The Ransacking of America

Ransacking: To go hurriedly through (a place) stealing things and causing damage.

We are seeing the ransacking of America. It is happening from the neighborhoods of cities to our Southern border, to the U.S. Capital and even in the White House.

Here’s a video of a criminal flash mob ransacking a 7-Eleven store in Los Angeles, California. This in the local vernacular is referred to as a “Street Takeover.”

KTLA’s in an article titled What is a street takeover and how is social media fueling the illegal activity? reported,

Illegal street takeovers have become a common occurrence in Los Angeles that authorities warn can turn deadly.

Takeovers typically involve “flash mobs” of hundreds of spectators and several cars that arrive in a coordinated manner at specific intersections, or even interstates, and blocking traffic to speed and show off dangerous stunts like drifting.

As vehicles turn and screech through intersections, spinning dangerously close to cheering crowds, the stunts are often filmed by onlookers and posted on social media — which police say generates even more interest in the illegal activity.

Illegal street racing has always been part of L.A.’s car culture, but police say the practice has changed over the years. KTLA spoke with Los Angeles Police Department traffic group Cmdr. Al Pasos about the issue.

Social media has been helping large groups of people get to the locations quicker, Pasos told KTLA.

Read more.

Today we see social media helping and even enabling the ransacking of America. Street Takeovers are being enabled by social media, just as social media is enabling the Democrat’s Takeover of America.

Biden’s Border Crisis Flash Mobs

We Americans are also witnesses to another form of flash mob on our Southern border.

A majority of Americans say President Biden is allowing a southern border invasion, according to a poll commissioned by taxpayer-supported, left-wing propaganda outlet National Public Radio (NPR).

Fifty-four percent of all respondents believe the term “invasion” is valid; that includes 76 percent of Republicans, 46 percent of independents, and even 40 percent of Democrats.

A mere 19 percent of all respondents — less than one in five — said the term is false.

Just as criminals ransacking convenience stores is Los Angeles, California so too are illegal aliens ransacking America by criminally crossing our borders.

Watch  this video showing that Biden’s border crisis continues with ‘no sign of stopping’,

And this video explaining why current crisis at the border is “just the beginning.”

Finally, watch Biden’s Department of Homeland Security border agents unlock a private gate to let illegal aliens into America.

The Bottom Line

The ransacking of America is real and happening at an accelerated rate.

This became crystal clear when the FBI ransacked the home of a former President of the United States. Just like a criminal flash mob, enabled by a judge, they hurriedly went through Mar-a-Lago stealing things and causing damage.

These federal government agents didn’t just damage property they unconstitutionally damaged the rule of law.

Whether it is on lawlessness on the streets of Los Angeles, at our Southern border or via federal tax and spend policies in Washington, D.C. Americans are being ransacked. Their jobs, savings, retirement accounts are all being ransacked to promote socialist policies, a.k.a. diversity, equity and inclusion (DIE).


ANSWER: For Democrat Politicians, Crime Pays

The Daily Skirmish’s Christopher Wright reports,

Seattle’s leaders have decided this is a perfect time to go even softer on crime.  Fatal shootings may be at a record pace, and a lot of officers may have resigned after the city defunded the police but, hey, it’s a perfect time to give dangerous juvenile and adult offenders who steal cars, sell drugs, and take guns to school a chance to stay out of jail.  Why?  Because the criminal justice system is racist, homophobic, and transphobic, you see. So the city figures it will be better to divert these cases out of the criminal justice system entirely and put them in front of a panel of left-wing activists who will show ‘understanding’ and ‘compassion’ and decide how, if at all, to hold the offenders accountable – kumbaya.  I can’t wait for the first time one of those activists gets mugged.  We’ll see what they think then.

Seattle’s leaders aren’t the only ones who have lost their minds.  Another Democrat, John Fetterman, Senate candidate in Pennsylvania, wants to let one-third of the people in prison out on the streets because, he says, everyone will be safer or better off that way.  Sure.  Two Democrats running for Congress in Colorado voted while in the state legislature to reduce the penalty for felony murder at the same time the homicide rate was spiking in Denver.  They also voted to lower the penalty for the possession of fentanyl and other hard drugs, and now opioid overdose deaths in the state are up 54 percent.  Way to go, Democrats!

Being soft on crime has other real consequences.  Starbucks closed 16 stores because, in the words of its CEO, “America has become unsafe.”  “Many more” store closures are coming, he said.  The Chicago Bears want to leave Chicago for the suburbs because of high crime in the city, despite being offered $2.2 billion in incentives to stay.  Chicago police are making fewer arrests in response to the increased level of dangerousness and the Woke vilification of their efforts.  Woke vilification is also a factor in police officers leaving the force faster than they can be replaced in other Democrat-run cities – Portland, Philadelphia, and L.A. – as well as New York City where suspects let out under the state’s no-bail law are often quickly rearrested.  That law has emboldened criminals in the Big Apple, with over $2 million in jewelry being taken in one recent smash-and-grab heist.  The no-bail law was adjusted this year to allow judges to consider repeat offenses in setting bail for some crimes.  New York City Mayor Eric Adams wants further reforms in cases where public safety is involved, but the state’s Governor is against it.

Read more.

Law and order stops crime and tries criminals. Today we have no law and order we have the new normal, the “wokeness” of street and national takeovers enabled by politicians from the school house to the White House.

The moral of this story: If you want crime to go up, vote Democrat.  It surely will, as night follows day.

To understand just look around you.

©Dr. Rich Swier. All rights reserved.

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