatGPT, ‘Summarize the text, and tell me now, based on our discussion, how will the new era – the intelligent era – will look like,” he said.

So, instead of going to God the Father and consulting Him about our “deepest needs and aspirations” as human beings, we should go to AI for such answers. And by doing this, Schwab promises the creation of a “new dawn of human civilization” without God. Isn’t this the Tower of Babel all over again?

Copyright 2024. Leo Hohmann. All rights reserved.

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Will ESG Reform Capitalism—or Destroy It?

What “stakeholder capitalism” really means for the world.

Stakeholder capitalism has taken the global economy by storm in recent years. Its champions proclaim that it will save—and remake—the world. Will it live up to its hype or will it destroy capitalism in the name of reforming it?

Proponents pitch stakeholder capitalism as an antidote to the excesses of “shareholder capitalism,” which they condemn as too narrowly focused on maximizing profits (especially short-term profits) for corporate shareholders. This, they argue, is socially irresponsible and destructive, because it disregards the interests of other stakeholders, including customers, suppliers, employees, local communities, and society in general.

Stakeholder capitalism is ostensibly about incentivizing business leaders to take these wider considerations into account and thus make more “sustainable” decisions. This, it is argued, is also better in the long run for businesses’ bottom lines.

Today’s dominant strain of stakeholder capitalism is the doctrine known as ESG, which stands for “environmental, social, and corporate governance.” The label was coined in the 2004 report of Who Cares Wins, a joint initiative of elite financial institutions invited by the United Nations “to develop guidelines and recommendations on how to better integrate environmental, social and corporate governance issues in asset management, securities brokerage services and associated research functions.”

Who Cares Wins operated under the auspices of the UN’s Global Compact, which, as the report states, “is a corporate responsibility initiative launched by Secretary-General Kofi Annan in 2000 with the primary goal of implementing universal principles in business.”

Much progress has been made toward that goal. Since 2004, ESG has evolved from “guidelines and recommendations” to explicit standards that hold sway over huge swaths of the global economy.

These standards are set by ESG rating agencies like the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) and enforced by investment firms that manage ESG funds. One such firm is Blackrock, whose CEO Larry Fink is a leading champion of both ESG and SASB.

In December, Reuters published a report titled “How 2021 became the year of ESG investing” which stated that, “ESG funds now account for 10% of worldwide fund assets.”

And in April, Bloomberg reported that ESG, “by some estimates represents more than $40 trillion in assets. According to Morningstar, genuine ESG funds held about $2.7 trillion in managed assets at the end of the fourth quarter.”

To access any of that capital, it is no longer enough for a business to offer a good return on investment. It must also report “environmental” and “social” metrics that meet ESG standards.

Is that a welcome development? Will the general public as non-owning “stakeholders” of these businesses be better off thanks to the implementation of ESG standards? Is stakeholder capitalism beginning to reform shareholder capitalism by widening its perspective and curing it of its narrow-minded fixation on profit uber alles?

To answer that, some clarification is in order. First of all, “shareholder capitalism” is a misleading term for laissez faire capitalism. It is true that, as Milton Friedman wrote in his 1970 critique of the “social responsibility of business” rhetoric of the time:

“In a free‐enterprise, private‐property system, a corporate executive is an employee of the owners of the business. He has direct responsibility to his employers. That responsibility is to conduct the business in accordance with their desires, which generally will be to make as much money as possible while conforming to the basic rules of the society, both those embodied in law and those embodied in ethical custom.”

Since the owners of a publicly traded corporation are its shareholders, it is true that they are and ought to be the “bosses” of a corporation’s employees—including its management. It is also true that corporate executives properly have a fiduciary responsibility to maximize profits for their shareholders.

But that does not mean that shareholders reign supreme under capitalism. As the great economist Ludwig von Mises explained in his book Human Action:

“The direction of all economic affairs is in the market society a task of the entrepreneurs [which, according to Mises’s technical definition includes shareholding investors]. Theirs is the control of production. They are at the helm and steer the ship. A superficial observer would believe that they are supreme. But they are not. They are bound to obey unconditionally the captain’s orders. The captain is the consumer.”

The “sovereign consumers,” as Mises calls them, issue their orders through “their buying and their abstention from buying.” Those orders are transmitted throughout the entire economy via the price system. Entrepreneurs and investors who correctly anticipate those orders and direct production accordingly are rewarded with profits. But if one, as Mises says, “does not strictly obey the orders of the public as they are conveyed to him by the structure of market prices, he suffers losses, he goes bankrupt, and is thus removed from his eminent position at the helm. Other men who did better in satisfying the demand of the consumers replace him.”

Under laissez faire capitalism, consumers, not shareholders, are the principal stakeholders whose preferences reign supreme. And shareholder profit is a measure of—and motivating reward for—success “in adjusting the course of production activities to the most urgent demand of the consumers,” as Mises wrote in his paper “Profit and Loss.”

This is highly relevant to the “stakeholder capitalism” discussion, because it means that, to the extent that the profit-and-loss metric is discounted for the sake of competing objectives (like serving other “stakeholders,” the sovereign consumers are dethroned, disregarded, and relatively impoverished.

Now it’s at least conceivable that ESG standards are not competing, but rather complementary to the profit-and-loss metric and thus serving consumers. In fact, that’s a big part of the ESG sales pitch: that corporations who adopt and adhere to ESG standards will enjoy higher long-term profits, because breaking free of their fixation on short-term shareholder returns will enable them to embrace more “sustainable” business practices.

In a free market, whether that promise would be fulfilled or not would be for the sovereign consumers to decide, and ESG would rise or fall on its own merits.

Unfortunately, our market economy is far from free. The State has rigged capital markets for the benefit of its elite lackeys in the financial industry: like the “Who Cares Wins” fat cats who started the ESG ball rolling in 2004 under the auspices of the United Nations.

One of the prime ways the State rigs markets is through central bank policy.

The prodigious amount of newly created money that the Federal Reserve and other central banks have pumped into financial institutions in recent years has transferred vast amounts of real wealth to those institutions from the general public. As a result, those institutions—big banks and investment companies—are now much more beholden to the State and much less beholden to consumers for their wealth.

As they say, “he who pays the piper calls the tune.” So it’s no surprise that these institutions are stumbling over themselves to get on board the State’s ESG bandwagon.

And that means that non-financial corporations also have to get with the ESG program if they want access to the Fed’s money tap and thus to capital. Especially as the average consumer becomes increasingly impoverished by disastrous economic policies, the incentive for corporations to earn market profit by pleasing consumers is being progressively superseded by the incentive to gain access to the Fed’s flow of loot by meeting the State’s “social” standards.

By increasingly controlling capital flows, the State is gaining ever more control over the entire economy.

This may explain the recent willingness of so many corporations to alienate customers and sacrifice profits on the altar of “green” and “woke” politics.

It is no coincidence that Klaus Schaub, the preeminent champion of the “Great Reset” also co-authored a book titled Stakeholder Capitalism. The upshot of stakeholder capitalism is that the State supplants the consumer as the supreme stakeholder in the economy. The sick joke of stakeholder capitalism is that it “reforms” capitalism by transforming it into a form of socialism.


Dan Sanchez

Dan Sanchez is the Director of Content at the Foundation for Economic Education (FEE) and the editor-in chief of FEE.org.

EDITORS NOTE: This FEE column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

‘Could this be the year Europe dies’ as economic conditions drive a billion Africans North?

Klaus Schwab the founder of the World Economic Forum convening in Davos, Switzerland this week has a very scary prediction for the future of Europe.

Learn more here at American Resistance 2016!

See our complete ‘Invasion of Europe’ archive by clicking here.


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