Tag Archive for: US State Department

After Gaslighting Us About ‘White Supremacist Terror,’ Biden’s Handlers Admit Jihad Still a ‘Pervasive Threat’

My latest in PJ Media:

We all know that “white supremacists” are the biggest terror threat the nation faces today; we know this because Joe Biden’s handlers keep insisting it is so. Last May, Gestapo chief Merrick Garland insisted that violence by white supremacists constituted “the most dangerous threat to our democracy.” Yahoo News noted that this claim “reflects near-universal consensus among national security experts, including those who worked for the Trump administration.”

Then in November, FBI and Homeland Security Department officials reiterated the assertion that “white supremacists” and other “domestic extremists” constitute the foremost terror threat the nation faces. The only thing lacking in this scenario is actual white supremacist terrorists, and even Biden’s handlers appear to be feeling the pinch; on Thursday the State Department actually admitted that jihad terrorists, which they have hitherto ignored, are still “a persistent and pervasive threat worldwide.”

This is a sharp departure from the Biden gang’s previous line. It was only six weeks ago that, according to the UK’s Independent, the feds “once again warned members of Congress that white supremacists and other domestic extremists pose as great a threat to the US as Islamic State militants, a familiar warning to lawmakers after repeated advisories have pointed to the rise of racist violence and conspiracy theories that have proliferated online.”

But on Thursday, the State Department stated in a report that after the Islamic State (ISIS) lost its territory in Iraq and Syria, the jihad terror group “and its branches continued to mount a worldwide terrorism campaign, carrying out deadly attacks globally.” This jihad activity continued despite the fact that “the United States and its partners made significant major strides against terrorist organizations.” In this, the report was actually referring to advances that the Trump administration made against the forces of the global jihad through 2020, the report concluded about Western anti-terrorism efforts through the end of 2020, without calling attention to the fact that the Biden State Department was actually praising Trump-era counterterror efforts.

However, the report continued, the jihad isn’t over: “the terrorism threat has become more geographically dispersed in regions around the world.” ISIS and al-Qaeda have “continued to exploit under-governed spaces, conflict zones, and security gaps in the Middle East to acquire terrorist resources and conduct terrorist attacks.” Meanwhile al-Qaeda “bolstered its presence abroad, particularly in the Middle East and Africa, where affiliates AQAP, al-Shabab in the Horn of Africa, and Jama’at Nasr al-Islam wal Muslimin in the Sahel remain among the most active and dangerous terrorist groups in the world.” And on the Shi’ite side of the fence, “Iran continued to support acts of terrorism regionally and globally during 2020. Regionally, Iran supported proxies and partner groups in Bahrain, Iraq, Lebanon, Syria, and Yemen, including Hezbollah and Hamas.”

There is more. Read the rest here.

RELATED VIDEO: Ilhan Omar’s Islamophobia Bill: This Week in Jihad with Robert Spencer and David Wood


Michigan: Federal judge denies Islamic State jihadi’s request to suppress texts and statements he made to feds

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Austria: Muslim migrant ‘morals police’ beat women and children for violating Islamic law, send them to hospital

Why Iran Bans Dogs

EDITORS NOTE: This Jihad Watch column is republished with permission. ©All rights reserved.

Soros funded organization seeding Montana with Muslim migrants — U.S. Department of State approves

The Mayor, city council and county commissioners of Missoula County Montana have given their blessing to the New York City-based International Rescue Committee headed by former British Foreign Secretary and globalist David Miliband(good friend of both George Soros and Hillary Clinton) to begin the colonization of Montana with third world refugees from the Middle East, Africa and Asia beginning in Missoula.

David Miliband and Soros

IRC Director Brit David Miliband presenting George Soros the IRC’s highest honor—Freedom Award—in 2013

I have so much to say, where to begin?  First, if you are a new reader, see all of my previous posts on Montana by clicking here. Remember the driver for these new offices (this article says Tallahassee, FL just got a new office) is that Obama has upped the number of refugees to be resettled this year from the recent 70,000 a year to 85,000 for FY2016 (runs from Oct. 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016) and frankly they are running out of ‘capacity’ in existing resettlement cities.

Cities are overloaded and experiencing problems with such things as inadequate housing and not enough jobs for refugees.  Tensions are building in overloaded cities and they are looking to get a foothold into fresh territory.

So, since we learn in this article that the approval for the resettlement was granted for this fiscal year, it should happen quickly, AND it also means that the International Rescue Committee (IRC) has already sent a R & P Abstract to the U.S. State Department.

The Abstract is the document that is supposed to have been created with consultation with local elected officials.  Did that happen?

Where is the plan?

First thing I would ask is for the Mayor/city council/commissioners to release to the public the R & P Abstract.

See what one looks like by clicking here.  You are entitled to this document no matter what they say!

Wiser mayors, like the one (a Democrat!) in Athens, GA, demanded that the IRC present a plan (to the public) that described the housing availability situation in the city, how many children would be added to the school system, was there an adequate public healthcare system available, and where would they work.  She wanted a “formal refugee integration plan.”  The IRC and the State Department refused to provide a plan and last I checked they had reached a stalemate (could have been resolved by now, that was in 2014).

And, one more thing before this latest news from Montana, be sure to see my “Ten things your town needs to know”when a resettlement agency is about to open in your town.

Here is what the Missoulian says about the decision by the federal government to seed Montana soon!

Now that it’s a reality, there’s much work to be done before a refugee resettlement office is up and running in Missoula.

“There’s a process through the (U.S.) State Department, which is already occurring, but it’s not instant,” Bob Johnson of the Seattle office of the International Rescue Committee said this week.

Coming to Montana once the IRC has a foothold! This is the IRC’s handiwork in Seattle! Somali refugees have gobbled up much of the public housing and are protesting a plan that would require them to pay a little more for that housing when they find a job. Signs in the back say “No Rent Hike.”

The IRC announced last week it had the go-ahead from the State Department to lay the groundwork to establish an office in Missoula for the second time. Johnson was at the ground level when the first one opened in 1979 to help hundreds of people fleeing persecution in Southeast Asia – most of them Hmong from the highlands of Laos – after the Vietnam War.

Today, the IRC is one of nine resettlement agencies in the U.S. The Missoula office will be the 27th in the nation for IRC, the most recent opening in Tallahassee, Florida, in March 2015.

Missoula was the first to announce plans to open this fiscal year, which began in October. The Obama administration raised from 70,000 to 85,000 the number of refugees the nation will accept in fiscal 2016. It also bumped up to 10,000 the number of refugees the U.S. will accept from Syria, an act that has escalated fears of domestic terrorism in the U.S.


IRC’s handiwork in Seattle! Somali refugees have gobbled up much of the public housing and are protesting a plan that would require them to pay a little more for that housing when they find a job. Signs in the back say “No Rent Hike.”

Pay attention to this next part! The nine ‘non-profit’ federal contractors sit around a table once a week in Washington and decide where to send each refugee.

“They process the refugees who’ve been accepted and assign them to the nine different agencies that work with them,” said Johnson. “They have an allocations meeting once a week that all the agencies attend. There’s a formula of who gets which cases, and then the agencies will assign them to local offices based on capacity, language capacity, the existing population that’s already there and so on.”

The IRC’s application to the State Department’s Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration for a Missoula office proposed a staff of 2 1/2 positions – an executive director, a caseworker and a half-time finance manager. The latter job is expected to bloom into a full-time position when numbers warrant it.


The placement of a resettlement office has touched off a barrage of protests from all quarters of the state, many citing security issues. Mayor John Engen, most Missoula City Council members and all three county commissioners have publicly supported it and voiced confidence that the screening process is adequate.

First, concerned citizens of Montana must contact the local elected officials and ask to see the IRC’s “application to the State Department” and the R & P Abstract.

The Mayor, City Council, and Commissioners must have those documents!  If those elected officials claim they never saw them and were not involved in their preparation then you can be sure they have let you down!  They are not doing their jobs to protect their citizens both financially and security-wise.

Then if you suspect that they do have the documents and are simply not making them public, use whatever Public Information/Freedom of Information law you have in Montana to obtain them.

And, while you are at it, be sure to research the legal structure of Miss Mary’s Soft Landings, get their incorporation papers with the state (usually through the State Attorney General’s Office).  IRC will certainly have to incorporate a non-profit in the state as well.  See if you can find out if that process is underway.

Find out if Montana has a state refugee coordinator.  Tell the public who that is.

Some concerned citizens should also be publishing a state-wide blog or website to publish everything you learn about the program in the state and identify all of the elected officials and groups like the Chamber of Commerce (cheap labor!) pushing the resettlement.  And, always remember they hide behind the humanitarian mask, but somewhere there are some global business interests looking to assure a steady supply of cheap immigrant labor to the state—find out who they are!

Bottomline is to get your facts and publish them!  The only way this program has become so advanced over the last 30 plus years is that it has operated in virtual secrecy.  Demand transparency!

Photo:  See my December 2014 post about the housing proposal being protested by the Somali ‘community.’ Work! Pay more rent!


Tone deaf in Colorado Springs! We welcome Syrian Muslim refugees

Office of Refugee Resettlement finally releasES 2014 report to Congress

On the day of the Brussel’s carnage, a man writing from Germany reports on the annihilation of Western civilization

Obama’s State Department Blocks U.S. Victims’ Claims against Palestinian Terror Group Hamas

Yesterday, the AFP reported deputy  State Department spokesman, Mark Toner releasing  a statement in would intervene in  a landmark federal court ruling a claim of $650 million for U.S. citizens killed or injured in 33 acts by Palestinian terrorist groups, “U.S. intervenes in case against Palestinians over Israel attacks.”  Their rationale, it would bankrupt the corrupt Palestinian Authority that has reportedly stashed away billions of EU and international NGO donations. The AFP wrote:

A U.S. jury in February found the Palestinian Authority (PA) and Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) liable for the six attacks between 2002 and 2004, which killed 33 people and wounded more than 390 others.

The families were awarded more than $218 million in damages, which was automatically tripled to about $650 million, according to the regulations outlined in the U.S. anti-terrorism act.

The U.S. State Department said it had filed a Statement of Interest — not on behalf of either party — but to express concerns over the possible bond amount that could be issued in the case, according to deputy spokesman Mark Toner.

The bond amount would be required for the Palestinian Authority to appeal the decision.

The filing cited “U.S. concerns about the harms that could arise if the ability of the Palestinian Authority (PA) to operate as a governmental authority is severely compromised,” said Toner.

Palestinian PLO of the Fatah  Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades are seen standing guard on the roof of a building

It also said “critical US national security and foreign policy interests” should be considered, while acknowledging victim compensation was important.

It pointed to “U.S. government interests in supporting the rights of victims of terrorism to vindicate their interests in federal court and to receive just compensation for their injuries,” Toner said.

The landmark trial lasted more than five weeks, and the 12-member jury decided unanimously that the PA and PLO were liable on 25 separate counts connected to the attacks.

The bombings and shootings were carried out by Hamas and the Al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigades — blacklisted as terrorist organizations in the United States — during the second Palestinian uprising against Israel.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review.

American Jewish Baby Killed by Hamas Terrorist in Jerusalem


Insert is photo of three month old Chaya Zisel Braun. Photo courtesy NBC Channel 4 New York.

Three month old Chaya Zisel Braun was run down and killed at the Silwan Light Rail Station in Jerusalem by a Hamas terrorist, 21 year-old Abdel Rahman  Al-Shalodi. Eight other persons were injured in the crowd he ploughed into on the station platform. Ha’aretz reported:

According to witnesses, Al-Shalodi drove the car 14 meters on the tracks itself, hitting disembarking passengers and continuing on along the length of the track. He stopped after hitting a pole a few hundred meters down and then attempted to flee on foot, when he was shot, arrested, and hospitalized.


An eyewitness reported seeing the car hit the mother and baby and continue plowing through the crowd. “The stroller was shattered and the mother was screaming.


The stroller flew into the air and the baby was found 10 meters away from the stroller.”

Hamas issued a statement calling Al-Shaludi’s murder of Chaya Zisel an “act of heroism”.

Al-Shaludi  had served  time  in an Israeli prison on terrorist-related charges.  Chaya Zisel  parents and visiting grandparents from America, the Halperins, grieved for their loss. Shimon Halperin and his wife had just arrived in Israel on their first visit after their birth of their granddaughter to see Chaya Zisel. Instead they were rushed  to Hadassah Hospital  on Mount Scopus   Chaya  succumbed to her injuries and  was laid to rest  at a Jerusalem cemetery  at midnight, Wednesday, October 22nd.  Al -Shaludi’s  mother,  did not acknowledging her son’s murderous action.   The Times of Israel  reported 42 year old Inas Sharif  saying “I feel [Chaya’s mother’s pain, I am a mother after all. I don’t wish for any mother in the world to lose her child.”

 Biased media  obfuscated what occurred on Wednesday  at the Silwan Light Rail stop in Jerusalem located at the bottom of Ammunition Hill.

What passes for the leadership of the Palestinian Authority (PA)  stoked the violence that broke out during the recent Sukkoth holiday.  The AP had an initial headline, “ Israeli Police shoot man in East Jerusalem”  and only after complaints about it being misleading changed it to read,  “Palestinian Kills Baby at Jerusalem Station. “ The  U.S. consulate in Jerusalem issued statement hours after the event  calling it a “traffic incident”.  When the news caught up  at Foggy Bottom  they called it an act of terrorism, but with the usual proviso of  “all parties remaining calm.”  Jen Psaki  State Department Press Spokesperson made  the following statement:

The United States condemns in the strongest possible terms today’s terrorist attack in Jerusalem. We express our deepest condolences to the family of the baby, reportedly an American citizen, who was killed in this despicable attack, and extend our prayers for a full recovery to those injured. We urge all sides to maintain calm and avoid escalating tensions in the wake of this incident.

Jerusalem Mayor  Nir Barkat said:

We must restore peace to Jerusalem – as I said for months, the situation in Jerusalem is intolerable and we must be acting unequivocally against the violence taking place in the city,

Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu put the blame squarely on the PA leadership. He said:

This is how Abu Mazen’s  partners in government act, the same Abu Mazen who – only a few days ago – incited  a terrorist attack in Jerusalem.

Khaled Abu Toameh  squarely put the blame for the eruption of violence in Jerusalem  on PA President Abbas in a Gatestone Institute article, today, “Abbas’s Responsibility for Murder.” Toameh wrote:

To understand what drives a young Palestinian to carry out such a deadly attack, one need look at the statements of Palestinian Authority leaders during the past few weeks.

The anti-Israel campaign of incitement reached its peak with Abbas’s speech at the UN a few weeks ago, when he accused Israel of waging a “war of genocide” in the Gaza Strip. Abbas made no reference to Hamas’s crimes against both Israelis and Palestinians.

Whatever his motives, it is clear that the man who carried out the most recent attack, was influenced by the messages that Abbas and the Palestinian Authority leadership have been sending their people.

Toameh drew attention  to the record of incitement  perpetrated by Abbas and  his cohorts like chief negotiator Saeb Erekat .  They concocted  the hate that led to Wednesday ‘s vehicular homicide by  al-Shalodi.  There was  Abbas’ UN General Assembly speech in September accusing Israel of waging  a “war of Genocide” in the 50-day war against  terrorist group Hamas in Gaza.  This from a man who ordered Palestinian security to cooperate with Israel  during the rocket and terror tunnel conflict fomented by his partner in the unity government, Hamas.   Abbas used the Sukkoth visits to the Kotel to inflame Palestinian. That  resulted in Israeli police cordoning off the Al Aqsa Mosque preventing Palestinians from raining rocks and Molotov cocktails on  the festival crowd of observant Jews below.  Abbas railed about Jewish desecration of Islamic  holy places. Abbas said:

We must prevent them from entering the Noble Sanctuary by all means. This is our Al-Aqsa. Al-Aqsa is a red line: Israel must be aware that the ongoing raids and attacks on Al-Aqsa will cause a volcanic explosion in the area that will reach Israel. Jerusalem is the eternal capital of the State of Palestine, and without it, there will be no state.

The flash point for al-Shalodi’s  terrorist act was reports that Jewish  “settlers” were buying buildings in the Silwan  section in Jerusalem.   The National , published in the UAE had  a  report that vaulted  to world coverage  when it popped up on Yahoo News, “By hook or by crook, settlers rack up gains in East Jerusalem.” The report looks suspiciously like hate filled PA agit-propaganda , tantamount to throwing oil on the fire of the “silent Intifada”.

By fair means or foul, Jewish settlers are notching up property gains in the heart of Arab east Jerusalem through a series of shady deals involving front men or straw companies.

The process by which such properties are acquired is shrouded in mystery, with the new Jewish occupants often moving in under the cover of darkness to avoid confrontation with residents.

The latest controversial acquisitions took place in Silwan, a densely populated Palestinian neighborhood on a steep hillside flanking the southern walls of Jerusalem’s Old City.

In the past three weeks, hardline settlers have moved into 35 apartments there, sparking anger and consternation among Palestinians who vehemently oppose such moves as a hostile attempt to Judaise Silwan.

Some were allegedly acquired fraudulently, and others legally.

Jewish groups buying up property in the heart of Arab neighborhoods is an explosive political issue because it touches on the future of east Jerusalem, which the Palestinians want as capital of a future state.

The reality is that Jerusalem is Israel’s eternal and undivided capital. East Jerusalem was formally annexed  by the Knesset on June 28, 1967, reunified following the Six Day War.. Earlier this month we posted on the Iconoclast:

The President and State Department condemned  Netanyahu’s announcement of 2,610 apartments in Givat Hamatos completing the Jewish areas of the municipality and separation from Bethlehem.   The Administration said the move would “poison relations” among Israel’s allies.  Nir Barkat , Mayor of Jerusalem,  took exception to the Administration’s criticism of the building program noting that it was anti-discriminatory and had been approved over two years ago.  Nearly half of those apartments were allocated for Arabs. There were death threats against Arab property brokers for sales of apartments to Jews in the Silwan section of Jerusalem, that prior to the War for Independence had been occupied by Jews.

Wednesday’s vehicular homicide of three month old Chaya Zisel Braun was perpetrated by Hamas terrorist al-Shaludi  with  PA President Abbas, as  an accomplice after the fact for inciting the terrorist act.

EDITORS NOTE: This column originally appeared in the New English Review. Photos courtesy of NER.

Homosexual group demands that U.S. State Department hire special “gay” czar to push LGBT agenda

On Sept. 4, the homosexual-transgender group “Human Rights Campaign” sent out a blast email demanding that US Secretary of State John Kerry appoint a special “gay czar” in the State Department to coordinate the pressure against countries that have refused to buckle under to the LGBT agenda. The email rants about the “infamous anti-LGBT extremist Scott Lively” who is helping other countries fight back!

Here’s the email they sent to their thousands of supporters:

For a larger view click on the image.

It looks like we’re being pretty effective in thwarting their agenda around the world!